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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Why do people insist that the government is so inefficient and slow and then in almost the same breath, mention socialized health care?!
  2. Its one damn sweater! Using that logic, how can New Hampshire fund an entire state with a 3 dollar sweater tax? Proponents of a flat tax typically use the 17% number as what would be necessary. And the effective tax rate in 2004 was about 12.1%. So I think even 17 percent is a little high...but that can be debated as a separate issue. Your 50 dollar sweater would be $57.50 with a 15% federal sales tax. Black market yachts? Please. All it takes is a little enforcement by law enforcement. Heck, the entire IRS can be abolished, we can establish a much much smaller tax enforcement agency if needed. We have state consumption taxes now. How often do you think this type of behavior occurs today?
  3. You are confusing wealth with income. We have an income tax in this country. The wealthy pay NO TAXES if they have NO INCOME. But lets use your analogy... The top one percent of wage earners should pay 33% of all taxes you say...okay...well according to the IRS, in 2004, they paid 36.89% of the taxes. (Cant find 2005 data). The bottom 80 percent should pay 15% you say. According to the IRS, the bottom 75% (IRS uses 75% as a break point), pay 15.14%. Obviously if you expand this to the bottom 80, the total tax burden would increase (somewhere between 17 and 20 percent) So, even with your logic, the rich are paying more than they need to, and the poor (the bottom 50 percent or so), are not paying their fair share. Not that I agree with your logic at all, I'm just saying that even IF you use your logic, your argument, once again, is completely flawed.
  4. Are Crayons and Molson the same person? Wow. That sweater you pay 50 bucks for, would cost you maybe 55-57 bucks with a consumption tax. The difference is that if you make 50k a year, you dont pay 8k a year in federal income taxes, like you do now (just pulling a number out). As for the drug dealer...his behavior probably wouldnt change based on this...but when he went to purchase that $50k escalade, he would pay 5k extra in taxes. Right now, that money is not being taxed at the federal level. Just an example.
  5. Because I live in Virginia! I'll try frying them normally and then throwing them under the broiler for a few minutes at the game...thanks for your help
  6. ive seen that before. Not a better, more accurate depiction of our current tax system exists. I find it funny when i talk to people who are against the current tax system based on the "tax cuts for the rich" philosophy, and "the rich dont pay enough" philosophy, but are adamant about having a "flat tax" where everyone pays 17% or whatever. These are the people who are so oblivious to the important topics of our time, that the country would be better served if they stayed out of the voting booths until they learn a little about how government really works. But I digress.. Personally, I am in favor of consumption taxes. Get rid of the income tax entirely. This way, you buy a luxury yacht, you pay taxes. The more you spend, the more you pay. This way, the folks who earn less, pay less in taxes. The drug dealer not claiming millions on his 1040, will have to pay taxes on that new pimped out escalade, or the bling. If you earn less, you pay less. If you earn more, you pay proportional to what you spend. This would also encourage much needed personal savings in this country. Its a solid plan. Course, we have to get rid of the income tax entirely...and possibly find a way to make the first $10k or so of expenditures for everyone tax free.
  7. Yeah, figured id get these replies! I know, i know...but in reality, if I make real wings, they will be cold by the time they are served. Perhaps I can deep fry them and then toss them in a crock pot just to keep warm... I dont know. Really the host should be doing the wings and I can make something else...but alas, its not to be....
  8. The ONLY way I would support this is if every team gives up one home game to play out of the country. Remember the outrage last year when the Giants got an extra home game because of Katrina? Its equally as unfair to the Dolphins (and for the Giants, its payback). The schedule is already set for years in advance. Who cares, the NFL does not need to be a worldwide game. Nor does Soccer. We already have american football in europe. Nobody cares. the NFL isnt going to be any different. Imagine if England played the Netherlands in soccer in Chicago. Would you go? Would you care? I might if I was living in Chicago. I might if I knew it would be remotely the same as if it was being played in London. I might if I could name ANY player on either of the teams. But I cant. Would it help soccer succeed in the US? Unlikely.
  9. I have been tasked with bringing the chicken wings to the big game this year. I wish to make them in a crock pot so I can bring it along and keep them warm during the game. Any good crock pot recipies out there? Ideally I would have 2 types, One a traditional spicy hot wing, and the other a sweeter bbq, honey, etc. type of wing. Any suggestions?
  10. Matching 100% up to 5 percent 401K, 4 weeks vacation a year.
  11. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?sectio...&id=2751030
  12. They can always sit the other direction! Or, how about this. Put a mirror opposite the crapper. Most of the football game will still be visible even if reversed by a mirror.
  13. It seems that ESPN has been very desirous of a black head coach to do well.
  14. Not sure....but you might get stuck paying social security taxes on your winnings as well...
  15. Any chance DTV can pick up the feed from the Jumbotron (angry...)
  16. If I recall correctly, a franchise tag gives either the average salary of the top 5 CBs, OR a 20% increase over the previous years franchise number, whichever is higher. Not sure how that would affect this situation, but NC would be guarenteed a 20% salary increase if re-tagged...might be a big part of the reason for agreeing to not tag him again. (Though a long term contract would bring him considerably more up front money)
  17. Why do you insist on pointing out the flawed behavior of others to try to prove a point? Wrong is wrong. Hypocricy is Hypocrisy. I dont care if your John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Barbara bush or Mother Theresa...its still wrong. Pulling a random Barbara Bush quote from the ether has NO bearing on anything in this thread except make you look even more disconnected with reality than most of us already know you are. I Notice you are staying awfully quiet in the Hillary 2003 thread. Perhaps you should go over there and post the George Allen mcacca video. That'll show em!
  18. No Chloe mention here? http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0285331/Ss/...,%20Mary%20Lynn
  19. I'd ask Dan Marino how he would feel if Peyton Manning won the SB
  20. All accounts stated that if not McGahee, we were prepared to take Kelsay in the first round...So I have a hard time faulting the mcgahee pick knowing that bit of info
  21. The first minute or so is weird... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYATbsu2cP8
  22. I can tell you cursing is wrong. Yet I occasionally curse. does this make me a hypocrite, or someone stuggling with cursing. Simple example, but just because you act one way doesnt mean you think that behavior is correct.
  23. Gas is under $2/gallon. Must be a right wing conspiracy to lower gas prices right before an election...
  24. Very interesting indeed. What kind of interviewer uses the word "schmuck"? Thats beside the point, but I found it quite humorous. I hope Hagel knows what he is doing. He is throwing around some VERY serious accusations in this interview. They better damn well be true, because if not, he is doing irreparable harm to this country. It smacks of politics though. I wonder if he enters the presidential election. If so, I will pretty much discard everything he says in this interview. I hate that every time i hear any politician speak, I have to wonder if they are being genuine, or politics as usual, but its the state of our politics.
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