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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. You should be able to head to sears or best buy or somewhere and pick up a new 3-prong plug. I woulndt recommend replacing the outlet on the wall. This outlet is 240V, and while in theory that should be no different than any regular outlet, I wouldnt risk it if this is your first time. (Open the breaker at a MINIMUM), but I'd let a professional deal with 240 if I were you. But...you can replace the lead and plug attached to the dryer fairly easily. There should be a cover you can take off, a couple wirenuts to undo, purchase a new lead with a 3-pronged plug, re-attach to the dryer using NEW wire nuts (probably come with the plug). Put the protective cover back on, slide the dryer in place, line up the ventwork, plug it in, test it, and you should be good to go. Don't mess with the wall outlet. Should cost you about 20 bucks. Edit...oops 240 not 440...
  2. Also a conservative, and while I would prefer a candidate with some different opinions on a few social issues, Guiliani is my guy. He is the most electable person, and a very strong leader. If this country needs anything right now its a strong leader. Do I like everything about him, no. But I will support him. I do worry about the base supporting him in a general election. But if Hillary is nominated on the democratic side, that should take care of that issue! Obama vs. Guliani would be VERY interesting (and by the way, i am remembering you said you will support rudy over hillary...some democrats have a history of flip-flopping!)
  3. beg, borrow and steal to move down 2-3 slots... Take whomever falls.
  4. Is this the same tank tyler who was arrested for assaulting a police officer? Sorry Charlie. Dont think its happenin.
  5. Yeah, I dont know ...Overall a total of seven players were tagged as franchise players including DEs Dwight Freeney of Buffalo, .... though I do like the thought of that ALOT... Some good info here it looks like Thanks for the help. Any more good sites are appreciated! Anyone know if the list of people the bills interviewed at the combine can be found anywhere?
  6. I am looking for a site that lists all draft eligible players, has some kind of rankings, bios, combine results, etc. etc. But I dont want to pay for it. Any suggestions?
  7. There is if you are building for the 2008 season instead of the 2007 one....
  8. Are you kidding? K. Thomas was serviceable. Not great, but serviceable. And right now, we have about 3 CBs on the roster. we need a couple serviceable guys or we are in big trouble. I'd love a stud, but right now, we need a stop gap guy
  9. I dont know. We have a very young defense. Simpson, Wittner, Ya-booty, McCargo, Ellison. Throw in a probable rookie starter somewhere and half our guys have less than 2 years experience. Too difficult to tell how bad (or good) this crowd will be.
  10. The other played a pivotal role on one of the worst offensive lines in the history of the NFL. Pun intended?
  11. As long as he leaves Miami (and doesnt wind up in New England)
  12. The annually overlooked special teamer has made plays when called upon in the past. Del Rio seemed to hint that a shakeup at wideout was possible. "The best way to challenge guys is with playing time. They tend to separate themselves." He could eventually challenge for kickoff return duties. As the team's No. 6 receiver, Hankton is mostly a special teams force. Sounds like a special teams Ace. Nothing more. Could take Aikens job?
  13. Yeah, I am cautious on this one, because raider fans seem to dispise him almost to a man. So I am inclined to think there is a reason. BUT, these clips do not show any problems with him. He looked okay here.
  14. QB - JP has what it takes to get us there. Nothing spectacular yet, but he will do. RB - With the new line, and willis in a contract year, no worries FB - Need Help! OL - Very well played Marv! TE - Royal is sufficient. Though I would like someone to catch a few more passes. WR - Need a #2 WR P,K - Good Shape DT - Need a big body in the middle LB - Fletch gone. Spikes down or gone, Crowell back. Ellison/Digorgno/???? Need help DE - Kelsay/Denney/Shobel - Adequate CB - McGee/Youbooty/YIKES S - Whitner/Simpson - Like it. So.... FB, TE, #2WR, DT CB (x2?) & LB
  15. Thats why marv and ralph like him! They can relate!
  16. Awesome! I love it! After all, they DID win the national championship
  17. It certainly sounds like he was disliked in O-Town. This does not bode well. However... Good O-Lines are often made, not by the talent of the players, but by the synergy created when they are all working together. Perhaps a move to buffalo, and leaving the other 4 guys is what he needs. Coaching is extremely important. McNally (supposedly) is one of the best. I think we have a chance to see him succeed here, and I hope he does...but what the raiders fans are saying scares me.
  18. They did? Spikes, Vincent, Milloy, Crowell & McCargo all missed time the last 2 years. And thats just the defense. Fletcher is one of the few guys who has stayed healthy. I'm not one who is big on resigning fletcher. Its better to let a guy go a year too early than a year too late, but come on guys, you cant doubt that fletcher has been a stud and has a few more good years left in him. If he doesnt break the bank, you have to get it done.
  19. eh, ive got 2.5x as many posts (and still no avatar)! I had one of Bledsoe drinking a PBR....but that got old after the second season he wasnt on the team.
  20. What the heck kind of logic is that? The Blue Jays have missed the playoffs for years, should they not resign Halladay? You cant sour on your best players because the team failed. The oppposite is true. You have to keep your best players and improve the other failing positions.
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