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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Yeah, I noticed that too. Those guys botched that call up pretty good. Then the refs not knowing if the guy made it the 2nd time. Refs had some wierd callls today
  2. Luckilly we still have 5 more games to assess our OLine. I have a hard time believeing they ahve gone from as bad as they were to as good as they are in 2 weeks. That said, IF we decide our OL is in good shape we still have needs (in no particular order). 1) Big Physical WR. All these little guys are good for certain things, but we are missing that one big physical attention-getting WR. 2) Tight End. Ceislak looked pretty good today, and I always seem to like Royal, but they are not the kinds of TE we need. 3) Linebacker. TKO may or may not be done, but the end is near. Fletcher may or may not be back. Crowell is a keeper, but this group needs depth, or possibly one or two new starters. 4) Pass Rushing DE. Schobel/Kelsay/Denney/Hargrove are doing a decent job, but I would like to see a speed rusher out there once in a while. 5) Run Stuffing DT. These guys we have just cant stop the run.
  3. Especially since it was about 3 plays after Jones-Drew was pushing garrard in the pile in the 4th and 1 situation.
  4. My take at the playoff picture: Cliff Notes: Win and we are in, Lose just 1 and we have a reasonable chance. At this moment, this is the race for the Wildcard/Division Leaders AFC East: New England AFC North: Baltimore AFC South: Indianapolis AFC West: San Diego Race for Wild Card Denver 7-4 Kansas City 7-4 NY Jets 6-5 Cincinatti 6-5 Jacksonville 6-5 Buffalo 5-6 Miami 5-6 Pittsburgh 4-7 Tennesee 4-7 Now, obviously Buffalo needs to win out for our best chance. A loss to SD would not end our dreams, but it would make it alot tougher. Losing one game puts us at 7-5 in the AFC, which gives us a prayer for tiebreakers. Lets review the remaining games Denver (7-4) - All accounts say Denver is going to go with their rookie QB. Games remaining on their schedule include Seattle, San Diego, Arizona, Cincinatti and San Franciscio. An uphill battle with a rookie QB to say the least. Denver holds many tiebreakers due to a 7-3 AFC record. 3 wins, or 2 wins, including a win over either San Diego or Cincinatti, and they are in. Kansas City (7-4) - Games left include Cleveland, Baltimore, San Diego, Oakland, and Jacksonville. Kansas City is only 3-4 in conference currently, so they likely need 10 wins to get in. Do not hold any significant H2H tiebreakers hand likely need to to win 3 of the remaining 5 games to get in. New York Jets (6-5) - Games Remaining include Green Bay, Buffalo, Minnesota, Miami and Oakland. Would have H2H tiebreaker over miami if they win again in December, but it would likely be irrelavent as miami would then be (at best) 9-7 with a bad AFC record. Likely need to go 4-1 to make the playoffs. 3 wins is possible assuming they win all 3 AFC games left on their schedule. Cincinatti (6-5) - Left for dead 2 weeks ago, they are now in the thick of the playoff hunt. Still have Baltimore, Oakland, Indianapolis, Denver and Pittsburgh left on the calender. 4-3 in conference right now, its questionable whether 3 wins will do it for them. But 4 wins is going to be hard to get with those opponents. Hold a head to head advantage over Kansas City. Jacksonville (6-5) 3-4 in conference, still have Miami, Indianapolis, Tennessee, New England and Kansas City left. Likely need to go 4-1 over that stretch to get in. Hold H2H tiebreaker over the Jets and Tennessee. 9-7 just wont do it for this club. Would lose an AFC tiebreaker to most other 9-7 clubs. Got their work cut out for them. Buffalo (5-6) 3-4 in conference, have San Diego, Jets, Miami, Tennesse and Baltimore on the schedule. With 1 loss in the last 5 weeks, they would be 7-5 in conference and could squeak in with a 9-7 record with a tiebreaker over the right teams. Best scenario, win out and they are likely in. Hold head to head tiebreakers over Jacksonville & Miami (if they win in December). I detail the 9-7 tiebreakers below Miami (5-6) - A miserable 2-5 vs. AFC opponents means they will likely need to win out to make the playoffs. Hold H2H tiebreaker over Kansas City. Games remaining Jacksonville, New England, Buffalo, Jets, and Colts. Good Luck. Pittsburgh and Tennessee realistically are out of it. Both need to win out to have a prayer, and both have very difficult schedules, and have bad AFC conference records. For Buffalo: Finish 10-6 and we are pretty much in. We would have the H2H over Jacksonville if they are 10-6, same with the Jets. Would have a better in conference record than Kansas City, would win a tiebreaker over Denver (unless they beat both cincinatti and San Diego in which case they win the tiebreaker), would also knock out Miami by beating them. Cincinatti would need more review as we would both be 10-6 