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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. If we could have 10,000 of these peace clowns taken hostage in Iraq, think of how many insurgents that would tie up guarding them.
  2. Problem with 911 on cell phones is that they dont provide an exact location. When you call from a cell phone they can get your GPS location, but if you are in a multi-story building you're SOL. Also, they might be able to locate your neighborhood, but cant get a whole lot more specific in some cases... This is why I am not yet ready to get rid of my landline (or switch to vonage).
  3. He wont...listen to his press conference on the 21st. He said "what I dont want is a rookie QB coming in here who is supposed to be the savior" No worries...he aint gunna take a qb
  4. Every team should be interested. I dont get this. Seems like a decent guy, had a horrible situation in GB with a contract that pays him less than he is worth. He decided he would play out his contract anyway, risking injury...he got hurt. He has the sense to dump his agent and start over. They guy clearly has talent, all he wants now is some money. Give the guy a decent incentive contract, give green bay moulds and/or a 2nd day pick and pick the guy up...cant hurt.
  5. Tough call here. If we can get him for a 4th, I'd do it... I would consider a 3rd, but it would have to come with a contract extension and some hard thinking.
  6. I like the thinking, so I'll try not to critisize too much! BUT... a) I think #8 for denvers 2 1sts is a pretty fair deal and on the table as is...no need to add EM. b) Doubtful bunkly will be there at #22. He is showing up top 10 right now in many mocks. c) 1st round is historically VERY high for a Center. Maybe he is worth it, I dont know much about him, but I am guessing its pretty likely he will be there for our pick in the 2nd. Its a tough call. Depends on who is there at #22. If we can pull some sort of miracle out of the hat and get Bunkley or Chad Jackson, after moving down, I'll be thrilled. I cant remeber who said it, but someone suggested Moulds and a 3rd/4th to Green Bay for Walker. I think that makes sense for both teams.
  7. Okay, what was the first thing YOU thought of?..and what does that say about you! You know you have been spending too much time on TBD too long when you see the headline "Pope holds first meeting with Cardinals" and the first thing you think of is "dang, we lost him too?!" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060323/ap_on_...tican_cardinals
  8. I suppose kicking your daughter out of the house is not an option.... Think about it 1) Cheaper Car insurance 2) Establishes herself as an "independant" thus lessening your need to pay college costs 3) More free time Tempting? Still not an option? Dang...sorry! Seriously though...I have no idea if this is legal or not, but I'd try calling some other companies and get quotes and tell them the complete situation. See if the tune changes with other companies.
  9. Sorry if this is a repost, but it looks like a few things are evident 1) He thinks Nall can compete for a starting job. 2) He wants competition at QB but does not want a young "saviour" rookie coming in. 3) Specifically stated that Safety needs to be addressed and that we "need to see how the draft comes down" Kinda interesting if you ask me. I think with these comments, Young, Leinert and Cutler are out of the picture come draft day. Also, Huff is a strong possiblity.
  10. Hillarious! did he every answer a question with more than one sentance? How did your visit go? MM: As unemotional as possible with a tinge of sarcasm"Everything went wonderful" What did you learn about the bills? MM: Same Tone "Its a great organization." What role would you have in Buffalo? MM: Its none of my concern, I need to get here first. All short one line snippets with no emotion. The dude clearly does not want to be here
  11. Yeah...haha...if T.O. can actually write a book (by himself) and have it be coherent, I will dontate $1,000 to charity.
