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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation? Oh...HSBC? Oh okay. Thats american.
  2. Oh, please run for president again Mr. Gore! Pretty pretty please!
  3. Salary Cap: $102 million per team TV Revenue: $100 million per team So every team gets a check for 100 million dollars. Essentially the team roster is paid for. Everythign else they make on ticket sales, merchandise, sponsorships, thats all gravy. I dont buy for a second that the NFL owners are getting a raw deal here.
  4. 1) No need to elaborate on other posters 2) Probably no need to right now. We are in the middle of FA, have a ton of cap room, and need to devote resources to finding and obtaining good talent in the draft. When we get time and/or need money, then its time to talk with NC. Keep in mind, NC's agent is probably in the same boat. 3) Since he didnt get traded last year. I would have to say the likelyhood of him being traded this year are signifigantly better
  5. I have yet to watch a single episode of this show. I have a feeling I would like it. The questin i Have is this : If i start watching it now, will I not know what is going on?
  6. You really need 2 or more teams interested in him. Everyone knows if he is cut its fair game bidding war. Or they can give up a 5th or 6th rounder and basically gain the exclusive right to him. Without competition there wont be a trade.
  7. I'm hearing its somewhere in the vicinity of 6 years 20 mil
  8. Perhaps. Cutting him and trading him have about the same cap ramifications. The only problem with trading him is that someone has to want him and his contract. To a prospective team Pros of Trading -Can cut him at any time and incur no cap penalty Cons of trading -Have to pay him a large salary -Have to give up a pick/player In short, a team might not be willing to trade for EM because they know they can get him cheaper on the open market. This is probably only enough to extract a 2nd day pick out of some team. Plus they will probably want to restruture his contract anyway, which he is apparently unwilling to do for the bills.... Its possible we could hold out for a 5th or 6th rounder for him...but I dont think we get much more than that. Better than cutting him, but not by much.
  9. No, but he is the best available...and with the free cash out there..someone will give him a mint
  10. This is a valid point...I would only counter to say that cutting moulds after next season results in a dead cap hit of only 1.6 mil. We already have 9 mil coming off the books in dead cap space next year. I dont think we should be too concerned with freeing up more space for next year. IMO the real winners this offseason are going to be the teams who dont get into bidding wars and wait for next season or the season after. There are simply too many teams with too much money and too many holes and not enough players to fill them. Supply and Demand.
  11. No, thats why I was intentionally vague. I have heard the salaries reported in various locations, so i assume they are correct. Typically the first year is a very low salary, due to the large signing bonus recieved. Though with the glut of cap space every team has this year, this may be a poor assumption.
  12. I am all for cutting a guy for the reasons you outlined above. However, if Marv felt this was the case, EM would not be on the team right now. IF he gets cut it is strictly for financial reasons at this point. The way I see it we have 3 options 1) Keep EM, go into season with 102 mil cap number 2) Cut EM, go into season with 97 mil cap number 3) Cut EM, spend more money than we should on marginal FAs and go into season with a 102 mil cap number Option 1 is the only one that makes sense. Keep him, plug some FA holes, let other teams go crazy with the contracts this offseason, and wait a year and see whats available next year.
  13. Royal signed a 5 year 10 mil contract w/ 2.5 SB... Cap hit = 500k + base (probably 300k or so) = 1 roughly mil cap hit. Tripplet signed 5 years / 18 mil, 5.5 SB. So his cap hit this year is 1.1mil + base salary for 06. Probably small. Lets say 2 mil cap hit for Tripplett. I have not seen any numbers on Davis, but I cant imagine we paid more for him than tripplet. So lets say 2 mil for him. Thats 5 mil for these 3 guys. I dont think my numbers are far off. And LabattBlue, I understand your argument...but name names here. Tell me who you want, and tell me that getting them is better than keeping EM. I dont think I can make that argument. Front loading a clements contract probably isnt a terrible idea...
  14. Tell me this... Clumping Platelets says we were 15 mil under the cap. After the signing of Davis, Tripplet and Royal, We are somewhere in the vicinity of 10 mil under the cap. We save an additional 5 mil by cutting EM. So...who is it you want to sign to eat up this cap space? 15 mil is ALOT of money...but there just arent quality FAs out there (in positions of need) to justify spending all that cash. I understand 10 mil is alot of room for moulds to occupy. But the benefit of cutting him is non-existant. Again, the 15 million dollar question...who would you be comfortable paying 15 million dollars too this offseaosn?
  15. I wouldnt be suprised to see Hawk go #2 or #3, especially if some of the top dogs grab FA QBs
  16. Saban is a great coach. He was a great recruiter at LSU and it is carrying over to the NFL. He will get that team turned around (unfortunatly). I wish we hired him (or a laundry list of guys) over MM
  17. Agreed. Combine this fact with the fact I dont like many FAs out there at all this year...let er ride marv. Dont forget, Josh reed was a blitnikov (SP?) finalist (winner?)...okay forget it...he was a damn good reciever for LSU under saban
  18. One more point. You are seeing alot of teams cut a guy and then resign him. This is HIGHLY unusual in the NFL. IMO they are doing this because they see alot of cap space and they wont be able to use it all properly. So they are cutting guys with bad contracts, eating all the dead cap space THIS year...and signing them back to more reasonable deals, giving them even more cap flexibility in the future. Smart play if you ask me. In the past, this would not be done, because cutting and resigning results in a larger cap hit than they had previously.
  19. Yeah...good plan... Who exactly do you want us to "go bezerk" after this offseason? I see few FAs out there I even really want. I certainally dont want to go "bezerk" after the best WR out there (Randle El). Nor do I want to go "bezerk" over Tank Williams, Moe Wiliams, Chad Williams or Robin Williams. Dont get me wrong. If we can sign these guys (less Mrs Doubtfire) for a reasonable price tag, do it. But "going bezerk" hurts us in the long run. The teams that see 20, 30, 40 mil in cap space and decide they need to use it ALL this year, will be hurting when escalators kick in 2-3 years down the road. You cant expect a 10 mil cap increase every year. That is just unrealistic.
  20. Givens to Cleveland Fosters stays with Carolina Redskins are going very hard after WR Lloyd, but not yet signed
  21. Restructuring Pennington saved them 10+ mill If I recall correctly
  22. Just hope its not the Jets, Saints or Titans...need them taking QBs in round 1
  23. Green Bay is a publically traded company, they have to show their books. Every other team is privatly owned and does not need to.
  24. He MAY have thought no CBA was good for the bills due to a glut of FAs on the market driving down prices... But you see this in the senate sometimes too. Once you know you are going to lose, side with the winning side so it cant be used against you. Odd vote if you ask me. My guess is it was a "principled" vote...which is interesting. More to come imsure
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