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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Didnt they push it back by "only a few hours" on sunday? Then scrap it and made a wednesday deadline?
  2. Positives: He bleeds team colors, will do anything for a ring. Negatives: Tends to overcommit, money-hungry and unwilling to listen.
  3. Jon Stewart came out a little nervous, and when the audience did not respond, he got more nervous. Then he settled into his own. I thought his opening was fine, and would have been funny in any other medium. I thought it was funny as is....but out of touch hollywood elitests didnt like it...excep spielberg...he did
  4. Seems like a decent post...but I cant get past the first 2 paragraphs to know for sure.
  5. The problem with this analysis is that we have not seen kevin evertt play yet. Vernon Davis is very good. I would love to have him in buffalo. But to essentially give up on everett without even seeing him on the field is tough to do.
  6. 3 RBs from 9 to 15? If we are doing a bills board, this is way too many. While Reggie Bush is unique in that he can compliment willis, and they can both be on the field at the same time, White, D. Williams and Maroney would replace willis. Even if you think thats an upgrade (and it may be), the step up is nowhere near getting a Chad Greenway. Also, while I like holmes alot, he is not the top WR on my board. Chad Jackson is. Holmes is an undersized burner. Much like Lee evans. and although every team can use a player of his calibur, we have one, and dont really need 2. we need a long term replacement to EM, and Chad Jackson could be that guy.
  7. It pretty much is. Restructure means you are mortgaging your future in an attempt to win today. This might be okay for teams like the colts...but it kills teams like the bills. The colts could resturcture all day, sign 2-3 key players and go on a 2-3 year run... Right now, cutting moulds will cost something like 5 mil in dead cap space. Restructure that and cut him next year, will result in 7mil in dead cap space. NOW...if he accepts a pay cut, it would work out allright (maybe). Or if he gets a contract extension it coudl work out okay..but he isnt getting any younger, so thats probably bad on a different level. IMO, we have only one option if EM will not accept a pay cut. KEEP HIM. Its not worth creating another hole this offseason. Cut him next offseason. The money saved is going to be spent aquiring another WR. Its not cost effective.
  8. Absolutley. There is so much Reggie Bush can do for your team. He doesnt need to REPLACE Willis, they can co-exist on the field at the same time. He is an invaluable resource on offense. If he falls to #8 (no way in h-e-doulble hockey sticks), I take him in a second. If I had thre #1 overall pick, I take bush in a second, end of story.
  9. Are you making a top 15 overall board, or your top 15 bills board? This is my top 15 BILLS board 1) Bush 2) Mario Williams 3) Hawk 4) Leinert 5) Ferguson 6) Vernon Davis 7) Huff 8) Ngata 9) Williams 10)Cutler 11) Hali 12)Young 13) Winston Justice 14) Chad Jackson 15) Chad Greenway
  10. Let this be a lesson to all those who dont understand how resturcturing contracts is bad for the cap in the long run.
  11. I dont know. They will make it up in spades if there is no salary cap in 2007.
  12. Assuming Moulds leaves... QB Losman RB McGahee FB Shelton WR Evans WR Parrish WR Aiken TE Everett RT Peters RG Vilarial C Preston LG Anderson LT Gandy Defensive Starters DT Sape DT Anderson DE Schobel DE Kelsay LB Spikes LB Fletcher LB Posey CB Clements (Maybe...) CB McGee FS Vincent SS Wire This is T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Besides upgrading the O-Line, we now desperatly need 2-3 DTs, a WR, FB, CB depth, a Starting SS and depth at FS. Damn.
  13. Oh, and the tag on Clements didnt help either
  14. Are you kidding? Wow.the Ax has come out. I wont recognize this team next year....unless we go 4-12, then I might.
  15. Well, we are getting eaten alive with dead cap money right now with all the releases. Thats for starters. But it doesnt explain the high cap number overall. I think the Mike Williams situation hurts alot. You just cant have a top pick fail, or it kills you financially. I also think the handling of EM was suspect. You cant renegotiate a contract and cut the guy the next year. That is bad for the cap. Unless you are the patriots and can find a superior replacement in the 7th round of every draft and win paying your players the league minimum, this isnt going to work. We now have ONE GUY eating 1/9th of the cap. OUCH. Problem is, if we cut him, we have one guy WHO ISNT ON THE TEAM, eating 1/15th of the cap...so take your poison there. Is drew still eating dead cap space? I cant remember when he was cut... Plus alot of contracts were backloaded, as per typical NFL protocol. Cant blame TD there really. Spikes, Fletcher, Milloy and others came on a few years ago, they are probably seeing huge escalations in base salary, eating away at our cap. I cant say TD did a bad job of handling the cap. I think he did a good job actually. Actually overall I give him a B+ on cap management.
  16. Um...no. I would take TO if... a) I felt we had a coach who could handle him b) We got him very cheap and could cut him at ANY point in the season for minimal loss. If we trade for him, his first year salary will be guarenteed, which is too much money to waste on a loser such as TO.
  17. yeah, something is wierd here. did he take a pay cut, or did he restructure and extend his deal. I need more details before saying this is a good thing for the pets
  18. Okay...not the point at all. Lloyd was just a name I chose off the list of free agents. In actuality there is nobody even close to moulds calibur on the FA list...so the drop off is even more severe.
  19. Yeah...using the same logic, I guess Ben Roeth was also a bad early pick.
  20. Hmm...sounds like an olympian...can he play football?
  21. Umm.. My Top 5 (Shouldnt we make this top 8?) 1. Bush 2. Mario Williams 3. D'Brick 4. Hawk 5. Lienert
  22. Maybe they should put movie promotions on the bases of baseball games.... oh wait.
  23. Okay, ill bite. Would you rather have moulds or Brandon Lloyd? Moulds is going to cost 6 mil against the cap this year REGARDLESS of whether he is on the roster or not. You bring in Lloyd (using him as an example here, because we WILL need another WR), and you pay him 3 mil/year (and thats probably low..) So for a 1M savings, you severely downgraded at WR, created even more inconsistency for JP, run a fan favorite out of town, and created very little free cap room to solve our real issues (OL/DL/DB). Doesnt sound too smart. I think it is a moot point, sadly. I think we need to eat the 10mil cap hit this year. Keep moulds, and let him go prior to the start of next season. The only other option IMO, is to extend his deal one year, give him some up front money now. But if we do that, we have to rely on keeping him 2-3 more years, and im not so sure that is a smart move either. Suck it up. Keep EM this year. Move on. Address it next year.
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