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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Well, its an interesting question. If their one loss comes to MIAMI, it goes to common opponents. If their one loss comes to OAKLAND, we win the tiebreaker. This assumes a head to head tiebreaker with NEW YORK, however if other teams are involved, a different criteria is used. NFL tiebreaking rules can be found here http://www.nfl.com/standings/tiebreakers
  2. Want me to shorten it? If IND beats CIN, at worst, there will be 5 teams at 8-6 after this weekend. I contend that the BILLS hold the tiebreaker over almost all of these teams. If BUFFALO wins out, they will need 4 of these 5 teams to lose 1 game. KC plays JAX. CIN plays DEN, There is 2 of the 4 losses we need. 2 more key losses (SD over KC, NE over JAX, PIT over CIN, SF over DEN, MIA over NYJ ) likely gets us in.
  3. Why do people insist its such a longshot? As of now: 8-5 Cincinnati (Play IND tomorrow, DEN and PIT left) 8-6 Jacksonville (have NE next week and close with KC) 8-6 NY Jets (Play MIA next week, close with oakland) 7-6 Denver (Still have CIN and SF) 7-6 Kansas City (Play SD tonight) 7-7 Pittsburgh (Play Baltimore next week) 7-7 Buffalo (We know the drill) 7-7 Tennessee After tonight, we very well could be looking at 3 or 4 teams at 8-6, and buffalo sitting at 7-7, 1 game back. Buffalo holds most the tiebreakers if they win out due to a 7-5 AFC record. The JETS are trouble. We have to hope MIAMI gets angry after being shutout and thromps them. Cuz OAKLAND isn't going to do it. They well could finish 10-6. CINCINATTI is also trouble because they can only win one more game. A loss to INDIANAPOLIS tomorrow is key. Then we have to hope either PIT or DEN beats them. But DENVER is one of the teams that holds the tiebreaker over us if they beat CINCINATTI. So really, the ideal situation would be for PITTSBURGH to beat them in week 17. JACKSONVILLE has 2 tough games left. We do hold the H2H vs. them. They need to win only one of their last 2. And luckilly for us they play NE next week and close at KC. So....we need DENVER to figure out how to lose this game to ARIZONA (and believe me, they are trying), and we need SAN DIEGO to beat up on KC tonight. Let INDY beat CINCINATTI and move on to next week. Then there are the 3 8 win teams outlined above and a whole mess of teams in the same boat as us, most of whom we hold the tiebreaker over. All we need then is to have one of the 8 win teams stumble...and we got a shot. Is it a stretch? Probably. But i wouldnt call it a longshot!
  4. I wish she would pull a "Spears" instead...
  5. Ya know. I just read this story again....can this possibly be a true story?
  6. Absolutely not. Race has NOTHING to do with it. Last I checked, all men were created equal. And therefore bad behavior by one person is not more acceptable than the same bad behavior by another. The majority of players in the NBA are black. It then stands to reason that the majority of the bad guys in the NBA are also black. Thats not racism. Thats reality. If Carmelo was any other race, my outrage would be the same. This fight is a microcasm of what is wrong with the NBA. The tip of the iceberg. Kobe Bryant - Accused of Rape Jayson Wiliams - Manslaughter A.I. - Gun and Assault charges Jason Kidd - Domestic Abuse The list goes on and on....and this carries over to the court. The whole culture of the NBA is a disaster. There needs to be a culture shift before the NBA can again be a sport i'll watch. But its worth saying. Show me the white rapist in the NBA. Show me the white guy accused of domestic abuse. Show me the white murder. Show me the white guy who gets arrested on gun charges. I'm sure there is some you can name, because its THE NBA CULTURE, but I cant think of any off the top of my head. The NFL...better get its act in gear. Ray Lewis, Rae Carruth, Terrell Owens, Marcus Vick, Sean Taylor, and now possibly Tank Johnson. Yes. I know. All Black. Is this racism? No. Show me a white guy in the NFL who has been brought up on murder charges, spit in someones face or pointed a gun at someone in public and I will deplore those acts as vigorously as I do the above list. I cant think of any off the top of my head. Now, the NHL is a little different story. Fighting is accepted by the league. It is part of the leagues history. Its part of every game. And it is very often done between two players who are friends and respect each other. Now, there are thugs in the NHL as well. Bertuzzi and McSorley come to mind. And there are players out there TRYING to injure players. Thats no more respectable than Collins on the Knicks yesterday. But again, show me the murder. Show me the spitter. Show me the public displays of firearms. Making the argument that Fighting is acceptable in Hockey therefore it should be acceptable in all sports, is like saying that since fighting is acceptable in Boxing, then its acceptable in WalMart over a PS3. So to reiterate one more time. Bad behavior is bad behavior. I dont care what race you are. If you kill someone. If you spit in someones face. If you irresponsibly use firearms. You are a bad person. Period. What carmello did was wrong. What all 10 guys on the court did was wrong. Its not murder or gun charges, but its still wrong. But in the case of the NBA, it represents a bigger problem.
  7. Yeah, I also did not find this funny.
  8. A CBS sign with Criqui Burlein Show us Respect (just off the top of my head....)
  9. absolutely ridiculous. And to think Melo is one of the "good" guys in the NBA. This is exhibit A of why I hate the NBA. These guys were good clean exciting players in college. Now they are thugs. Is it possible the money is TOO good for these clowns? Go a step further. Suspend all 10 guys on the court and the head coaches. If you get suspended on 2 separate occasions during the same season, you should be ineligible for post season play. I hate the NBA.
  10. woopdie doo. Edwards doesnt have a chance this time around. He is wasting his time and money. Bayh was smart. With Obama/Clinton, nobody else really has a chance
  11. Nah. Play a preseason game there perhaps...but thats about it
  12. Your getting it mixed up. They are applying for the NFL accusatory committee to take a look at their potential draft stock so they can make a decision. If they learn they are likely to be a first day pick, they may choose to come out. There have not (as of yet) declared for the draft
  13. Romo has the hotter G/F. Wish i had your problem. I am deciding between Vince Young, Grossman, Carr and Garcia...
  14. I vote for betts and westbrook
  15. You might want to be careful at what you are teaching her!
  16. Sad but true....if metallica would give me the rights
  17. Fine. Make sure you have a different marker. Scratch out Dick so that its still somewhat readable. (i.e. obvious it used to say dick). then write JURON i big letters sideways so it looks like you just wrote it on there. Same hillarity, wihtout the jailarity.
  18. http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/news;_ylt=Ap...ov=ap&type=lgns
  19. Yet some still insist its a good idea for the bills to tank the rest of the season to "improve our draft pick" amazing
  20. Probably time to lock up Evans for the long haul as well
  21. depends on how i feel about the players on the team at the time. If its a group I really like, I can see moving over my loyalty. Heck im following them from a distance now, whats the real difference? However, If its a team like the rob johnson/antwain smith/eddie robinson type team...I would probably take a bigger interest in a local team (i.e. Carolina, Baltimore, Deadskins)...though it would be painful.
  22. I dare say #1 receiver is the real need. Evans is a great burner, and a good receiver, but I think an Eric Moulds (or Calvin Johnson) type opposite him would be much better.
  23. 50 percent of the time, it works every time.
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