  12. Yeah! That will be fun to watch. I dont wish injury on anyone...except TO. I hope he breaks his leg week 1.
  13. I wish the non-biased media would show more of this... I just dont understand this mentality. These people are off their rocker. Luckilly for them we have something called freedom of speech and expression in America giving them the right to say what they say and do what they do. Luckilly for them we had many brave americans throught our history who willingly gave their lives so that they could act in this manner. Its not my bag, but as long as they do it "peacefully" and dont create any problems its their right, just as much as its my right to speak up against them. That said, when you commit a crime, you get punished. Public nudity is a crime. Burning the president in effigy gets you a meeting with the secret service. And to the extent they are providing aid and comfort to the enemy, they should be brought up on treason charges. For Info: The Sedition act of 1918: SECTION 3. Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States, or to promote the success of its enemies, or shall willfully make or convey false reports, or false statements, . . . or incite insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States, or shall willfully obstruct . . . the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, or . . . shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States . . . or shall willfully display the flag of any foreign enemy, or shall willfully . . . urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production . . . or advocate, teach, defend, or suggest the doing of any of the acts or things in this section enumerated and whoever shall by word or act support or favor the cause of any country with which the United States is at war or by word or act oppose the cause of the United States therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both.... The law has since been repealed...Perhaps its time to bring it back.
  14. Yes, admittedly I am...but I still know what NWA and the hood are!
  15. I find it funny they have a profit sharing plan! Seriously though, these airlines need to start diferentiating themselves. Jet Blue and Southwest are the only two that do anything different, and shockingly they are 2 of the most loved and sucessful airlines. I particularly like Jet Blues seat arrangement. Nobody likes to sit in the back of the plane, so they made those seats just a little larger. More leg room etc... makes sense to me. But operating costs are going up, taxes are high reducing the amount of cash the airlines even see. Its a horrible business. Need to create a manhattan project for teleportation....
  16. Also, oakland already has an overpriced top of the draft board OT...doubt they want 2 on their roster
  17. Oh, and someone politely tell TO that the pro bowl is a week AFTER the superbowl. (not vice versa)
  18. Wow, TO Really HAS changed! Lyics...as deciphered by me... Im gunna make it hard for you fools trying stop my show Look as hard for you dudes trying to stop my bro Ask philly was it hard Tryin to stop TO He the Main reason the fans would come for Took that hit and he bounced right back Got A Brand new deal and the pockets is fat Like Bruce (someone) asking what you wear And you can telling me Dallas with your Cowboy Hat Go big blue go-on do what you do Add a seat go crazy fans Go love you Like Ray Charles you gonna make it do what you do Still the best in the game and you know that is true Take the team to the top where they use to be I can see another trophy up in Big D We are Set a a few records be back in the probowl One week after win the superbowl Im Baaaack and im better than ever Im Baaaack And im getting this cheddar Im Baaaack But this time im a cowboy Im Baaaack and I got them saying Wow boy Im Baaaack and im better than ever Im Baaaack And im getting this cheddar Im Baaaack But this time im a cowboy Im Baaaack and I got them saying Wow boy I am back with advengence, back on a mission Got the recipe (??) so I’m back in the kitchen Trying to take me out of the game, people sayin im missin’ Got the whole worlds undivided attention This a brand new year and a brand new team Im a cowboy now no more black and green And to the hatters who said I wouldn’t get my money, im laughing in your face HA HA that’s funny When they come to this game im the best in the field Some said iz gunna sign just a one year deal But I got what I wanted up front 10 Mil, change the rules of the game so now how you feel? See when I work my magic, when I kiss that rock Im dominate like Shaq when hes down on the block This will probably be my best season yet by far Get my eagle on. Meet me at the star Im Baaaack and im better than ever Im Baaaack And im getting this cheddar Im Baaaack But this time im a cowboy Im Baaaack and I got them saying Wow boy Im Baaaack and im better than ever Im Baaaack And im getting this cheddar Im Baaaack But this time im a cowboy Im Baaaack and I got them saying Wow boy Yep...definatly sounds like he is no longer an arrogant ass. Money is not important, and he will be a good teamate and its not all about him. Good to see him change his ways. For a while there I was really starting to hate him. Now he seems perfectly normal and likeable.
  19. Just watched the MNF intro again. Very Funny now. "This is major...we have parcells and the cowboys, and donovan needs me" "The team is gunna have to win this one without me"
  20. Dont forget about 50 bucks of every airline ticket goes to the government in the form of taxes. Oil Prices (up) Union Labor Costs (up) Taxes (up) Not hard to do the math...
  21. PM me...I'll be more than happy to sell you a copy.
  22. well..its not angelina...but ill take it!
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