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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Nicely done. Thanks guys. I thought maybe this would be the best way to get a real opinion on my team. You really need the whole picture to make an informed decision. My team....Team #9. Yes, I drafted a couple Fins...but the dolphins were my LAST pick (and likely wont be on my team for long). McMicheal was clearly the best TE on the board when i took him. Not too worried about either. Though Vernon Davis is undrafted and I want to pick him up after the waiver period ends...though I dont know who to throw under the bus. I am more worried about the CAR bye week, but I think my QBs are pretty comparable. I also see the potential for many boom or bust weeks. I think there will be weeks I lead the league in scoring by far, and weeks where i just bite it. WRs are inconsistant, though I think i clearly have the best group of the bunch. Team #6 was an autodraft. Unfortunatly the guy had to work. That explains that away. He is a pretty smart FF player though, he will likely play the WW fine and compete in the end. Team #8 won the league last year. Team #10 is the commish who knows what he is doing. Also a bears fan, so it is likely his QBs will wind up being busts. Priest....???? Perhaps they ment to take santonio...I dont konw. (or they were using a year old draft guide!) Thanks for your input. I find the blind rating of teams quite interesting and may try to do it again in the future! My top 3 (in no particular order) 7,9,10
  2. Also got a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. Of course i was speeding and sweet talked to roller into a seatbelt violation (which i was wearing). At any rate, yes, I always wear a seatbelt, with 3 exceptions 1) Work Vehicles. Dont know why. Perhaps because they stay on premises and you never drive over 10-15mph. 2) Sometimes when i am in a hurry i wait till i am moving in the vehicle to put it on. 3) if im cramming into a vehicle with 4 other guys. Not saying any of the above is correct or smart, just the way it is.
  3. While an important recovery, TKO's life was never in jeopardy. There is a BIG difference between having a stroke and tearing your achillies. That said, ESPN WAY WAY WAY overdid the bruschi thing. To the point of ignoring half the game while they talk about him over and over again. Just got ridiculous. Personally, I hope they show TKO going out, dancing, making the first takle/Sack! talk for a play about his recovery and then move on. Nothing to see here. Business as usual. But breasts the patriots, so most likely they will be too busy talking about deion branch than Spikes. Welcome back TKO!
  4. Okay, One of these teams is mine. I am not going to tell you which one. (Hint: I am not sure it is the best one). Tell me a) which team you think is mine and b) which team you think is the best team. I'd make a poll, but im not that smart. Details: 10 team league, PPR, bonus pts for 300yds passing, 100 rec/rushing. 6pt TDs and linup: QB/RB/WR/WR/TE/W-R/W-R/PK/D Note: Only 1 RB must start each week. Up to 4 WRs may start each week Team #1 QB: P.Manning, Vick RB: C. Williams, K. Jones, F. Taylor, C. Taylor, R. Dayne, M. Turner WR: A. Johnson, S. Moss, T. Glenn, R. Brown TE: H. Miller PK: Longwell DEF: Washington Team #2 QB: Palmer, Brunell RB: L. Johnson, L. Jordan, M. Jones-Drew, Addai, Lundy, Norwood WR: Houshmandzadeh, Driver, Jennings, Wilford TE: Crumpler PK: Graham DEF: Carolina Team #3 QB: Cullpepper, Roethlisberger, Warner RB: Portis, Maroney, W. Parker WR: Ward, Fitzgerald, J. Walker, Toomer, Kennison TE: Witten, Pollard PK: J. Brown DEF: NY Giants Team #4 QB: Hasselbeck, Green RB: R. Johnson, Westbrook, Droughns, McCallister, C. Benson WR: S. Smith, R. Smith, Branch TE: Shockey, LJ Smith PK: Rakers DEF: Tampa Jacksonville Team #5 QB: McNabb, Brooks RB: S. Jackson, Rhodes, Bush, P. Holmes WR: Wayne, Galloway, K. Johnson, Randle El, Porter TE: Cooley, D. Clark PK: Elam DEF: Pittsburgh Team #6 QB: Bledsoe, Favre RB: R. Brown, Dunn, D. Davis, C. Brown WR: Chambers, TO, Williamson, D. Jackson TE: Heap PK: Vinatieri, Vanderjagt DEF: Seattle, Denver Team #7 QB: E. Manning, Leftwich RB: Tomlinson, McGahee, T. Jones, L. White WR: Harrison, Burress, Mason, M. Jones TE: B. Watson, J. Stevens PK: Kasay, Wilkins DEF: Indianapolis Team #8 QB: Brady, Pennington RB: T. Bell, S. Alexander, D. Williams WR: Horn, Muhammad, Stallworth, Coles, Bruce TE: Gates, Troupe PK: Feeley DEF: Chicago, Atlanta Team #9 QB: Delhomme, Plummer RB: Barber, D. Foster, Green, Gore, M. Bell WR: Holt, R. Moss, Ro. Williams, L. Evans, Mi. Clayton TE: R. McMicheal PK: Stover DEF: Miami Team #10 QB: Bulger, Brees RB: E. James, Dillon, J. Jones, J. Lewis, M. Barber WR: C. Johnson, A. Boldin, Burleson, McCardell, Bennett TE: Gonzalez PK: Akers DEF: Baltimore Again, 1) Which team is mine? 2) Which team will win the league? Or, if you are so inclined, Rank the teams from 1-10. I will be back in a few days to tell you which team is mine. Until then.... And just a reminder of the rules up top: Details: 10 team league, PPR, bonus pts for 300yds passing, 100 rec/rushing. 6pt TDs and linup: QB/RB/WR/WR/TE/W-R/W-R/PK/D
