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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. I noticed, and was wondering if I'd missed a rule change. Our coaches weren't complaining.
  2. That certainly dispels what McDermitt said when he got here. That he believed the Bills were "close."
  3. Strongly considering the Texans game on Oct 14.
  4. Starting a rookie behind that line would be a mistake. Peterman will be in trouble as well. They need another QB.
  5. Terry Bradshaw only completed 38 percent of his passes in his rookie season, and threw 24 interceptions.
  6. I was in Miami on business, when the Bills also were in town. Just showed up at the stadium and paid $20 to a scalper. Hit the tailgates and made friends. The stadium was half Bills fans. Bills came in 5-2 but somehow lost. Still had a lot of fun. Even the dolphin fans were pretty cool that day.
  7. I agree. And along with that, I would also suggest bringing in Advocare nutritional supplements. The NFL players that are Advocare guys don't seem to get hurt very often. It's world class nutrition that makes a difference. Guys like Jason Witten, Drew Brees. Even former Bill, Scott Chandler. Most athletes take some kind of supplements. These are just really good.
  8. Why are the Bills faced with so many challenge plays against them in the first place?
  9. Cassel leading the Cowboys over the Giants 13-7 with 2.00 in the first half. He is working behind probably the best line in NFL.
  10. The truth about this latest Waco fiasco is not being reported by the media. It was not a biker brawl or shootout. The authorities are lying through their teeth. It was a bi anual meeting of the The Texas Confederation of clubs and Independents, to talk about safety and other biker issues. The had a key note speaker ready to talk about a national meeting he had just been to. They have been meeting for 30 years. They usually meet at the Austin or Houston Twin Peaks. The only ones that knew there would be trouble were the police. How could that be. It's likely one of the Cossacks was an inbedded undercover cop or provocator. One of the bikers went up to another and fired a bullet into his shoulder. Then hundreds of bullets started to rain down from suppressed automatic gunfire. All nine of the dead and all but one of the wounded were likely shot by antsy ATF, FBI, ( yes they were there)Waco snipers (there were 10). Then the police arrested all the eye witnesses. The police have refused to release the restaurant surveillance video. They are not disclosing the autopsy or ballistic reports. There is a cover up going on, but it won't work this time. Stay tuned.
  11. Yeah, unless it's happening to you, it's pretty much unbelievable. I'm sure at the Salem witch trials, those women couldn't believe what was happening to them. But you don't have to look hard to see the crap that is becoming acceptable in this country. Just google "police misconduct. "My friend Antonio. A West Point grad. Stanford grad. Bronze Star. Served in Kosovo and Germany, and got seriously !@#$ed by these same Austin police. Started a national program call the peaceful streets movement. A much more courageous man than I. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngZsUs1yb-s
  12. I was actually there. So, no it never occured to me that I was wrong. The police really do have arrest quota's. And they count on people like you to believe a lie, rather than question an impossible act, and seek the truth. Confidential informants really do exist. Sarah McDonald really is Sarah Bryant. The judge really did quash my motion to discover. The system really is corrupt.
  13. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Travis County D.A. Rosemary Lehmberg loses a feather in her cap. Tom DeLay exonerated. But of course she's not done. She is one tough lesbian. She has no ethics and no moral compass other than blind loyalty to the Democratic party. If only I had Tom DeLay's money. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/09/travis_countys_da_vows_to_pursue_tom_delay.html
  14. Most troubling is that this was not a failure of the system to work. It worked rather well for the people deliberately misusing the system for their own purposes. This was not some vindictive crazy person making an allegation, and the police not doing their jobs. This was the police, the people we count on to protect all of us, staging a hoax. The woman was just a pawn who wanted out of her theft charge. It's amazing that that the judge knew this, but still allowed the fact she was a criminal to be hidden from me. I would never have agreed to deferred adjudication if I had known what was going on. This is not law enforcement. This is not justice. I's also mind staggering that since I've uncovered all this, no one wants to set things right. Not my legislative representative, not the U.S. Attorney's office, not the ACLU, or the F.B.I. Of course the F.B.I.'s job these days is framing Muslims into being terrorists. They probably looked at this and thought , damn...never would of thought of that. Next time we frame some guy named Achmed for building a bomb in his basement, lets say he was masterbating at the same time.
  15. I would never have classified myself that way. Take pride in knowing I try hard to understand viewpoints I don't agree with. Austin is a liberal Meca and is a big part of my problem. F.I. an openly gay D.A. not wanting to be seen as soft on a sex charge. Must be politically correct. The truth be damned.
