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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Man, what an offseason for the chargers (and LT)... LT is a class act. So sad. It reminds you every day could be your last....
  2. Yes, they should be outlawed. Because clearly they go unpunished now....
  3. Yep, because everyone knows that the player taken #3 will have a better career than the player taken #4. Its all just noise.
  4. For those who dont know.... Federal Government pays 1% of your salary for every year you work there. I started at 22, if i retire at 57 (minimum retirement age to collect benefits), that means I get 35% of my salary when I retire as a pension. On top of that, I get a Thrift Savings Plan (aka 401K), which they match 5% if I put in 6%. So 11% of my salary is going into my TSP. That means after 35 years, I will have put in the equivalent of 4 years salary. Not accounting for the inevitable growth of this money, the principle alone (at about 5% a year interest), would give me another 20% of my salary. And then my IRA, I wont go into details here because its irrelavant to the discussion... And then there is social security....which I'm not counting on... Basically If I work there for the minimum number of years, get NO real interest on my money put into the TSP until I retire, get no social security or IRA money, im looking at 55-60% of my salary starting at age 57. Hard to beat this plan IMO... After 15 years, you get 26 days of vacation a year. Virtually unlimited sick time & Full government holidays. Downside: There are no stock options or revenue sharing plans in the government. Bonuses are somewhat limited. Upward mobility is difficult at times.
  5. If you have one bucket that holds 2 gallons, and another that holds 5 gallons…how many buckets do you have?
  6. If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress? - Carlos Mencia
  7. Fletcher Wants To Stay: London Fletcher was on Sirius NFL radio yesterday and expresses his desire to stay in Buffalo. He said the team is really on the right track with some solid young players and they are heading in the right direction. Fletcher said his agent Drew Rosenhaus and the Bills will have some discussion during the combine and try to get something done before the start of free agency. This contradicts a bit the statements made by Marv Levy who said last week that the team needs more aggressive linebackers, not the kind that makes tackles behind the play. Fletcher said after the season ended that he will make this decision based on his family as it is his last big contract.
  8. I'm not sure. I picked this one up at costco for 20 bucks. And given my love of money, I think that was a bit much for it. Word is that you will be able to attend college course at Costo shortly, but the guy kept telling me he loved me, so it was time to move on. The movie was pretty good. Except for the a$$. I could have lived wihout that. But I do love women. Yes I know you love them too, but not like I do.
  9. You and 95% of race fans! Thats actually one of the points I was trying to make earlier. This is reality tv at its finest. Things that happen off the track manage to find their way on the track and vice versa. Watch this sport long enough and you will know a whole soap opera worth of information on these guys. This helps build suspense. You know the guys everyone will rally around, the guys who will be alienated. You know the teamates of the drivers, who is helping who. Who is making deals with other teams. Its the reality tv aspect that is so appealing to many race fans. Rivalries get built up and torn down, but the dynamic changes weekly. It really has alot more to do with the peronalities of the drivers than it does making "left turns" every week.
  10. Then I'll use your words "...any sport where females can compete in the same competition as males pretty much indicates to me that it doesn't take an athlete to perform." If female cannot compete with the males, its because the males are athletes. If females can compete with the males, its because neither are athletes. Females either can or cannot compete with males in a given competition Therefore, females are not athletes. Perhaps you meant to say something different...but im not getting it from your postings.
  11. Is Micheal Phelps an athlete? Is Tiger Woods an athlete? Is Roger Federer an athlete? Is Lance Armstrong an athlete? Is Justin Gatlin an athlete? Is Shawn White an athlete? Is Bode Smith an athlete? Because, given the right circumstances, all of them could be beat by "a girl". I know you havent seen a female tennis player beat a male tennis player... but you cant tell me Serena Williams or Maria Sharapova couldnt kick the crap out of Frank Dancevic, Canada (Random guy I picked from the bottom of the mens ranking list.). And for the record, no woman has ever won a nextel cup race. In fact, there isnt even one on the circuit right now. Nobody has really competed on a widescale basis with the men in Nascar. Danica is running indy cars, and as far as that goes, she finished 9th in the standings. Sounds impressive until you realize only 19 cars run each week. Despite the press, she may be heading the Anna Kounrnakova route. Not to dispute your point though, Women can race with the men. But i dont think it takes men to be athletes.
  12. Hmmm...here i was thinking the all american was was to knock up your gf then MARRY her...go on maury and claim its not yours.