  5. Need the rest of your roster. Are you carrying 2 DEF or 2 PKs (or even 2 TEs)? If so, consider dropping them. Pick up brooks for sure. Also consider some of the guys with great upside. (yes, Losman is one...also V.Young, A. Smith, C. Frye, those kinda guys). If you hit gold you will be very happy. If they bomb week 1, cut them and pick up someone else. But start brees or brooks this week
  6. Interesting headline here: 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin dies, Al Qaeda official captured http://www.cnn.com/2006/EDUCATION/09/04/tr...tion=cnn_latest I blame Al Quaeda.
  7. Wow, guess im the only one who actually likes it! Perhaps the 60" screen makes the difference.
  8. Nice drafts Johnny. I might reccomend not attending the 3rd one! Only problem, (and its not your fault) in the 2nd draft you posted. Whats the deal with so many starters and only 4 bench players? Really cramps your roster down good. Again dont know about IDP leagues, but both those rosters look killer. Well done.
  9. I agree. Instead of Palmer/Maroney you could have had Carnell Williams/Delhomme. (or some variation thereof). This hurts your overall team alot IMO. However, you have managed to pull off a pretty good starting linup dispite that blunder. Assuming Bush is Bush and you have NO injuries (except possibly a WR), you could win your league. I cant make a prediction, because if nobody gets hurt, I think you win it all. If Bush doesnt perform or palmer isnt back to his old form, bottom third of the league.
  10. Not according to BB.com John DiGiorgio http://www.buffalobills.com/team/player.jsp?player_id=122683
  11. Im just messing with you. I like drudge. While some stories he posts turn out to be wrong, he doesnt make anythign up. He posts stories before they can be verified. Which mean you need to know that and take them with a grain of salt. It also means you get breaking news first. Just need to know what you are dealing with. Kinda like network news. If they say they are biased I can deal with it. If they try to be partial while an obvious bias is present...we have an issue.
  12. And in an interesting twist of fate, Mr. Ed has probably voted in several recent elections.... I watched Fox News Sunday (or whatever its called) this morning. They had Libby Dole and Chuck Schumer on. What a Joke. Try to pin Libby Down, and she refused to answer the question, relying on a smile and a giggle and then go some other direction and not answer. Cut to Schumer. Same old democratic rhetoric. "We have a plan" "Free Prescription Drugs" "Cheaper College Tuition" ...yada yada yada. How do you pay for that Chuckie? Smirking and taking obvious pride in the failures of the current regime arent helping any either. Both politcal parties are in chaos right now. No direction or leadership on EITHER side. Both sides are focused on winning and (even more alarming) causing the other party to fail, which does America 0 (zero) good. I tend to agee with what conservatives say, but little of what they have done in the past 8 years. The problem is that I dont trust the democrats, and dont agree with their positions, and dont know what they heck they would do if they were in office. Perhaps they "Wouldnt be Bush", which is nice...but its not any position to base an election on. If I honestly felt that democratic leadership would not do the following 3 things, I would vote for them in 06 and 08. 1) Cut and run in Iraq and take the opposite extreme of "not having a plan" 2) Raise Taxes and increase social programs (i.e. Free prescription drugs) 3) Nominate Judges in the mold of Ruth Bader Ginsberg But the reality is, they will do all 3 of those and more. Sad Country.
  13. I bet you got that from Drudge.... No way can it be true. Drudge only reports lies.
  14. Damn. I am really starting to like this kid. Didnt watch alot of the preseason games, but I look forward to seeing him on the field this year.
