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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Probably makes sense to shop him around. With Lee Evans, Terrell Owens, Josh Reed, Hardy, Steve Johnson and Jenkins, Roscoe seems like the odd man out. I'd like to keep him though because I dont think we are using him right, and if we can figure out how to use him right he might be as effective as a Wes Welker. Plus, he scares the HELL out of me when he catches a punt on the run!
  2. Never said i was cutting reed. I was saying we cant keep all those guys, and something has to give. Reed is as good a #3 as you will find.
  3. Seriously? Show me another team that has a better starting 4 than TO/Evans/Reed/Parish?
  4. We are pretty deep at WR now. Obviously we keep: Terrell Owens Lee Evans James Hardy (2nd year) But we cant keep Josh Reed Justin Jenkins Roscoe Parish Steve Johnson Someone has to go...who is it?
  5. Also, keep in mind that the only time I can remember TO playing in Buffalo was that Monday Night Football game 2 years ago. Any big-time player would LOVE to play in that kind of atmosphere.
  6. Well...there is no denying his talent. There is no denying he would be a force on the field. There is no denying he would be a disaster in the clubhouse. I say we offer him an incentive laded contract which bans him from speaking to the media, has little up-front cash and has few penalties for cutting him after week 2. If you write the contract right, and cut your losses before he gets TOO disruptive, it might be worth taking a shot. But dont do some long-term alot of cash up front deal with him. not now..not ever.
  7. www.profootballtalk.com very interesting...
  8. Yeah...except he came from there before he signed with the bills! They should know full well what they are getting!
  9. Not that I dispute you logic..but was posey really a "big-money" signing? Oh, and dont forget about Jason Whittle!
  10. No Bush to bash and blame our problems on and he stops coming round?
  11. Agreed. I am not sure about the $3,000 cap, but since this is a passive loss I am sure there is a cap...$3000 seems too low to me, but I am not sure. That said, you actually have to realize the loss to deduct it from your taxes. This means you have to have sold the security prior to 1-Jan-09. In addition, there are what is called wash-sale rules. This means you cannot sell a stock on Dec 31st and re-buy it on Jan 1st and claim the loss. You have to be out of the security for 30 days. (You also cannot buy a similar security, although the rules on that are a little fuzzy. Sell Coke and buy Pepsi, and you are okay...so more thank likely this is not an issue unless you rebought the stock within 30 days or are trying to commit fraud). Just to reitreate, if you bought a stock for $50/share and it is now worth $10/share and YOU STILL OWN THOSE SHARES you cannot claim ANY loss. if you bought a stock for $50 and sold it for $10/share sometime during CY08, you can take a $40/share loss on it to offset your active income, subject to any cap. Hope this helps!
  12. UGH. I think I am going to make this my signature because I am tired of typing it once a week... The NFL salary structure is one which favors the ownership. If you are not performing, they can fire you at any time...and do not owe you the remainder of the contract THEY (the ownership) signed. NFL contracts are a 2 way street. Players also get the opportunity to hold out. Demand pay raises. Do whatever they can to improve themselves financially because the owners can not live up to their half of the bargain at any time. You dont see baseball players holding out. Why not? Because contracts are guarenteed and players are legally obligated to perform. Football is not that way. Players are not obligated to perform. They just dont get paid if they dont. Think about your daily job. Presumably your boss can fire you tomorrow and not owe you a dime. This is just like the NFL players. However, more than likely, you have the opportunity to take a job with another company and make more money if you so desire (and if they are willing to pay you). How would you react if your boss came up to you one day and said "you are valuable to our team here...but we are now requiring all employees to sign 5 year contracts with us. We can still terminate your employment at any time we feel it is in our best interest, but you cant go looking for a better job whenever you feel like it. Your stuck here for 5 years, for the same salary. Even if you become management or the CEO in those 5 years, we are not giving you a raise" A year later you make management. Every other manager in a neighboring department makes 20% more than you do. Your sales are through the roof and you are kicking butt. But you are still making 20% less than your lesser performing counterparts. But you are legally obligated to work for your lower pay. Your boss can still fire you at any time should you lose that big sales contract you worked so hard on this year. Now would be the time to cash in and get a HUGE raise, but that pesky contract prevents you from doing so. (Humor me here, but im going to call this the Jason Peters scenario....even if he does lead the league in sacks allowed!) All the leverage is now with the company. They essentially gave you nothing in return for your commitment to them. You are not getting raises for your superior performance, you cant look for another job, heck, your salary isnt even guaranteed for the next 4 years! You think back and wonder...gee, why did I ever sign that contract? Oh, thats right, because you were REQUIRED to as a term of your employment. Surely if you had a union, they would not have allowed this to occur, right? Well, your union DID let it occur, but with one minor provision...they cannot legally force you to work. if some day you did not show up to work, sure.. they can fire you...but you are then free to take that dream job with a competing company for a big raise. Or maybe if you dont show up to work, you can sit down with the management and plead your case as to how important you are to them, and they will give you another contract for more money, more in line with what the market would bear. This was/is the NFL agreement in place. Like it or not, this is the AGREEMENT on how to handle this issue. Its not the players fault when they hold out. It is their RIGHT to do so per the contract the OWNERS signed.
