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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Stole that one from Chad Johnsons playbook. I suppose thats fitting, since there is nothing left in the Boise St. playbook
  2. Wow. BRING ON OHIO STATE! Oh..wait. season is over? ugh, that was anti-climactic. On a side note, why dont we ever see these kinds of plays in the NFL?
  3. we HAVE a national UFO reporting center? Wow.
  4. This isnt really a "bills not re-signing their DBs" problem, this is a "bills not re-signing their players" problem. When was the last time a big(ish) name bill hit the FA market and we kept him?
  5. Probably because one side of the coin had a picture of oklahoma and the other had a bronco or something on it. It amazes me this doesnt get screwed up more often.
  6. and especially since michigan lost to USC, win it to create a BCS controversy again. I hate when the BCS gets it right.
  7. I do not appreciate your attitude here. If you want to dispute facts, come at me with facts. If juvenile name calling is the only thing you can bring to the table, there are plenty of Patriot forums you can join.
  8. Just did a quick search on the club they were at. Then cross referenced the location of the club with denver crime statistics from the denver police page. (Note: 2005 data)...I fell like i should interview to replace edgar stiles on 24 next week.... http://www.denvergov.org/admin/template3/f...Offense_Map.pdf Guess where the club is...its on broadway about halfway between 7th and Colfax. Crime rate doesnt get any higher in all of Denver. Homicide map shows similar results. http://www.denvergov.org/admin/template3/f...omicide_Map.pdf there is no substitute for knowing the area, but it definetly appears this is not a great area, and perhaps one you should avoid. Again, this does not mean he deserved this....but sometimes your actions have unintended consequences.
  9. I wouldnt be so sure.... I can almost see Oakland swaping first rounders with Atlanta for Vick.... With Schaub and Vick, there is no reason to keep both.
  10. First off, I feel bad for the Williams family. From what I know, he seemed like a decent guy. This kind of thing is incomprehensible. HOWEVER... I dont know this area of town, but I would have to guess this is not the place I would have chosen to celebrate the new year. You put yourself in bad situations often enough, bad things happen. This doesnt mean that he deserved this, nobody deserves this. But it does mean that your actions and your choices in life have consequences, often unintended consequences. The culture of professional athletics seems to cause a sense of infallibility. Hopefully, as tragic as this event is, it will cause some habitual offenders of dangerous behavior to think about the consequences of their choices. And hopefully some other young players will not fall prey to the magnetic pull to the lifestyle of the typical professional athlete.
  11. I'd care about this if you could show me ANY nfl draft in the last 50 years where the order players were picked in is the same as the order of how good they were in the NFL.
  12. Yet they wont let Reggie Bush wear number 5....
  13. Think of it as raising the minimum wage of NFL players. As the minimum wage increases, it hurts the smaller market teams. perhaps this should be in PPP
  14. I was expecting the chris rock "make us a sandwich, s*ck our ****, and shut the f*** up"
  15. Anyone seen George Allen recently? i kid..i kid...
  16. Its better to let him walk now, a year or two early, than let him walk a year or two late
  17. Yeah, hargrove needs some props in this thread. The guy goes at 200% every play. The guy in intense, always into it. Good team guy it appears
  18. Nah, this year it LOOKED like we had a very easy schedule. It turned out to be very difficult. Cant predict what next year will bring regarding difficulty of schedule
  19. Also, keep in mind we will pick ahead of all teams in the playoffs. If the original link is the way it ends up, and the giants (or someone else at 7-8 in the NFC) makes the playoffs, they will pick after us.
  20. Listen, I was there. I can accept not kicking the FG. What I cannot accept is the complete lack of a plan on that drive. If the decision is "we are too far out for a FG, we need a first down", then you do not run the 3rd down play we ran, and certainly you dont run the 4th down play we ran to pick up the 5 yards needed. Lindell and Moorman were running on the field, then called back. THERE WAS NO PLAN. An absolute disgrace by the coaching staff there. Personally, I would have perfered trying the FG. But it would have been a VERY tough FG given the conditions. But given the fact that the coaches evidently were not going to try a FG without another first down, they play calling and organization of the drive was HORRENDOUS.
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