  15. If you got Gonzo in the 7th, that is a steal. I thought you probably reached a bit for him when i read your team up top, but I guess not. Ya know, I like your team. Not too shabby. I'm not as sold on Trent Green as much as some others this year. If I were you, I'd drop Brad Johnson and pick up a guy with large potential upside (i.e. Losman, V.Young, Rivers, Alex Smith, Frye, Kitna...or even Cutler). Put a flyer out on one of those guys and see if you hit Gold. If you dont, chances are Brad Johnson will be there to pick up later. Still hate 2 PKs and DEF. Wasted picks IMO. (Same with QB3...but in your case i think its warranted). Also hate Bubba Franks this year. Now that I have ripped it apart....the LJ2 and SJAX are a good combo in the backfield. I'd like to see a top 10WR in a 10 team league. You have good depth, so what you give up at WR1, i think you make up in the other WR slots. Prediction : 3/10. Due to lack of a top 10 WR and QB.
  16. Correct. Once he has cleared waivers, he is essentially a Free Agent and can sign anywhere. Once he signs on to a practice squad somewhere, the only way he can go somewhere else is to a) be cut or b) be signed to another teams active roster.
  17. A fairly reputible poster over at KFFL has reported that Nance will sign with the Vikings PS, assuming he is not offered a roster spot elsewhere. Granted this post is of the "I talked to him" variety, so take it for what its worth...
  18. Maybe some folks claimed that moulds had no trade value, but he was still a productive #1 WR in a league with a shortage of WRs in the offseason where things are very dynamic. Holcomb is a QB who has never shown much of anything (save a game here or there), couldnt win a starting job over JP Losman (time will tell what that says about him) and quite possibly coulndt even win a backup job over Nall. Team Rosters are set. If a starter goes down, thats why teams have backups. Even if a team traded for holcomb mid-season, he would be coming in not knowing the playbook and be way behind the eight ball. Its just not going to happen. Maybe next offseason (if holcomb is still under contract...i dont know). We might be able to squeeze a 4th or 5th for him. But not until then.
  19. "johnny you played great!!!! Everyone is so proud of you buddy.....personally i still think your a fag but no seriuosly ....your gay...............great game tty soon" Awsome... Also like the madden covers. Ya know, part of me feels like I am getting a little too personal with guys when i see stuff like this, but then again, it humanizes them enough to the point you care alot more. Congrats John. Hope to see you in buffalo for many years.
  20. Only 5 games week 3. They will show Pit/Cin in HD. My guess is the other 2 games are going to be Ind/Jax and either Buf/NYJ or Cle/Bal. Week 7 is a possiblity as well. Unfortunatly I dont see many 2nd half games in HD for us. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHRE CBS
  21. Lets assume Payton throws for 4000 yds and 32 TDs. And gets no other points. In a 6 pts per TD league PM=22 Pts Per Game (using your yardage formula) In a 4 pts per TD league PM=18 Pts Per Game (using your yardage formula) Yes, he is still the best QB out there...but all QBs are signifigantly discounted in this scoring system. PM is not worthy of a first round pick (and maybe even a 2nd round pick). He is probably equivalent in value to a lower 2nd tier RB. (i.e. Droughns, McGahee, Dunn, etc). But anyone who drafted him is sure to want much more than that. For my money, its just not worth it. Go find a 2nd tier QB (if you arent satisfied with mcnabb). Hasselbeck, Delhomme, Eli, these guys should be much cheaper and not that much worse than Peyton. And I am not sure how you could even start to think about trading for PM without including either LT or RB. You offer Frank Gore and Donald Driver and he will laugh you out of the building.
  22. A change of scenery may do Rogers well. Probably a better fit with a stronger head coach than Juron. But certainly his potential and size would be welcomed. However we dont have room on the roster to waste hoping he can resurect his career. Aiken vs. Rogers...gotta keep aiken.
  23. Some Options 1) LT for Peyton and Rudi 2) Ronnie Brown for Peyton Personally, in a 4 pt per TD league, I wouldnt worry about Peyton. If you could swing a good deal for Eli I'd be more interested. Peyton loses alot of value in 4pt TDs
  24. Well....I'd actually suggest to hold onto all 3 for now.... All 3 are around the same level IMO. See which one (if any) step up and produce. I cant imagine any real trade value for them, but they would be gobbled up rather quickly if released. I didnt mean to imply that QB was a real weak spot. In fact you have really good depth here and you can certainally win with these guys. If this WERE the weak spot, you would be okay. Like I said though, nothing is written in stone after the draft. Keep your eye open. Per my QB Rankings: 11 Green 14 Bledsoe 18 Brees
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