  16. No, don't have to register. Part of the plea deal. It all gets sealed, and forgotten. Not by me of course. Supposedly. But, how do you trust people who deliberately misuse the system to screw innocent people and extort money, I don't know. But I can fight them better, and will continue to do so, when this is behind me. The real trouble is that my situation is not isolated. We have a guy here who did 25 years for killing his wife. DNA has exonerated him and he's out. But they had the DNA seven years ago, but wouldn't allow justice to happen. The then D.A., now a sitting judge, suppressed evidence back then. He's in a bit of hot water now, finally, but still goes to work at his judge job every day.
  17. P.O. says I've done enough time with no violations. Can end it early if current with the money (all they ever really wanted). They really want this to go away. I'm worn out.
  18. Just an update for anyone interested. If you recall, I was falsely arrested in Texas in 2011 on a sex charge. The State's entire case against me was an eye witness. Turns out the eye witness was using a false name, and was working a plea deal for the same court I was appearing in. She had arrests for family violence and for theft from Kohl's department store. The D.A and the judge deliberately hid this information. The U.S attorney's office, The F.B.I., the local media, and my state representative all now know what happened. But no one is interested in doing the right thing. So, just like most third world countries, Texas is willing to let me buy my way off probation. If you can help, here is a website with more information.http://wacojames.wix.com/fundin-for-defence Thanks.
  19. We won six games this year, but not a single game against someone with a winning season. The Dolphins were best at 7-9.
  20. Peyton Manning. Now owns 21 pizza joints in a state that just legalized marijuana. Gold.
  21. I want to know why she lied. I don't want her to do it to anyone else. I would prefer she be found out, and I be completely exonerated. What's to prevent her from making up a story about me again?
  22. In a nutshell, my attorneys were worried what a drama queen could do to a jury. People not smart enough to know how to get out of jury duty. George Carlin once said, think about how stupid the average person is. Then realize that half the people are even dumber than that. It took some doing, but with 50 trial experiences under their belts, they convinced me the only way to guarantee that I would be not guilty, was to agree to deferred adjudication. In the end, their lack of confidence, made me lose confidence in them. So, after about a year of supervision (probation), everything gets dismissed and sealed. The prosecution doesn't get what it wanted. I stand not guilty of anything today. Travis counties' 98 percent conviction rate doesn't go up or down because of me. I am not sure I did the right thing, however. But the judge was threatening to send me back to jail. I would have lost everything, again, over the same lie. We never knew if a trial was a go or not. My new job, all my things, again. The state does not ever want to admit it is wrong. It's been my life experience, everyone answers to somebody. In the 15 years I officiated high school basketball, sure I was in charge. But ultimately, the chapter game assigner, and the coaches decided if I worked or not. At every game, there was someone in charge of me. Somewhere in the building, there was an administrator--in charge of me. In my career in sales, sure I was sort of my own boss, but my customers had to be taken care of. Or else. My company needed me to be productive. Or else. Everyone answers to someone. This judge, this prosecutor. The dirty cops. These people need to be held accountable. There are people in charge of this judge, this prosecutor and these cops. When I have told people my story, I almost always get asked the question, "why would anyone do that?" As if, I was supposed to know the answer. Well, I want to know, more than ever. I may be the only one. I want answers. Why me? Why did these people take their dogs to the part of Bartin Springs where people take their dogs to play in the water, but these people's dogs never went in the water. Just kept sniffing my bags. Why did the white haired cop leer at me through the glass while I was handcuffed in a locked police car? Was he trying to act out to any onlookers that he just wanted to see what one of them there preverts looked like? I worked in TV news for only six months. At KCEN we rolled on car accidents, fires, plane crashes. Sometimes we got there before the first responders. But that was rare. Went to the prison to interview a guy on death row. The point being, I've seen some ****. Dead bodies, blood, crying children. The point is, there is no way a white haired policeman is going to be fascinated by having a closer look at some creep. Acting out some charade. First things first, I want to know everything possible about Sarah McDonald. My efforts so far have yielded nothing. It's as if she is in the witness protection program. Most people leave footprints. It's as if she never existed. The other guy, Jamie Beebe, has some craigslist postings. Apparently, he knows how to run a backhoe. He has a juvenile criminal background. The city of Austin successfully managed to have that ruled inadmissible. As far as I'm concerned, this woman has gotten away with murder. Normal people don't behave this way. Who the hell is she? Did she go through a bad divorce? Was she raped? Why can't I find anything on her? I saw a guy in Miami, on the train, expose himself to a young woman. He took deranged delight in her reaction. He was mentally ill. My instinct was was to move away, to move to another part of the train. Not follow him to a convenient place and call police. There has to be a way to find out who this woman is. The serenity prayer says grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change. But it also says grant me the COURAGE to change the things I can. What happened to me is unacceptable. In the end, everybody lied except me. The prosector and the judge lied to my lawyers. My lawyers lied to me. System failure.
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