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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Well, lets see...TDs biggest problem while he was here: O-Line Since he has left, so have Bennie, Teague and Fat Mike. So I would have to say IF we win, it will be because of an improved O-Line...which TD did not have anything to do with...so No.
  2. Why are they not entitled to a COLA? I dont get the argument against it. In fact, if you read the article they got LESS of an increase than federal employees and the military is getting. Unfortunaly though, this is a dual edges sword. On one hand, you have a job nobody would want if there was no personal financial benefit. On the other hand, people are doing it for the money and not for love of country. Its a no-win situation, but I certainally do not think COLAs are a problem. And lastly, THIS IS NOT A RAISE. This is an adjustment in their salary to keep the buying power of their dollars constant.
  3. IF the democrats were smart and serious about winning, Mark Warner would hands down be their guy. He has enough appeal to certainally win Virginia and, assuming the democrats dont lose any other states that would be enough. On the republican side, I personally like George Allen, also from Virginia. I think he is a long shot at this time though. A good VP candidate. My predictions: Dem: Hillary / Warner Rep: McCain / Allen.
  4. Am I the only one that thought "rip London Fletchers Mom....gee, thats pretty insensitive right about now." But seriously, Its unfortunatly a fact of life that most of us have to deal with at some point. Doesnt mean its any easier when it happens...but my best wishes and prayers go out to him and his family.
  5. I'm just not looking forward to seeing the name WATSON on a bills jersey again...
  6. Okay anti-stay the course liberals...Spin this. I am not nieve enough to think that this solves all our problems, but there is no doubt that if GWB was not in office Zawahiri (and Sadam Hussain) would still be alive and well today and thinking of new ways to kill american and iraqi people. Congratulations on another job well done troops.
  7. Larry Johnson is a possibility...though dispite his play last year, he is a bit too unproven for me to take at #1. LT is my guy. Probably have to take Johnson #2 though. Chad Johnson..please. Until we know the status of Palmer, Johnson takes a hit. Also, taking a WR in the first round of a draft is suicide. RB, RB, RB..throw in Peyton Manning and (if healty) Carson Palmer, since they are leaps and bounds better than the next tier of QBs.
  8. But....at least we have 15 mil to spend on June Cuts!
  9. eh, we got Nance. I like him more than Baskett..but both are good
  10. Ahh..the Honda Takeo...I'd buy one!
  11. Reed To Wall: The Bills announced that Andre Reed will be the 2006 inductee to the wall of fame at Ralph Wilson Stadium. He is the 23rd member of the wall and the sixth from the Super Bowl era. Reed calls it a great honor for him and his family and friends. The induction takes place during halftime of a designated home game. No word yet which game that will be. Congrats Andre!
  12. I say 70% Losman 20% Nall 10% Holcomb. I say this because we know what we have in holcomb. A good backup. Either of the other two COULD turn out to be great. We need to make a decision on losman one way or the other. Give him his time this year. Let him prove himself.
  13. They have become junk mail deliverers. I have no need for the post office. Certainally not saturday delivery. Cu back right there. Start raising rates on bulk mail distributers. I cant argue with 39 cent stamps. Honestly even 1.00 stamps is the best deal going. You can send somehting clear across the country for a dollar. Its a great deal. I personally usea bout 4 stamps a year. Usually for birthday cards. Maybe I have a mail in rebate. Thats about it.
  14. Trade him if you can get someone to give up a 1st next year. Otherwise...make him play for franchise money
  15. Added to the list. Hope that one is true. I like him quite a bit.
  16. its quite likely that we have...it just hasnt leaked out yet. Most of these are minnesota and Jacksonville, which have been released in the press. Relax. Big names still floating out there.
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