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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Well, not to start the game, but I recall the lions declining the ball in OVERTIME! (that still make me laugh every time i think about it)
  2. Oops. Advisatory committee. Spell check strikes again.
  3. is ANYONE in a league where the team with LT is not winning?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrPaUjjmrVo If your not a donald fan after this....wow!
  5. I once knew a second class interior communications electrician named Cox. (IC2 Cox) Oh, Naval Humor.
  6. I GUARANTEE you the enterprise wont be in commission in 2023. Anyone who has set foot on that ship in the last 10 years knows why. And the worst part about naming a ship after Ford, is that not only is it the USS Ford, but its the USS FORD CLASS! It needs to be the America. End of story
  7. sadly, we need the jets loss. a tie hurts just as much
  8. Right now: 8%. With a Bengals win tonight, 2%
  9. If i recall correctly, we were DESPERATE for a QB. Anyone we could "try out" would have been acceptable. Luckilly we are where we are, but there was a long period of time where ANYONE was better than what we had...yes even Quincy Carter. Remember, we almost signed jeff blake once too...
  10. I'll be heading to the game with my brother. Just 2 of us. Never spent an outdoor event (of this magnitude) in the winter. Current forecast shows good weather (i.e. low 40s). Not too worried about that (perhaps I should be!). Where is this Danny's place? I assume I can walk there from the stadium?
  11. Yes, there IS a scenario that an 8-8 team can make the playoffs. Here is one. Jets lose to MIA and OAK Pit loses to BAL JAX loses to NE and KC Ten loses to NE Den loses to CIN and SF KC loses to OAK, beats JAX This leaves 7 teams at 8-8 and CIN at 9-7. Actualy, that scenerio isnt too far fetched....alot needs to happen as scheduled, which never happens, but the hardest part of that is OAK beating KC. Other than that, everything seems like a better than 50% chance of each event happening.
  12. Well, I have to drive back to Albany after the game....so its doubtful I will do too much "pregaming"! I have been to many a NASCAR event. I am imagining a similar experience pre-game. i.e tailgaing and I am assuming its a bad idea to show up at noon.... Dont know how much the Kelly Mcguire seats go for. Ticketmaster only has upper deck seats at this point, so ebay it is. Subject to availability of course.
  13. ATH had the question: Do the Steelers or Titans have a shot at the playoffs? WTF, how about the OTHER 7-7 teams.
  14. It might come as some shock to many of you, but I am planning on attending my first Bills game this weekend. I need tickets, but looking at ebay, I dont think thats a problem. Here is my question. 1) Where to sit? Money not an issue. I would think something in the 100 section would be good, but having never been to a pro game im not sure where to sit. I am assuming lower is better and closer to the 50 yard line is better. Perhaps something in 135/136? Where would you sit? Looking to have a good time, but not be around a bunch of raving drunks. 2) How early should I get there before the game? 3) Any tips that are important to know (i.e where to park, traffic patters, etc.) Thanks!
  15. If you told me before the season losman would be ranked ahead of Hasselbeck, Vick, Roeth, Brady, Delomme & E. Manning I would have been very happy.
  16. I hated the losman pick. I saw a pre-draft interview with the kid and thought "cocky S.O.B. I hope to hell the bills dont draft him". Course, when they traded up to pick him, I was less than amused, but vowed to give him a fair shot (did I have any choice?). Eventually his personality has won me over. BTW, in my search to find said ESPN clip, I found these 2 rather amusing links http://youtube.com/watch?v=Fa52YRXoDao http://youtube.com/watch?v=1QAzwjDRjfE (Note: my search failed.) I also recall watching draft recap shows after the draft. With 4 first round quarterbacks, that was much of the discussion. The thought seemed to be that its possible Losman was very good, but was very raw. I think it was Mort who said he needed 2-3 years to blossom and was not NFL ready. I always kept that in the back of my head, even posted it here when things were rough early and got chastized because "nobody drafts a player who needs 3 years of development time in the first round" There were times where I started to doubt. But then he made some outstanding plays to show me the talent is there, but the leadership and confidence were lacking. The past few months have made a great amount of progress. It will be interesting to see how he bounces back from the inevitable bad game/couple bad games in a row. All in all, I think I have been pretty levelheaded with JPs development, realizing no QB was taking us to the superbowl the last 3 years. I too was in the Sherman camp, but I found it quite difficult to criticize Marv Levys handpicked choice to be head coach.
  17. Eh, Clintons only downside is electability. And democrats havent seemed to care about that in their nominations recently. Personally, I think Hillary CAN win a national election, but I anyone who is scared of that will look elsewhere. Thats where Obama needs to push. The difference between the two (from what I know), seems to be more style than substance. The guy I really wanted to see in this race from the democratic side (Mark Warner) has already bowed out.
  18. Yep. I did the same thing. The most interesting part, for me, is that I learned of Husseins capture via ESPN.com. I felt it only fitting i learned of OBLs capture/death on TBD. For a news junkie that I am, its still wierd to me I learned of Husseins capture on ESPN.
  19. Um...you've seen the bills play in the superbowl, right?
  20. While we are talking about crazy rules we dont understand, Onside Kicks. If the ball goes 10 yards, it can be recovered by the kicking team, even if the other team never touches it. Yet if you kick the ball downfield, it bounces around, and the kicking team downs it, do the same rules apply? I swear i have seen cases where the kicking team has downed the ball. I figure this is a good place to put this, since i cant look like much more of a fool than some others in this thread.
  21. Cant get to the Recipie Section! HELP SDS!
  22. WRONG. TO BREAK A TIE FOR THE WILD-CARD TEAM If it is necessary to break ties to determine the two Wild-Card clubs from each conference, the following steps will be taken. 1. If the tied clubs are from the same division, apply division tie breaker. 2. If the tied clubs are from different divisions, apply the following steps. If it is JUST us and the JETS. Then the Jets win. If its Us, the JETS and someone else, a different set of rules is used.
  23. I dont think you will find much argument from the people that love the movie. Its because of how dumb it is that people like it.
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