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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. First off, I dont think people making the minimum wage are considered middle class. But beyond that, the mere fact that a reduction in the minimum wage will allow companies to hire MORE people and increase productivity, or provide an incentive to keep their companies in the united states vice packing up and moving overseas is a big step in the right direction.
  2. Best part is (if they beat WVU), how can the BCS deny an undefeated team in a BCS conference the national championship game? secondly, this isnt Utah or Boise state, or TCU or whoever else has finished undefeated in past years. this is a team with a legit chance at a national championship, is a BCS school, and has beaten 2 top 10 teams (assuming again, they beat WVU). This could be the straw (no, elephant), that FINALLY breaks the BCS back. But they better beat WVU, or its all for naught IMO.
  3. Man this post has got me thinking...I remember someone i once met in the military whose position was a second class "Iinterior Communications Electrician" Last name Cox. That made all his paperwork say "IC2 Cox"
  4. Outsourcing DOES hurt our economy. Jobs are going overseas, people are unemployed and not paying taxes. Welfare rolls increase. But the solution is NOT to force companies to stay here via tarrifs. What we need to ask ourseleves is why, with america being one of the largest consumer of commercial goods in the world, would a company choose to start making their product on the opposite side of the world and leave america? Think about what they gain and lose 1) Distribution Network 2) Trained Employees 3) Gain Added Shipping Expense 4) Need to train new employees 5) Need to maintain product Quality This is a big struggle for a company. So if they do it, there HAS to be a reason. And the reason is that the United States cannot compete with many developing nations on a tax basis. Its simply much cheaper for a company to manufacture cars in china and ship them to the united states than it is to manufacture them here. It has to be. Its the only logical conclusion. Why is the cost of bussiness higher in the US? Well, for starters, the minimum wage is comparatively very high in the US. So any company who employs alot of minimum wage earners, its a no brainer to look elsewhere. Secondly, corporate taxes are higher in the US. The solution to the problem is not to force comanies to stay here, but to give them reasons to. LOWER the minimum wage, LOWER corporate taxes.
  5. I like this one: P.J. Hiscock http://www.uscho.com/stats/player.php?pid=2101&gender=m I remember listening to a mercyhurst hockey game, and the annoucer came out these few beauties during the play by play (likely intentuionally): - Good job keeping it in by Hiscock - Boy Hiscock is big. - Hiscock tries to slip one past the goalie Man, gets me thinking. Hockey and a guy named Hiscock...There are so many things that just soudn wrong.
  6. Come at me with a factual retort and some real data to back up your claim that my post was a bunch of crap....Please.
  7. When? Perhaps once Democrats raise the Minimum wage 40 Percent, thus increasing the payroll of many small businesses by 40 percent. When? Perhaps after Democrats repeal the Bush tax cuts causing you and I (and small business owners) to pay more in taxes. And the combination of the two...deadly. Small Businesses lost yesterday.
  8. I think the senate stays republican. Virginia - Allen Missouir - Talent Montana - Burns in a shocker Tennessee - Corker (Though I like Ford) I really dont see democrats taking ANY of the hotly contested seats. Rhode Island is in play as well. There is a recent Mason-Dixon poll showing Steele down by just 2 in Maryland. I think the republicans do as well as they realistically can tomorrow. I think NJ goes democratic. People are quick to talk about the FOX News Dynamic poll showing larger gains for democrats, but keep in mind, in 2004 the same poll showed Kerry up by 5 points in the last poll before the election. So, its hard to take these polls too seriously. My gut says 53-45-2, with Lieberman and Sanders caucusing with the Dems.
  9. Worth a first round pick. We havent spend one on a quarterback for a couple years.
  10. Woot! Losman for Pro Bowl! As bad as he has been this year, think about that. 1) Shows Buffalo Fans LOVE their team. 2) Shows JP Bills Fans support him, gives him confidence. 3) Shows how ridiculous fan balloting is. Vote LOSMAN
  11. He did throw for 330 in 38 attempts.... It took Big Ben 54 attemps yesterday to squeak out 400+ yds.
  12. What happens if Rutgers is undefeated? Do they play Ohio State?
  13. Senate 52R/46D/2I House 223D/212R Let me be the first to introduce SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, and 3rd IN LINE TO THE PRESIDENCY....NANCY PELOSI!!!!!!!! Let the endless investigations begin.
  14. He said he'd take on a movie role if the right one came along, but filmmakers, take note: "I refuse to do nude scenes. These Hollywood producers want to capitalize on my obvious sexuality, but I don't want to be just another beautiful body."
  15. Oh Contraire... The government is very good at funding things. What they dont do good is manage things in a fiscally responsible manner. Not that I support this, but paying for a stadium build is a relatively minor job. Cut a check and let someone manage the project. Pretty simple. When you talk about medical research, or health care, or social security, welfare, etc., you are talking about creating massive inefficient burocracies.
  16. Im still confused how higher taxes increase revenue to start with. I'll deal with the spending wisely plan later.
  17. If you take this premise as fact: "Iraq was in the process of developing WMD which would be sold to islamic extreemists and used on american soil" Then it stands to reason that: The cost of the war is insignifigant compared to the economic cost of a terrorist attack in the US with WMD. Now, obviously the premise can be debated now, and it looks like that may not have been the case, but clearly that was the consensus opinioin when we went into Iraq, and now we have a responsibility to clean up our mess.
  18. Allen used a racial term I didnt even know existed (and thats saying something!). Webb ADMITTED to using the n word. In an interview he said (paraphrasing) "I dont think there is anyone who grew up in the south who has not uttered that word" . Which is probably a more honest answer, but thats not the point. A deer head incident that cannot be proven and has been denied by most people close to him. The police have no record of that incident occuring. Tell me what family finds a deer head in their mailbox and does not file a police report. Until 1990 the state of Virginia did not honor MLK day, and instead had Jackon-Lee Day (after stonewall jackson and robert e lee). To this day, a day is set aside for Jackson-Lee, although King is now honored on the traditional day. Allen was NOT AGAINST martin luther king day. He WAS AGAINST (as were the majority of virginians) putting it on the same day as Jackson and Lee. People in the south are proud of their herritage. The confederate flag is part of our nations history. I dont have a problem with the confederate flag. Yes there is a racial element to it, but I dont think most people who display the confederate flag do so for racial reasons. They do so because they are proud of their herritage, dispite its flaws. Meanwhile Webb has admitted using the N word, said (again paraphrasing) that "the naval acadamy is a horny womans dream", has written books containing VERY explicit sexual language involving 4 year old children. Again, I dont believe allen is racist. I dont believe Webb is either. I dont believe Webb is anti-women, nor do I believe Allen is. I dont believe any of it, because its ridiculous. Its dirty politics at its finest. And sadly it does noting to help the state of Virginia. I have been a fan of Allens politics, and I was hoping he would run for presideing in 08....but after seeing how this campaign has been run, no thanks.
  19. Google is a great tool http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...dominant.teams/ 1976-1977 Montreal Canadians 60-8-12
  20. Old page, and its some dudes webpage, but http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/jetty/6983/teamwins.html Montreal had a commanding lead then...and the wings were 4th. If this page is legit, Montreal wins
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