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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. I disagree. I think Rudi wins the nomination. Right now, McCain has to be the favorite. I think once America hears Rudy talk, it will bring back the memories of his leadership after 911 and a good fresh start for america.
  2. Stop even thinking about the salary cap. EVERY team is under the cap for next season. Its almost a non-issue at this point.
  3. eh....perhaps. I guess with no clear cut winner they gave it to the sentimental favorite, who just so happens to be the team leader
  4. Well, I opted just to throw them in the oven, since I was fighting for oven space from the homemade deep dish pizza (which was phenomenal btw)... So i put them along side the pizza and let'er roll. The hot wings were pretty good, but the BBQ ones needed some work, but nobody seemed to mind. Thanks for all your help
  5. Yet somehow...its still Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park and Wrigley Field.
  6. Preferably not...but I dont care. I just think it would be a nice tribute to the newly elected class. Have them all there on the field and have one of them toss it.
  7. Possibly Vinatieri.... Urlacher will probably go, but hasnt punched his ticket yet IMO. Needs a couple more good years. I dont see Wayne making it. Or Saturday. Thats about it IMO. Manning, Harrison and Probably Urlacher. Vinatieri is the only other player who I can see having a chance, but a kicker in the HOF is tough. Sure, there are young guys who we dont how their careers will turn out. Bob Sanders, Cedrick Benson, Addai, Dallas Clark, Desmond Clark, Grossman. All COULD be HOFers given some good years after today...but by no stretch are they in the hall today. EDIT: Duh, Freeney has a good shot, but I put him in the same category as Urlacher. A few more good years
  8. Perhaps the correct thing here is to have one of the newest elected members of the HOF toss the coin...
  9. While I do like thurman up there. Couple comments.... 1) If it is going to be long term, I think we should honor the entire superbowl teams, or at least the key guys. Thurman is great, but Kelly, Bruce, Andre, Tasker, et al., should be up there as well. Perhaps a montage/collage of the top 5 guys or so from those teams. 2) While I love these old guys, for some reason I am feeling like im living in the past when I see Thurman up there... 3) Can you work on a rotating script, where sometimes when you come to TBD you see the old clan, and sometimes you see the new regime? Might be a good way to mix it up. But CONGRATS THURMAN!
  10. Perhaps true. He was good. But there is no denying the last year or two he was here, he looked average at best. Too much money for the production we were getting out of him. Now, perhaps that was gilbride, perhaps it was any number of things, but he needed a change of scenery.
  11. Levy To Present Thomas? Thurman Thomas may be following in the footsteps of fellow Hall of Fame teammate Jim Kelly. Thomas said in an interview on the NFL Network that he plans on having Marv Levy be his presenter for induction at the Hall of Fame ceremonies on August 4th. Levy is no stranger to the podium in Canton, he is a Hall of Famer himself and also presented Kelly for induction. Thomas said he told Levy years ago that he wants him to present him if he ever got in the Hall of Fame.
  12. So do the colts. Peyton Manning comes to mind....
  13. And the syracuse boys...Freeney and Harrison
  14. The only thing thats a joke is how much money we pay in federal taxes. I dont see widespread evasion of income taxes. I dont see widespread evasion of state sales taxes. I dont see a widespread evasion of national sales taxes if invoked. I just dont see it.
  15. I hope we make him "tackle eligible" often next season
  16. If you want to have a debate on other taxes, I am game for them as well. But this thread has been about income taxes. So am I hearing correctly that you would rather have a "wealth tax" than an "income tax"?
  17. And you assisted bush by paying federal taxes last year. Guess its off to the slammer for you as well..
  18. What...the...???????? Do you read the stuff you post as gospel to see if it proves your point? Cuz this doesnt help you AT ALL. Taxes are being paid in Virginia. If there was a national sales tax, taxes would STILL be paid in virginia. This purchase would not go un-taxed at the federal level. New York would still be losing out on revenue. This is a serious issue, one which needs to be dealt with. But it offers ZERO proof people would be able to get out of paying a national sales tax on a widespread basis. If it proves anything, it proves that taxes in new york are too high to begin with! This is a law enforcement issue, not a federal taxation issue.
  19. Why do people insist that the government is so inefficient and slow and then in almost the same breath, mention socialized health care?!
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