and would both be 8-4 in conference. Need to resort to common games, which is too much work for me right now. But all this said, there are 2 wildcard slots available, so chances are good we get one if we are 10-6. The only way we dont make it is if Cincinatti and Denver are both 10-6 and we lose the common opponents tiebreaker. Now, if we lose 1 game, and finish 9-7, this is where it gets really tough. Our AFC conference record would be 7-5. Respectable, but not outstanding. Might depend to whom this loss comes against. If the below teams finished 9-7, as well as Buffalo, who would win the tiebreaker? (Records shown are current AFC records) Denver - (7-3) - Only 2 AFC games left. SD and Cincinatti. Win one of them and they hold the tiebreaker over us. Lose both, and it goes to common opponents. Kansas City (3-4) - Only AFC opponents left for KC. If KC finishes 9-7 we would win the tiebreaker because they won just 2 of their last 5 games and thus be a dismal 5-7 in conference. Jets (5-4) - If our loss is to the Jets, the Jets win the H2H tiebreaker. If we beat the jets, the Jets would need to beat both Miami and Oakland to finish 7-5 in conference. Even then, it needs to go to common opponents. Cincinatti (4-3) All AFC opponents left. If they finish 9-7 AFC record will be 7-5. Same as Buffalo. Would need to go look at common opponents. Jacksonville - (3-4) We hold the H2H Miami (2-5) - If we beat Miami, we hold the H2H tiebreaker. If we lose, and Miami finishes 9-7, Miami is 6-5 in conference and we still hold the tiebreaker So to recap. Win and we are in. Lose 1 game , and finish 9-7, we would have a fighting chance. Denver would likely hold a tiebreaker over us. Kansas City would not. Jets (if we beat them) and Cincinatti would be up to common opponents.
  5. Yeah, just rewound the tivo...you can hear the break, but i didnt see much of aything except him grabbing his arm and in obvious pain. Oh well, no biggie.
  6. Maybe I was looking at the wrong part of the screen, but i saw it 6 times and didnt see what happneed....
  7. So, everywhere bledsoe goes, he is followed there by a young QB who is destined to win many superbowls and MVP awards....Bodes well forJP
  8. NSFW audio (and video if monkeys doin' it is NSFW). http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...490202491&hl=en
  9. I have heard of others haveing this issue as well. Some of those with this problem were able to view the game on TSN, presumably if they were living in canadia.
  10. a) Show me a country anywhere in the world that celebrates thanksgiving on the 4th thursday in November. The US is the "rest of the world" you refer to, because nobody else celebrates it with us. b) Chow mein for a Chineese thanksgiving in November? Its time to put down the atomic tangerine and fuzzy wuzzy brown ...
  11. There is no rub here. This is very clear. If your apartment or condo has an "exclusive use are" (i.e. deck, porch, balcony, etc.) you can place the dish there. You cannot place the dish in a common area (i.e. roof, walkways, etc.). The apartment can choose to have a common dish, shared by all tenents if they choose.
  12. I guess im not the only one who really cares!
  13. Right because a) The US IS the rest of the world b) Clearly the chineese are interested in clebrating the finding of america by eating Turkey and Cranberry sauce
  14. I might be wrong, but i belive federal law supercedes a rental agreement
  15. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/11/21/D8LHOQT00.html
  16. If we are going to make the playoffs, this week is a MUST WIN. We can only afford one more loss and still have a chance, and i think our best bet is to reserve that loss for the San Diego game. The rest of the games are winnable. Tough but winable. The San Diego game is the one I just cant see us winning. But hey, who knows. But we HAVE TO BEAT JACKSONVILLE.
  17. This game is...but the network itself is not.
  18. I guess it was...mostly. They seem to turn it on and off randomly. Whereas the other networks always leave it on...at least i think. Its one of those things you dont really notice until you start looking for it.
  19. Oh, I almost forgot the big one...Where the heck is the yellow first down line?!
  20. Yeah, I noticed that too. It needs to be moved up some. Also, I dont need it to tell me what team has the ball. If i cant figure that out, i shouldnt be watching the game. Also, Im not a big Bryant Gumbel fan. A bit too nasally for me. Wasnt a big fan of the intros, could hardly read the guys name as they scrolled in. Also, they have a camera with a bad pixel...or at leat thats how its showing up on my TV. Nearly freaked out the first time I saw it. Thought my TV was going bad. So far, its basically liek the XFL to me. Mostly crap, but hopefully something innovative and good will come out of it for the networks to use.
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