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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Funny, when the opposite would seem to be more true. NAZI stands for National SOCIALISTIC German Workers Party. The key idea here is about being SOCIALIST, which is not what conservatives believe in.
  2. It's just sad to see. The officials are not being consistent. You should never let your ego as a high level official change the outcome of a game. Gulsh dern it.
  3. Brings to mind the Herschel Walker trade, that made Dallas a dominant team for almost a decade, or the Ricky Williams trade by Da Coach. Bet he wishes he had that one back.
  4. No, not at all like that. I wasn't around on December 8th, 1941, but people who were, say it was more like that. I don't remember 9/12 being about an obnoxious celebration of regime change, at least not here in the United States of America.
  5. Ya know that guy that beheaded his wife in Buffalo, he had a 7/11
  6. Only a dozen virgins? Damn, we are sending way too many of those MF's to their final glory. The used to get 72 each upon arrival. Must be running low.
  7. In my earlier post, this is what I was getting at. How soon would someone try to tie these two events together? I'm not surprised.
  8. I know exactly what you mean. I went to this emergency room once that just wouldn't do, full of Mexicans and the like. I know my daughter's broken arm hurt a lot, but we drove around till we found a better one.
  9. The Bible is actually an excellent attempt at a compilation of history, for it's time.
  10. I think Oakland is where a white rail cop shot a young black guy handcuffed on the platform a while back. Wonder if there are tensions.
  11. Saw this cowboy get destroyed by this bull at a rodeo once. But he popped right up, and brushed himself off. Told everybody he was fine. He went back to his hotel room and slept for days. Nobody could find him. Obviously, some kind of concussion, and could have been dangerous. What can you do?
  12. So the clinic and paramedics are exonerated of making any miscalculations about the situation at hand? Sounds good to me. I won't pretend I know. Here's my take. Could she have died if this were Aspen or Vail? Very possibly. Very possibly not. Could mistakes have been part of the mix, here (USA) or there? Don't know. Why the delays? I have no idea. I expect the answers will come out. Doesn't sound like anybody is trying to hide anything. If the whole point of the thread is about which country has the better health care, one incident doesn't answer that.
  13. "Our system isn't set up for traumas and doesn't match what's available in other Canadian cities, let alone in the States," Tarek Razek, director of trauma services for the McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, which represents six of the city’s hospitals, told the Associated Press. This isn't about Canada. I'm sure first responders did their best. Still a shame. People die all the time. A few years back, a friend of mine, a 50 year old college professor, had a massive heart attack on the basketball court at the college where we had a noon time pick up game. Amazingly, the college had just gotten new equipment to shock someone back to life in an emergency, and just as amazingly, one of the staff had just completed training on how to use it. And he was there. Jim lives today, with no apparent brain damage (at least no worse). We later heard, less than one percent of people that had what he had even live. That's not just good care, that's excellent luck.
  14. A head injury patient refused treatment at TWO hospitals??? I'm sure there is more to this story.
  15. The way the story is coming out now, makes you wonder. Bump your head in Canada, you might be !@#$ed. Two hospitals there didn't know what to do??? It's not like she couldn't afford treatment. Damn shame.
  16. Ugh..don't need to see it again.
  17. Thanks, just trying out some new material;. 10 thousand comedians out of work, but I have hope.
  18. Being Irish and all, my parents always made us drink everything. "Finish that, there are children in Africa that are sober."
  19. I heard the shuttle launch, the other evening. At first I didn't know what it was. I was resting and heard what I thought might be a car playing loud music with the window down. Then I thought, fireworks. I got up and looked outside, and became alarmed. I could see a jagged smokey and fiery trail in the sky and could hear explosions. I though "Oh no, not again." I was in Orlando that morning when Challenger blew up, and remember seeing the jagged trail. And I was in Texas that morning the Columbia fell apart above us. I had nothing to do with either of these disasters, as far as you know. So what if Nixon was in Dallas when Kennedy was shot. So what! Anyhow, I was relieved to find out after running to the TV, that everything was OK. My brother came home a little bit later and said "Did ya see the shuttle go off? Red White and Blue." Yeah. I guess I had never been this close, with the sun having set, with the rockets producing such a spectacular show in the sky high above, where the sun was still shining against the clouds and all.
  20. The last time I played water polo, I nearly drank myself to death as well. Not to be confused with Marco Polo, which I'm much better at, or that silly game the Brit's play with mallets and horses. Hmmmm. Now, water polo with horses, mallets, and blind folds, that would be something.
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