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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. I thought it was to wipe your mouth after eating a meal
  2. Ha-Ha...What DO you do for a living?
  3. I hope you are right... ....But I suspect otherwise... Dunn Suprises me as well. Makes me think these guys got caught up in something akin to eating a poppy seed bagel before a drug test. But regardless...we will see shortly.
  4. I preface this with saying I DO NOT KNOW if this is true, but a respected and well known poster on another board I frequent says that FOX Radio in Denver reported a list of players to be suspended, and that that list includes Donte Whitner.... Deuce McAllister (NO) Will Smith (NO) Donte Whitner (BUF) Leon Washington (NYJ) Warrick Dunn (TB) Jason Ferguson (MIA) Eddie Royal (DEN) Ben Utecht (CIN) Malcolm Floyd (SD) Dawan Landry (BAL) Cornelius Griffen (WAS) Dont shoot the messanger if this is wrong...just putting it out there. BIG loss if true...
  5. I dont know how long the dollar will remain strong, but I do know one thing. The dollar's strength is relative to the strength of other countries currencies. We (America) created this problem, but we are not the only ones suffering. Our currency is becoming stronger vs. other currencies (brittish pound, euro, canadian $, etc.). So, while the European countries are doing everything in their power to decrease the value of their currency, so are we. it becomes a race to see how can devalue their currency most effectively and fastest. Bailouts, lower federal funds rates, rescue packages, stimulus packages...all these things devalue our currency.
  6. While clearly lower gas prices are good for our economy (on the surface), but the reason they are low is cause for great concern. Demand is weakening, not because of some great permanent shift towards an alternative fuel source, but because the world economy is in great stress right now and people fear that will in turn hurt demand. People will curb travel plans, people will stop "luxury" driving. Demand for goods and services will decrease thus reducing the demand transporting those goods. The fact that countries like Iran and Venezuela have economies directly tied to the United States should be a concern in itself. If it takes a crisis in America to hurt their economy, that is a problem, because at the same time, a booming US economy would be a booming economy in their parts of the world...and few would agree they would use this new found wealth to foster peace and prosperity for their people. So...bottom line...yes oil prices are low, and that is a good thing...that is the one part of the "perfect storm" which has not yet happened. Although, with the Fed lowering interest rates, and other factors, I suspect the dollar will begin to fall at some point...and we will be back to $4/gallon gasoline. I dont think there is much benefit about rejoicing that Iran and Venezuela are hurting as well right now....
  7. Do you really ant a 6'7 guard? The QB needs to be able to see over these guys..
  8. Agreed. Do folks ever stop and think that the highest paid guys at their positions ALMOST ALWAYS are the ones most recently signed? Salaries are escalating. Sure its alot for him this year...but wait 3 years and he wont be in the top 20 (money wise)
  9. If you do not know who Don Cherry is....you are NOT a hockey fan. The guy is an ICON. He is the Howard Cosell of the NHL. But, Crayons, who would be the top 10 in the US? 1. Paris Hilton 2. Jessica Simpson 3. Fred savage 4. (Your name here)
  10. Yeah, I am pretty conservative...and I like Gov. Palin...I think she is tough, she is a layman and I think she would make an excellent VP. She could really follow mccains lead and help him form coalitions and shake things up once in a while. HOWEVER...although I think she makes a pretty good VP....I think it would be a disaster for her to be president. I was hoping she could "fake it till she made it"...but it is clear she is over her head. So..as long as McCain is alive...McCain/Palin is my ticket..but it scares me to think she could be President.
  11. Wow! I like how she didnt smoke the cigarettes. They are all about 3/4 of their original length. Really though...its not THAT bad. I mean, its a wreck, but all she needs to do is throw out the trash and fix the bathroom. Slap a coat of paint and some new carpet on it, and it looks in pretty good condition... Cant believe someone could live there though...but from a landlord perspective, it could be ALOT worse
  12. Would you believe none? The whole concept of shorting a stock is selling a stock you do not have, and hoping to be able to buy it back later at a cheaper price than you paid for it. For example Sell 100 shares of GE stock (which you DO NOT OWN), make $3,000 Stock goes down to $25 Buy 100 stares of GE stock for $2500 to cover those shares you sold, but did not own Profit $500 Simplistic...but takes no money...