  13. Yeah, once football season starts, I start to tune out. I wouldn't if the schedules didn't conflict. I still dont understand how people cannot think they are athletes. A dude just got into a wreck, flipped his car, crossed the finishline while his car was sliding upside down at 150mph and on fire. He'll be in some pain for sure...but he'll be racing again next week. You have to be in good physical condition to bounce back after slamming a wall head on at 200mph, even with all the safety equipment available today. Here is an interesting article http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4243400/ But this is all semantics. It doesn't matter whether they are athletes or not...I think we can all agree its a sport. And a sport that is enjoyable to a large number of people. To argue that there are only left turns is ridiculous. Who cares? Even though they DO run some road courses, some short tracks, some superspeedways and everything inbetween. Your statement that you dont like the fact they only make left turns is akin to someone saying they dont like football because all the fields are 100yds long. Thats the sport! thats the way it is! And for the record, road courses are difficult for race fans to watch live. A major disadvantage. I hear alot of what you are saying... but what i am hearing is alot of "nascar isnt like other sports, so i dont like it". Those of us who DO like it is BECAUSE its not like other sports. It offers a unique change, and I think thats welcome.
  14. While this is true, the big sports are more like rooting for laundry or a uniform, while NASCAR is more rooting for an individual to succeed. It always makes for a good story when Jerome Bettis wins a superbowl or Ray Borque wins a stanley cup. Likewise, its usually fun to root against someone like Barry Bonds or Terrell Owens. These things seem to be true whether you like the team they are on or not. This is the same sensation NASCAR gets with its drivers. So, while the regional pride is not there, the emotional ties to the individual participants is. I love football and baseball and other sports...NASCAR is just a different animal altogether. But I still love it as well.
  15. Nothing to distinguish it? - Americans love Cars. This is the biggest sport in America with motor vehicles involved. - Nascar does THE BEST marketing of its athletes (I'll discuss the word athletes in a moment). Their personalities are on public display, there are hero's, villians, loveable old guys and charismatic young guys. If you follow the sport, its easy to take a liking to many of these guys, and loathe others. - Reality TV is on display every week. Remember when Mike Piazza and Roger Clemens were going at it. Everyone couldnt wait to see what happened next time they faced each other. NASCAR offers this EVERY week. Over time, it becomes clear who is getting under someones skin, and who has wrecked someone 3 times and is lookin for a payback. - The unexpected can happen at any minute, up to and including death of the participants. There is an element of danger and suspense in every race that you dont get in other sports. - There is something inherently American about spending a day at the ballpark or tailgating before a football game. Both are great experiences. A day at the track is something just as special. If you havent done it, you have to do it once to understand. Its like a big 4th of july party every weekend. Weather is always nice, burgers on the grill a cold beer in your hand, tossing a football around, playing some cards, whatver you want. There isnt a care in the world. But on to your other points - make no mistake, these guys are athletes. Sure they arent pumped up on roids. They dont "look" like an athletes. How tired are you after a 500 mile drive? These guys do that every week, in a car that is very hot and uncomfortable. They have to stay in good physical shape to be able to do this. I understand your point, and respect your opinion if you dont like the sport, but I think you are short changing these guys. - They have several road course races, which have right turns as well. -3 hours without interruption is rough? Oh contraire! go to a race! you will be on the edge of your seat for 3 hours and you will be shocked how fast it goes by.
  16. I didnt mind him so much. Boomer TJ and Irvin made NFL primetime fun to watch. It will be interesting to see who steps up. They need somoene to provide some energy into the show, which dispite all his faults, was irvins best attribute to the show. I put the over/under on Irvin getting arrested for cocaine possession and taking a dive off the deep end in about 14 months....
  17. I still dont understand the Micheal Steele thing. I am from VA, but what I saw of him I really liked. Oh well...
  18. Here is my take on this cash to cap policy. Someone correct me where I am wrong It seems like the cap is 109M, therefore the bills will spend 109M this season on players. According to Billszone (http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/2007/01/29/billszones_2007_buffalo_bills_salary_cap_page.php) current salaries for 2007 are 46.8M, Other Bonuses are 6.9M, meaning we are only on target to spend 53.7M next season, which seems like its a good 55M BELOW the 109M cash to cap limit. What (if anything) am i missing here???
  19. Your act is about as old and skunky as an actual bottle of 2002 molson golden.
  20. The mexican border joke is so unoriginal. It should be credited to anonymous because of how many people can come up with that on their own. Its not original. It wouldnt suprise me ONE BIT if BOTH guys thought of this on their own.
  21. I think Newt has a very good chance. He will offer a very conservative agenda, is well spoken and likeable. Honestly he is my favorite option. HOWEVER, he is a horrible candidate. There is a difference between someone who would make a good president, and someone who is electable. He is not electible. Dems made the mistake with Kerry and Gore. Repubs made the mistake with Dole. Gingrich is not electible. Only Repubs who I think are electible at this point are Guliani, McCain and possibly Romney (dont know enough about him, but seems like he has "it"). I'd love to see newt as president...but perhaps he is better suited being a VP for a more moderate candidate like McCain or Guiliani.
  22. I think Fletcher gets tagged by a tranny. could be a franchise, but i am guessing a transitional tag.
  23. Correct. A flaming racist is perfectly acceptable. Changing your mind on a minor issue 3 years ago is a MUCH MUCH bigger deal. You found me out.
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