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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Could the patriots play more boring football? seriously. 6 yard pass, 3 yard run, 3 yard run, first down. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. I mean, if it was the Bills, I would be happy, but my goodness, its so boring. Dont get me wrong, its good efficient football, but sometimes I watch them and I would rather watch paint dry.
  2. Just make sure its in a 1qt plastic bag! Tough, if you keep it in your pocket, and can get it through the metal detector, you should be fine!
  3. I dont think anyone thinks any different of the Cowboys...though they have a few rings on their fingers...
  4. Can you imagine the talk if WE were playing in the game...
  5. The whole league is pitiful. We have about 5 teams worth of making the tournament as a 8 seed or lower....thats about it. Hope it turns around next season with all the good frosh coming in
  6. An online poll of 800 voters has Schilling leading Kerry by 96 percent. haha...bet thats scientific!
  7. Man, I wonder how he will heat and cool that thing. Hasnt he heard of Global Warming and energy conservation?
  8. Umm...yeah. Team is still in Norfolk, and doing QUITE well. Check out this article from the game last night. Sellout crowd, nearly 9,000 in the stands. Tell me hockey cant survive here! Forget Texas...Bring the Pengins to Norfolk! http://content.hamptonroads.com/story.cfm?...&ran=187993
  9. Yeah, i had a steak knife in my bag once (dont ask..i dont know), caught by security. didnt take my name or anythuing. waslked me out of the secure area, gave me the knife. I checked my bag and all was well...
  10. Cant speak for the film issue, but I have kept cameras, cords, power adapters, etc. in my carryon bag. The only thing you need to do is remove your laptop seperatly. Also, most airports requiring shoe removal now, and also remember to remove your jacket. Biggest recent change, no liquids through security. You are allowed one clear 1 quart bag, with individual containers containing no more than 3 oz of liquid. I encourage you to check out the TSA webpage at http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/scr...ex.shtm#content prior to flying. It always amazes me that some people are so clueless in security lines. Makes me angry. No, you cant bring your collectible scissor collection. No, you cant bring a lighter. Yes, you have to take your laptop out of your bag. Yes, you need your boarding pass after you go through the metal detector, so dont put it through the xray machine. It makes things so much smoother when everyone knows (and follows) the rules.
  11. Give me some more of your reasons. My reasons are 1) High cost of R&D 2) Frivolous lawsuits 3) Marketing Yes, there are things the government can do to help reduce the cost of health insurance. #1 is the lawsuits. Loser-Pays is a good way to settle this debate. High cost of new prescription drugs could be reduced by lengthening the length of time the patent is valid for.
  12. Yeah, take a look at those numbers and tell me hockey cant surivive in a town like Tampa
  13. I dont believe for a minute that the FDA is not bloated and couldnt stand for a revamping...but I think eliminating it entirely is a disasterous idea. You claim they kept vioxx on the shelf an killed ephedra, and then you claim that vioxx should have gotten the cut. Yet without an FDA, they BOTH would have been on the market, along with many other drugs with even worse (or at least more widespread) side effects. Im not going to make the case for keeping either on the shelf, because im not a medical expert, and because I am not familiar too much with the drugs, but clearly there is a good reason to have an oversight body for food and drugs. I'm open to any alternative points of view. They just need to be well constructed and thought out. If I can punch a hole in it the size of texas, its a waste of my time. Any books you reccomend?
