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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. It seems to be a trend that the 7th rounders from last year are outperforming the first rounders.
  2. Family Guy is on....Pause the game, watch family guy...go back and skip all comercials.
  3. Tom Brady, Lee Evans and Chad Johnson were enough to overcome the loss of colston and Kevin Jones in one league... In the other league...eh, I still need some points from Tiki Barber and Rivers, but its looking like Roy Williams, Tory Holt and Alge crumpler might do me in.
  4. It was a good game, but in the overall big picture...its just a week 11 regular season game for a team the likely wont sniff a playoff shot.... will be long forgotten IMO.
  5. I too wouldnt mind seeing him here, but like someone else said, I dont think DT is a top priortiy for our front office at this point.
  6. If you are going to say that the Big East is a BCS conference, then the undefeated team in that conference HAS TO go to the BCS championship game, otherwise the BCS is the most ridiculous thing to ever happen in sports (Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim notwithstanding). I posted this elsewhere, but what happens if OSU beats michigan today, USC beats OSU in the BCS Champ game, and Rutgers beats Michigan and is undefeated? Now what? Rutgers is undefeated and has beaten 4 top 10 teams, yet USC with a loss to an unranked team is national champion. Even if they dont, you cant keep on with the "they may go undefeated but it doesnt count" nonsense. They have met and exceeded expectations every single week of the season, something USC, Arkansas, Florida, Notre Dame and Either Michigan or OSU cannot say. Every test has been passed, and the tests were challaning. Rutgers (if undefeated) will have beaten 3 current top 10 teams. For the record, thats as many as Florida, USC and Notre Dame COMBINED. So until we get a playoff system, where someone will have to beat rutgers before we say they are not worthy, I refuse to buy into this BS Chapionship Game Crap. If its an 8 team playoff, so be it. Some team will be left out and crying, but so what. Chances are 99.99% of the teams outside the top 8 have at least one loss. And since they do, they lost their claim to the national championship game with that loss. 6 or 7 teams may get a second chance, but its a world of difference if you have one loss and get left out, than if you have zero losses and get left out. When will the NCAA wake up and realize how much money they are LOSING with the current system
  7. I dont care who wins...In my mind, there are 3 games left this season I care about. 1) Rutgers beating WVU 2) Winner of todays game losing to USC in the BCS Champ game 3) Loser of todays game also losing to Rutgers In that scenario, Rutgers is undefeated after beating Michigan or OSU. USC is national champion with one loss. Ahh..the chaos! I love it.
  8. I really cant say that the advantage of picking 3rd vice 11th or 12th is worth intentionally dropping games....
  9. Im not really disagreeing with you. However, there is just not enough information in this peice for me to form a real opinion on this topic. Who was the money given to? If it was a city managed project, yes the city needs to ensure the project is done up to city codes. If the money was given to some third party orgainzation, they mayor probably has a point. Their hands are probably tied. There is little more they can do other than throw more money at the problem. I just need more information before I can go off the deep end here. I think the mayor is basically saying "we screwed up, we cant fix it now...lets move on" To put it another way, say the government gives money to support a habitat for humanity project in their city. After the job is complete, faulty wiring causes a house to burn down. Is this the citys responsibility? Again, im not agreeing or disagreeing with you...I just need a bit more information, though I agree the goverments reaction to this issue leaves me to be quite skeptical. As for the size of government, you're not going to find anyone on this board (perhaps including youself) who wants to see the size and scope of government reduced more than I do. There is just too much waste and inefficiency. There is little the goverment can do better than private industry.
  10. Holy cow...there is SO MUCH wrong with this story... 1) They paid 865,000 to MOVE 5 x $100,000 houses....doing the math, they paid nearly twice what the houses were worth to MOVE and repair them. 2) What mortgage lender approved these loans without a home inspection? 3) I saw nothing in this tv spot that justifies failing an inspection. Broken vanities, loose handrails and soffet do not constitute a disaster house. Not saying there isnt serious violations here, but this spot did not show them. 4) Who managed this project? I can see the city saying they are only responsible to fund the project, but clearly there was a recipient of this money, and a contract in place. Someone either botched the contract, or the recipient did not perform to their contactural obligations. Time to consult legal.
  11. Q: Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex? A: Mace will do that to you.
  12. Hmm...Republicans win...corruption is everywhere. Democrats win, everything went swimmingly.... ironic?
  13. Honestly, unless I was at the tail end of my career and hoping desperatly for a ring in the next year or two, I would go for the money. Especially if I knew I was guarenteed a starting spot on the offensive line and though I could make a difference. You are looking at this a bit wrong though. We are not going to go after a RB, LB, QB or S. We are set at those positions. We are going to go after the positions of need. There are only so many starting RT positions in the league. If you are a good RT, your only options are those few teams that need one. Its not really where you WANT to go, its really where you CAN go. Thats #1. Then Money is #2. Then personal preferences such as family, friendships & team status round out the top 5. The fact we are in Buffalo probably hurts us more than us being a mediocre team
  14. Yeah, this is going to get way more play than it needs to. This kind of thing happens many times a day in the military. Its quite common. There is no bad blood here, nobody is getting hurt, its just some people trying to let off a little steam. Granted its probably not the best idea in the world, but the only thing different here than what happens every day in the military is that a) its a woman and b) its on tape. Moving on...
  15. Yeah, we really should have went for it there. Punting was the wrong call.
  16. I disagree. But instead of me telling it, ill let billsdaily speak for itself Terrence Pennington got his second start at right tackle as part of the OL shakeup. He got beat for two sack in one on one battle with Robert Mathis. Jason Peters lost his battle with Dwight Freeney. Peters got away with a facemask on one play and was beat on another that forced Losman to step up and take a sack by Anthony McFarland who beat Mike Gandy on the play. Freeney finally got a sack of his own in the 2nd half ending a potential winning scoring drive with a missed field goal. Grade F: Pathetic is the norm from this unit. Four more sacks given up.
  17. And the excuse is ALWAYS "we need an offensve line"....Until we get an OL, we cant really tell how good or bad our QB is.
  18. I like him as well....however I hate him on gameday when he is lined up against the bills.
  19. Not that I think it makes a huge difference...but it cant hurt!
  20. Ind has a mean passing Defense. Gotta pound the ball against them. Keep them off the field. If A-Train can carry 30-40 times today, I think we win.
  21. In fairness, he did go to RPI, so while this decision was poor, its clearly one of the smarter decisions he made in his hockey career.
  22. Can you imagine the hillarity if Rutgers beats WVU, goes undefeated. Ohio State beats Michigan. BCS decides to put Ohio State up against USC (or really any 1 loss team) and Rutgers vs. Michigan. USC beats Ohio State, Rutgers beats Michigan Rutgers has now beaten Louisville, WVU and Michigan and is undefeated, yet USC is the national champion. Oh, a man can dream cant he? I really hate college football. The only reason I watch anymore is to root for the BCS to be as screwed up as possible. Every year I think I get my wish, and every year it just gets better. Get a playoff system NOW.
  23. Not bad...I'm partial to this one (just because its different):
  24. Right, because clearly Cheney, Rice, Powell and Rumsfeld were all outsiders during the Bush I presidency.
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