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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Some of you are getting they salary cap number, and the actual amount of cash paid to a player in a given year mixed up. Be careful. They are 2 completly different animals.
  2. There should be one exception... the land taken from justice souter to build the freedom hotel. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,161051,00.html
  3. The problem is that some of you are not looking at the totality of this picture. All you see is the large cap # on moulds and the 5 mil we can save cutting him. You have to also realize that IF we cut moulds, we need another WR. Another WR is going to come with a 3-4 mil cap hit this season, negating most of the "savings". So for a 1M savings, you get another WR who has to learn the offense, more changes for a growing quarterback, lose a fan favorite player and uncertainty of performance. Keep EM. At least for one more year. Then deal with it.
  4. Doesnt make alot of sense...but then again, it is the jets. 1) it will take alot to get that pick 2) they are guarenteed one of the big 3 QBs will be there at #4 3) If they get the #1, why not bush? 4) The way things are looking, who says leinert isnt there at #4? It would be interesting if they got the #1 and took leinert. What does NO do? Do they take bush? or go QB as well (their real need). Talk about throwing a wrench into everything.
  5. One of the funniest reporter/athlete exchanges happened Saturday when Boston Herald scribe John Tomase was talking with Boston College defensive end Mathias Kiwanuka. The snippet, verbatim: Tomase: "Someone brought up Rosevelt Colvin earlier. During the (New England Patriots') season, he talked about how much he loved sacks. He said on the field it's all he cares about: 'I want sacks. I don't want tackles or interceptions, I want sacks.' Do you have that kind of feeling on the field?" Kiwanuka: "Do I think of sex on the field?" Tomase (mortified): "No! Sacks – SACKS! Good God. I was wondering why you were smiling so much." Kiwanuka (laughing): "I was wondering where you were going with that." Tomase: "Sorry – Boston accent."
  6. No. I wouldnt have. It was a gutsy (and good) pick for the colts. However, they probably would have been better served trading down 5-10 slots and taking him then. Hard to argue with the pick now, but at the time it was a very suspect pick.
  7. Yeah, that was impressive. Unfortunatly #8 is too early to take him, and he wont be available in round 2. However, I wouldnt mind taking a look at kudla in round 3 or 4 (if he lasts that long)
  8. Yeah, somone comes to you and says "i want you to keep doing your job, in fact, try to do it better...but I need to cut your salary in half...if you agree to it" What are you going to do? Laugh? Even if you thought you could never make that much money again at another place of employment, its in your best interest to play hardball. This is what EM is doing, and I cant blame him for it one bit. Does he want to go elsewhere? I dont know, nobody here does either. It seems to make sense he might want to, but we cant know without him telling us. I'd like him back one more year. We have too many holes to fill as is, and dont need to add WR to the list of holes. The money we are going to save on releasing EM is gong to be eaten up by another WR. I just assume we keep EM at his current salary and deal with it next season.
  9. QB Chad Pennington $15,000,000 cap # $3,000,000 savings if released... OUCH! Some big names on this list
  10. wow, there is no way #10 is big enough to be an OL in the NFL
  11. I have a hard time believing a QB as good as (???) McCown would want to come to buffalo, knowing he has to prove to everyone he is better than Losman and Holcomb, and could wind up as a #3 QB. Dont get me wrong, if he signs up for it, Great!...but it doesnt make much sense from his POV.
  12. I'm sure we will talk to him. I am sure we will also talk to reggie bush. I dont think it means anything.
  13. So..what you are saying is... -Lets keep mike williams, and lets allow him to eat up EVEN MORE of the cap than he would have before. BRILLIANT!
  14. I think you are forgetting Vernon Davis...
  15. Not sure why you are listing using the franchise tag AND 5.9 million...the 2 go together like white on rice. But, yes. He is worth that. I am of the opinion Nate is not as good as Nate thinks he is. I dont think he is a top 10 corner in the league. But he is good. And in this market, he would fetch ALOT more than 5.9 mil. So we are getting a bargain here, and keep one hole in the sinking boat plugged for at least one more season. I like this move. I would like to trade him for a first rounder even more. My tune will completely change if we sign him to a Champ Bailey contract.
  16. Cutler has been shooting up the boards recently (ala Rivers). It wouldnt suprise me if, after the combine, he is the #1 or #2 QB on many teams draft boards. Combine that with the fact that Ten, NYJ and NO all need a QB (unless ten thinks volek is the long term solution), its possible picks 2-4 will be QBs. If nothing else, if cutler is on the board at #8, we may be able to field some interesting phone calls from arizona looking to leapfrog the Lions sitting at #10, and may still be able to get Ngata at #10, as detroit really doesnt need a DT. Draft day should be interesting... 1) Move down and STILL get ngata 2) One of the big 6 falls. Good possibilities of either of the above scenarios.
  17. JJ would be a good option IMO. We can look to the draft and see if we cant get Chad Jackson in the 2nd round, or Travis Wilson in the 3rd. Not many draft options..lets see, who are the FAs.. Some options here David Givens Reggie Wayne Antonio Bryant Nate Burleson Kevin Curtis Joe Jurivicious (Peerless Price...) I think any of the above (not in parenthesis) might be an adequate replacement for moulds. I'd still rather have EM than any of the above. But if it came down to it, I could live with Evans/Curtis/Parrish or Evans/Wayne/Parrish.
  18. Yeah, Teague was not good, but, at the right price, was a decent backup. No big deal though. But reed? the guy seemed to finally start coming into his own. Perhaps he wants a solid #2 gig somewhere. I'd still like to see him back...but not the end of the world. I think letting go of reed probably means moulds stays however. Young QB, loses 2 of his top 3 WRs, has a new TE (Everett), and (presumably) a revamped oline. He needs SOME consistency.
  19. As soon as he starts dominating when playing againsts teams best corner, then I will consider him a legit #1. I like lee alot. I think he is a great reciever. However, i think he benefits alot by having EM here. If we lose EM i think Evans will be hurting. Not to say he cant be another Holt, Harrison or Steve Smith...i think he can, but I also think his odds of doing that are better with a big physical EM type reciever opposite him.
  20. At least with takeo, i know who my favorite bill is. without him...I might have to look at Mike Gandy.
  21. Bills take the hit either way (cut or trade). Problem is, if it becomes evident we will cut him if we cant trade him, our bargaining ability goes down drastically (see LJ Shelton last year). In addition, there might not be a big benefit to another team trading for moulds. They have to honor his salary for 06, or restructure his contract. It might be cost benefitial for them to just sign him as a FA.
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