  14. Yeah, I agree with AD on alot of issues, but I cant make a case for abolishing the FDA. Reducing its role, sure, but eliminating it seems absurd to me. There are certain roles of government which i think are necessary (though these are FAR FAR fewer than what we currently have). For a constitutional reference, I feel it falls under "providing for the general welfare of the United States" The FDIC was created after the great depression, when many banks went under, thus exacerbating the problem. I dont know that this is a) still necessary, b) Cost-effective c) couldnt be handled by private organizations or d) a good idea to eliminate it. I need to research the cost/benefits of the FDIC before making a real opinion, but on its surface, I would have to think this is minimal cost for the protection it affords the banking industry. Medicare, and lets throw all health care in this pile is a racket. Insurance is expensive because Research and Development costs are high and people want to pay $3 for prescription drugs and doctors visits. Insurance is insurance. Insurance against the tragic happening and you not being able to afford the repairs. Insurance is for when your house burns down, not when you have to replace a window. Insurance is for when your car gets totaled, not when you find a dent in the drivers door. Insurance is for when you need a kidney removed, not for when you need an annual physical. This is one (big) reason insurance is so darn high. The government has no role in subsidising health care, because THAT DOESNT LOWER THE COST OF HEALTH CARE. We need to look into things that actually reduce the cost of healthcare. Go ahead, appeal the civil rights law. Does that make it legal to treat blacks poorly, bar them from hotels, etc.? No. Would it change the way people act? No. We have grown up since then as a country. The biggest reason racism still exists today is because we talk about it. We say we are all equal, then we keep trying to put everyone into neat little groups. He is a liberal. He is a conservative. He is white. He is black. He is Jewish. Get over it.
  15. Thats my point. Actually, Bush has been TALKING about oil conservation for years. Has ANYTHING actually been done about it? I personally feel conservation is the wrong way to go, but rather development of economical alternatives to oil...but thats a reasonable debate that reasonable people can have. On your other point. Cutting taxes does NOT mean cutting revenue to the government. In fact, it often does the exact opposite. That doesnt mean we should spend MORE money...but rather further cut taxes to establish an equilibrium lower tax rate. Im against most new spending programs, as I think they cause an over-reliance on the government and degradation of personal responsibility. The federal government is just too big and too intrusive, and as a result is unable to adapt to the quickly changing world we are now in.
  16. Of course they were! But in any ranking, its always hard to put the teams that lost ahead of ANY team that won. There are only a handful of teams who lost the SB ranked above us. That, combined with the giants team being only 33rd...seems about right to me
  17. Well, there has been 40 superbowls, so 43rd would seem to be one of the best teams that did not win it all. Not that that matters much.
  18. I thought it was a good speech, but im done with listening to empty rhetoric on either side of the isle. Go do what needs to be done. Cut taxes. Privatize social security. Get Iraqis to protect their own country and get out of there. Find Bin Laden. Secure our borders. Balance the budget. Develop alternative energy. Foster strong international relationships. Stop arguing with each other, and SHUT UP. With the exception of social security privatization, there shouldn't be an objectionable item on that list! Talk is okay, but results matter. Git'R'Done
  19. 1) Capitalize Bar Inn. 2) Bilingual. Great. What languages? 3) You say you have strong interpersonal skills and are self motivated. This is good, but I dont see alot of proof up above in your work history. Try to show us some things that accentuate these skills. 4) Your most recent work will be the most important. you said you "maintained" customer satisfaction. Try this. Change it to "Improved customer satisfaction by.....(fill in the blank)" This will help with #3 above as well. 5) Designed and built displays. Needs a little work. Perhaps "Designed innovative and original product displays designed to increase product exposure and (??? Up-sell opportunities, customer loyalty, profitability....etc.) 6) Supported Sales Staff. Try something more descriptive. How did you support them? Also, try getting rid of the word "support". It makes it sound like you were not an important player, but rather someone who just did a few things on the side. Try to take a similar approach with the rest of your jobs listed. Met with lobby groups. Great. But what does that do for the guy hiring you? Try to spin about every item to appeal to the company you are applying with. The trick is to not go over the top here. Also, im a little torn with the real estate sales licence. My problem with it is that it really doesnt fit, and shows some indicision where you want to go with your life. You have a poly sci degree, work in marketing, and have a real estate licence, all within the last 2-3 years. Three IMO, distinct fields. What makes me think you wont want a career change 6 months from now? Tough call, because its not a bad thing. Also, you have some good experience with the government intern job. Then you have some good experience with the distribution company. Not sure if you need to include the bartender job. I might drop this. It leaves a 2 month gap between graduation and the distributing job, but its right after graduation. It is very common for people to take a month or two off after graduation, as it is the last time you can really do that. Something to consider.
  20. Ahhh yes. Ruben AND Rusty. #1 and #2 on TDs biggest mistakes list
  21. I hate the guy too....but if i was an NFL player....I would hire rosenhose without much thought.
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