  13. hm...good minds think alike apparently! i havent read ppp in a while....hopefully folks in Washington are thinking this as well.
  14. Here me out here... if the government plays its cards right, there is a strong possibility the government can actually MAKE money with the bailout. (not that the government should be in the business of making money...but I digress) The notes the government is going to buy are headed for default. What they hopefully will not do is pay dollar for dollar for the notes. i.e. if the note is worth 100k at 7% interest, hopefully the government only buys that note for 50k or so. The government buys all the notes secured by the mortgage, and then re-negotiates the mortgage with the consumer. They defaulting homeowner now has a lower interest rate which is economically feasible for them. The government can then re-sell this security back to the private sector for MORE than the 50k it bought it for. The homeowner however would not get a free-ride. As part of this agreement, they must pay the government back the complete cost of the reduced interest rate upon sale or transfer of the property. The lender buying the debt in the first place would not get a free ride, as they will still take a 50% loss on the security (which is better than 100% loss). Thoughts? I see potential here to both help out this economy, AND help out the revenue stream a bit. One might ask "isnt this the role of the private sector and not the government?" I would tend to agree, but we need a system set up QUICKLY, and as sad as it is to say it, the government is the fastest way to get this rolling.
  15. What week do they start flexing Sunday and Monday night games? Any chance the Bills might get another prime time game this year?
  16. I'm (obviously) a bills fan...but I think Denver right now is the class of the AFC. But at the end of the day, I think San Diego and Indy will be back in it.
  17. Eh...If he was smart, he would rent a car, drive about 2 hours east...check in at the carrier dome and fill out a job application.
  18. I have to admit that Trent Edwards is the better quarterback for the Buffalo Bills. He keeps playing like this, he is a Pro-Bowl (and possible HOF) quarterback. Thats jumping the gun, but what he did today is what Elway, Favre, Marino, Kelly, etc have done 1000 times. It would be ludicrous to suggest JP start on this team. What I have a hard problem doing is saying that, given the right opportunity, JP might not also be that Pro-Bowl (and possible HOF) quarterback. So to compare the two and say who will have a better career is a bit crazy... In my opinion, 20 years from now, we will be saying "wow, they had 2 great QBs on the roster at the same time". Thats not a problem. And thats not to say that MAYBE Losman might not turn out even better than trent...just not on the Bills. Trent is the Guy. Lets stop the nonsense and JP bashing. We're 3-0. 5-0 is a realistic possibility. 12-13 wins is a realistic possibility. Playoffs are more than likely. We ARE a top team in the AFC. Next...ST LOUIS....
  19. PLEASE STOP WITH THIS CRAP OKAY? Many of us feel (and will always feel) that JP got a bad rap here. He never got a fair shot, and I personally feel he will be a very good QB in this league... Many of us feel the Coaching staff mishandled the QB situation last year by not picking one guy and sticking with him. Many of us (even those in the above categories) think that Trent Edwards is a Special Quarterback who SHOULD be our starter. This doesnt mean that we dont support JP and think that given an opportunity he might not be a pro-bowl caliber player himself. Bottom line is, there are few people who TODAY think JP should be the starter. But there are many people (myself included) who think he will someday be a very good QB (Minnesota...?) So get over yourself...JP is a Bill and therefore i DO support him 100%. And if TE gets hurt...Im very happy knowing JP will get another shot to show what he can do.
  20. 10-6 is very reasonable. 2-0 now. 5 should-wins against Oakland, KC, St. Louis, Miami (x2) we should be able to at least split the 7 games against Arizona, NE (x2), NYJ (x2), San Fran, Cleveland And I'll put a couple should-lose games in there for good measure against Denver and San Diego (yes, I think they are MUCH better than 0-2) So if that all plays out, we should be 10-6 to 11-5. I really dont see us coming in worse than that...
  21. Hell..if social security was privatized, and all your money was placed in a checking account and not invested and earned ZERO rate of return, it would be better than the system we currently have in place. I cant believe the american people stand for a system that actually earns a NEGATIVE rate of return! Ask yourself this...if for every dollar you put into your IRA you got 95 cents back when you retired, how much money would you dump into your IRA?
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