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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. NO WAY you take Hali or Kiwi at #8 (barring a suprise combine showing...which i still think you shouldnt go by). If thats the way it goes, take a look at Jimmy Williams. I think J. Williams is the only other guy who should be taken in our slot (possibly Ngata, but im not sold on him). He would fill a need vacated by clements, who could be moved for a #1 or #2 pick. Take williams, trade clements, pick up Marcus McNeil or Gabe Watson later on in the first with the clements pick...seems to solve alot of problems. OR...trade the pick and move down. Someone will want cutler or J. Williams or D. Williams.
  2. result change dramatically if you use XL and III
  3. Hmm...and who would play quarterback? Testaverde?
  4. They had 9 last year without TO... Now if they can get a QB...watch out.
  5. I hate the term felons...because the first thing that comes to my mind is the falcons, cuz its spelled close to felons. Then I think of the raiders, and then realize its the dolfins. Sometimes I even think of the ravens because...well...they are.
  6. Well, I hope you enjoy the game none-the-less. Kick back and relax, if only for a couple hours. And keep up all the good work you guys are doing over there!
  7. Hmm...I got chastized and called a "newbie" for a "nm" once...apparently all the veterans here say "belinda" instead. SDS must be a newbie too. ***BLINK***
  8. No, No it didnt... The market DID NOT CRASH UNDER BUSH. It crashed under clinton. Bush has not had a booming market, but it has not been as terrible as people seem to think it is.
  9. No, I do not believe one second that the president is responsible for the behavior of the stock market. But I am sick of people talking about how great the market was because of Clintons policies. People forget that the market pretty much tanked towards the tail end of clintons term, and has been stagnant during bush's term, but somehow clinton gets alot of credit here and bush gets slammed (due to his policies). I intentionally phrased my previous post to make that point. I understand the DOW is only 30 stocks...but it is a widely used indicator of stock market performance (ESPECIALLY amungst the bush is bad for the stock market crowd who dont know better) and tracks fairly closely with the S&P. The point remains the same if the S&P is used vice the DJIA.
  10. Sorry, didnt see the other post. I did a search for 'food' not 'menu'
  11. Whats on YOUR menu? Mine: Pizza, Meatballs, Chips, Nachos, Artichoke Dip, Vegge Platter (for the ladies), Shrimp and Cheesecake.
  12. IF he fails, it will be due to his inability to handle critisizm and the culture of the NFL. He has the talent, and will develop if he can keep his head in it. And I think he can.
  13. Ask yourself this question. How has the stock market performed under george w. bush? Answer the question then click on this link for the answer. http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/chart...t=Refresh+Chart I understand stock market does not (necessarily) indicate economy growth.
  14. I was really expecting to see a listing of "Jim Rome is burning" and "Quite Frankly"
  15. Exactly. This is my policy: Vote Libertarian or Constitutional party unless the election appears to be very close, then vote republican. 3rd parties hate me because I dont automatically vote for them...but I cant let us be peroted into 8 years of bill clinton again. (and I assume the dems will say nadared into 8 years of bush).
  16. So his options are 1) Work and Get paid 2) Dont work and get paid. Doesnt seem like such a tough decision after all!
  17. I think this would require 2 bumper stickers.
  18. I know this does not seem like a priority, but if Moulds IS let go, are you really ready to go into next season with Josh Reed or Roscoe Parrish being our #2? And our only depth being Aiken and George Wilson? Evans/Reed/Parrish...wow, we really need some size.
  19. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AvJN...ov=ap&type=lgns "A woman answering the phone at Mularkey's house said he was unavailable." Gee.. I really hope that was his wife!
  20. More proof its atlanta http://www.citiscapes-art.com/cities2/atlanta.htm For arguments sake..here is philadelphia http://www.citiscapes-art.com/cities2/philadelphia.htm and here is what they SHOULD have used http://www.citiscapes-art.com/cities2/buffalo.htm
  21. Duh. I still cant believe someone (or a bunch of someones) actually sat around and said "ya know what...I bet if we federalize airport security, we can do a much better job at a much cheaper price" Morons. Name ONE area of government where they actually do a good job of responsibly managing their finances.
  22. Of course they can always change the rules...but I dont believe they will because its not in the best interest of the NFL to allow public ownership.
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