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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Hmm... I still wonder if that was John Kerry
  2. Bills play alot of bad Defenses coming up...Edge coulndt do anything against Oakland. Keep Willis
  3. Perhaps you need to be alot more familiar with the term in order to spell it properly
  4. I dont think he is a pedofile any more than I think Allen is racist. Clearly the quotes were inappropriate (on both sides), and its a shame both sides think they need to stoop to this level to get elected.
  5. Im pretty much against the goverment funding anything. The government cannot be trusted with money. Period. There is so much waste and abuse out there its sick. For every dollar of productive work, there are about 10 wasted.
  6. Allen is Rasict Webb hates women Allen is Jewish Allen put the head of a deer in a black mans mailbox Webb is a pedofile Where does this end! Ugliest election I have ever seen.
  7. I donate to Michael J Fox's foundation. I listen to Rush Limbaugh. I have a close family Member in the late stages of parkinsons. Not sure that makes me any more qualified to discuss this topic...but I'll try. Fox had every right to do what he did. Heck, I support the man alot. He has done alot of good things for his cause. However, once you make the move to become entrenched in the middle of a hotly contensted political campaign, you subject youself to extreme (and often unwarranted) critisism. You cant say he shouldnt have seen this coming...(wow what a bad sentance...anyway) Rush clearly went too far. But i dont think he overall point was that far off base. That said, I dont think republicans are against stem cell research. Many are against using embryos of aborted babies, but most of the rest are for using other sources of stem cells. Some (like myself) are against government funding of stem cell research. I dont care what pfizer or eli lilly does. And I have no problem with private research of these issues. But to take tax dollars to fund what the private industry with a profit motive can do better is a waste. I dont think Micheal J. Fox is doing himself or his cause any good here. I really dont. And thats a bit sad.
  8. Point is, you pay 100/mo extra for a whole life policy. Invested at 5% in whole life policy. Borrow the money for 10% interest tax free & start making additional payments to pay back the borrow.... or.... Save $100 per month for the same coverge. Invest the money as you see fit and (presumably) earn more than 5%. Use that money to for college education for your kids or whatever... far better option IMO. But like I said, whole life policies are obviously used, so they must have a spot for someone, they just dont make alot of financial sense to me.
  9. Yeah, its tax free....but so would be taking the cash and stuffing it in your mattress and then pulling it out 10 years later. Except in this case you pay extra per month for the privlage.
  10. Honestly, look into whole life, cant hurt. The product woudlnt be out there if it wasnt right for someone...but I dont like it and would never buy it. My problem with whole life is this.... Premiums are higher for the same coverage. This is because you are basically buying a term policy, and paying to develop a "cash value". The "cash value" eventually generates enough income of its own to continue paying the premium, and thus you can stop paying and still keep insurance (hence whole life). They promote your ability to borrow against this money. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? You pay extra to develop a cash value, then borrow against your own money? Not sure why this is a perk. In addition, that 100k you have in "cash value", you have no control over. The insurance company invests it as they see fit. So instead of earning 10% on your 100k ($10,000/year), you wind up investing this in a safe and secure 4% government bond or somethign to cover your premiums. And lastly, (i think i mispoke earlier), in an environment with lowering interest rates, you have to be extremely careful because low interest rates mean the cash value of your account isnt earning enough to cover the premium, and you could suffer a deficit...and have to cut a check for the difference. Term life is much cleaner.
  11. I think I would in your case...Sounds like your wife would be in okay shape (financially) if somethign happened to you. Natrually I cant know all the intricate details of your financial situation...hence why you should probably consult a financial advisor. But it begs the question, if she works for a university, chances are she gets some kind of life insurance policy. And chances are once you are married, you can be added to her policy. Something else to check out.
  12. I suppose I should pontificate here a bit more in case you do decide to get insurance. 1) Check out your employers offerings. These tend to be pretty good cheap policies. 2) Shop around. Call your homeowners insurance company, your auto insurance company, any compay you have a relationship with first. 3) Go for term insurance. Stay away from what is called "whole life" insurance. Don't be swayed by the "cash value" these can have. Once insurance rates start rising you could be in a world of hurt....and even if rates werent rising, its still a bad idea. 4) Consult a financial advisor. Seriously. This is much more a financial decision than most people realize. A good financial planner will point you in a much better direction than your run of the mill insurance agent/salesperson. Besides, you should have on anyway. 5) Research Research Research. Learn all you can. The more informed you are the better.
  13. I'm not sure you getting married requires you geting life insurance. What is your fiance doing now? If somethign happened to you, would she be okay? To me this is the big question. The purpose of life insurance is for those you left behind to be able to support themselves financially and maintain a certain quality of life in your absense. Until you start having kids (or perhaps buy a house), im not sure life insurance is that important. Now if your family would have difficult covering your final expenses, you at least need to address that with a life insurance policy now. Just my 0.02.
  14. If you like that one, do a yahoo images search for "Elisha Cuthbert"....click on the first one....yowza. I wont even post the link here!
  15. I go with Linert only because i think the likelyhood oh linert having a HOF career is the greatest out of the list
  16. not that it much matters, but it looks like merriman will miss the bills game. Appeal to be heard Nov 7th. If true, and he gets the 4 game suspension, buffalo will be the 4th game he misses http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2637470
  17. Only half the story. How many of those 17 interceptions were in the 4th quarter or inside the 20 yard line?
  18. So...about those Fantasy prospects...Tiki you're killin me!
  19. I dont give a crap about the game, except for fantasy reasons, and its football..and nothing else is on.,
  20. Nothing really happened to him during the play, started limping, grabbed his ankle and fell to the ground in pain.... who knows. Didnt look good to me
  21. Arrington taken away on a cart. Im not a doctor, but looks like a possible achillies to me...
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