  13. Am I the only one who finds this hillarious? I mean, I can almost see this happening. I dont think this is a major problem... move along now...
  14. Are you guys kidding? Not to slurp on the guys jockstrap or anything, but if you recall about 6 games into the season, Trent Edwards was not only good, he was getting SERIOUS consideration (by the likes of ESPN) for MVP of the LEAGUE. Now, obviously there was a concussion and some cold weather and things fell apart, but I would take my chances with Trent over Leinert (who has proved about nothing IMO). Add in the fact that he was a first round QB (who you cant afford to miss on) and its game set match on this argument. If you are even going to have this discussion, have it with Cutler not Leinert. The Whittner thing is a completly different story...and while I was not happy with the Whitner pick at the time..I honestly dont see a player drafted before we picked McCargo that I would have wanted us to take instead. Maybe Ngata (or Cutler), but it wasnt a deep draft. The bigger mistake, McCargo. How much would things be different if we traded up for Mangold instead?
  15. Me either. At this point, Philip Rivers wasnt even a first DAY selection But wouldnt crabtree be an interesting selection???
  16. Yeah, The Correct (but probably not legal) thing to do here is a re-vote. With the independent candidate drawing 15% of the vote, it is impossible to determine which candidate is favored by the most voters. There should be a way to determine a clear winner. This is why I like Louisiana's (and Georgias) 50% rule. If no candidate gets 50%, there is a runoff between the top 2 candidates. Should be the same in presidential elections as well.
  17. Agreed. By the same logic...Pete Rose should be in the HOF as well
  18. Im actually the opposite. I like Jauron quite a bit...but I think he is the main problem A team takes on the personality of the head coach. Dick Jauron is nice. He is Passive. He is conservative. We need someone who isnt everyones friend, but is a respected leader. While Cowher will not be coming here, we need someone similar.
  19. Yes. Molson Golden once again taking the high road.
  20. I am about as conservative as they come, but thus far, I have found little to criticize Obama about. This plan is a good one. The ONLY way to stop the crisis in this country is to stop foreclosures and the drastic fall of home prices. There are many ways to do this. Bailing out banks, Giving money to homeowners, etc... But this plan of infrastructure development is a good one. 1) It puts people to work (thus helping them keep their homes) 2) It builds infrastructure which is badly needed in parts of this country 3) It promotes energy independence I know it is going to cost ALOT of money...but any plan we have right now will as well. This seems like a SMART way to do it. (note: this plan alone is not sufficient, but its a good start). While we are at it...lets give a $4,000 tax CREDIT to anyone who buys an American-made automobile.
  21. Maybe its just me...but I actually think we have TWO quarterbacks who are top-10 caliber QBs on this team. The biggest problem we have had is that we cannot get behind one of these guys and say "You are our guy. The Fans love you. We know you will struggle at times, but the ownership and fans will support you at ALL times". Do you think that the attitude of the "JP HATERS" and "TRENT HATERS" has not been felt by JP and Trent themselves? Do you think the musical QBs played by Jauron (and even before him with Flutie, Johnson and Bledsoe) have not had some impact on these guys confidence and play on the field? People throwing things at the players...come on... Think about your own job. If everyone you met on the street, at the grocery store, or in the mall thought you were doing a horrible job at your job...even maybe told you so. Some even threw stuff at you. Would this effect your job performance? We the FANS have to take some responsibility here. For some of you, the true problem is no further away than staring into your own mirror. Same goes for the head coach....and our Owner... This team will not be successful until WE as FANS start to support our team. And some of you "Fans" need to look in the mirror
  22. Because he has shown glimpses of greatness. He has had drives and games where he has completed virtually every pass with precision and accuracy. He has not made a bunch of dumb mental errors. I have not yet seen him just chuck a ball up and hope (though I have missed 2 of his worst games). He is a smart and likeable guy. And great QBs have a track record of starting off this way. Is he going to be great? Well who knows...but he is our best chance right now and I see potential. We gotta rude the kid and let him work through this. After next season, if he is not at least an average QB, we need to start looking again...but right now, let the kid play...
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