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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. ive been looking for this site for years! any idea if i can export it into excel? My only fear is that too much traffic will hit this site during the draft
  2. I also cannot read this whole thread...but realize one thing. Santonio is in the last year of his contract. Pitt did not want to resign him, AND he is (likely to be) suspended for the first 4 games. There is no guarentee he will resign with the jets, so for a problem player, who will play only 12 games, they gave up a 5th round pick. Good deal? yes. But not horrible considering the circumstances
  3. Draft Sleeper....Marv Levy? (sorry...had to)
  4. Yep. If we got anything it was going to be a LATE 7th rounder. no big deal. Probably wont get anything next year either. Not losing much.
  5. Yeah, unless stevens retires/dies and the republicans fillibuster the new nominee!
  6. So now the republicans in the senate have to try to derail this bill. Essentially they have to argue AGAINST the provisions for the Louisiana Purchase and Cornhusker kick-back. So on one hand you have democrats buying votes and the republicans screaming bloody murder. Forward a few months, and you have republicans fighting to not repeal some of the fascets of the legislation they were against in the first place! Wow, I cant believe this is how our country is run. If this doesnt show how broken our legislative process is...nothing will.
  7. Questions on the health care debate. Not trying to turn this thread into a debate about health care, but I dont understand how the democrat's tactic today is legal. Can someone knowledgeable help (i know thats asking alot on PPP) So the Senate passes a bill. Since the normal course of action is for the House to pass a bill, go to conference to handle differences, come up with one bill, send it back to both chambers for passage and then onto the president for signature. In this case, this is not possible because Scott Brown replaced Kennedy and now republicans can filibuster in the senate. So to get past this, the dems are using a reconciliation bill. As I understand it, this reconciliation bill only required 51 votes in the senate. So the house approves the senate bill IN TACT, and then approves the reconciliation bill and sends it to the house for passage. Thats all well and good, however the reconciliation bill has to be for budget/revenue issues. So it appears that Democrats are getting Barack Obama to process an executive order for things they do not like in the bill which do not relate to bugetary issues. Things like funding for abortion, etc. So in essense we have a bill which is not favored by the majority in the house, and is not fillibuster proof in the senate being signed into law because the president executed an executive order. Seems like this completely goes against the separation of powers. Again, please do not take this thread into a "republicans did it too" or "health care bill establishes death panels" or some other ridiculous drivel. I am interested in the constitutionality of what is occuring here. This seems completely illegal to me on the surface. Thanks
  8. We could potentially get a comp pick for value lost (net zero). Not likely, but if we do it will be the 2nd to last pick in the draft (or quite possibly Mr. Irrelevant himself). Thats about it.
  9. sounds like he went on the same itinerary i did. Puerto Rico wasnt bad actually. alot of neat castles and stuff from WWII era. Beautiful day and the scenery was nice (at some spots) St. Thomas we did a snorkling trip which was by far the most fun excursion i have ever been on. Wanted to make it to Meagans bay, but did not have time. I'd go back to St. Thomas one more time to see Meagans Bay. But Grand Turk has ZERO redeeming qualities.
  10. Cruises *typically* stop in Grand Turk. Its an impoverished island without running water. Beaches are so-so (for the carribean). Not much to see and do. I have been there twice on cruises, and am going back there this sping...and i am looking for something to do off the island (i.e. snorkel, fish, etc.) because I am done with the island. I dont think the rest of turks and caicos is like that. I have heard good things, but Grand Turk...eh.
  11. Rookie Cap is a gimme. Even the players union is for it. As much as they like seeing players make that coin, the players union thinks it unfairly takes money away from the veterans (true). So Everyone will be on board with the rookie cap (save a few very unlucky college grads)
  12. Heh. Per your formula, Trade Down = Win. Given this is a reality, why would anyone trade up?
  13. I thought this was odd too the first time I saw it, but it is a very common thing to see, especially in legal documents and government publications. Typically you see it when a document is printed on both sides of a page, and there are an odd number of pages. The back side of the last page is "intentionally" left blank.
  14. While I agree with bringing him back as I dont think we can do much better in the FA market, and we have too many needs to address WR in the draft...using his numbers last year as a basis for this is silly. Yes he had 800 yards, but 200 of them were in one game. His drops were pathetic. I wish TO and McNabb could team up together here in B-Lo. Obviously that wont/cant happen, but ON PAPER its the right answer. We'll see what happens. Hopefully Steve Johnson will finally get a chance to shine.
  15. I guarentee you the bills are considering trading down. They have also considered trading up. They have considered taking a QB and a DT. They also considered Bill Cowher for Head Coach They considered signing Julius Peppers They considered re-signing Terrell Owens They considered trading Marshawn Lynch They considered trading roscoe parish If they havent...they shouldnt have a job. they should CONSIDER anything. including trading down.
  16. Too bad we couldnt get the John Fox/Delhomme combo...
  17. I hope he drops to round 2 (or 3...). This guy is a beast. He aint pretty, but I do think he will be a disruptive force on someones DL.
  18. Must be why Lucious Pusey never panned out... http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/player/profile?playerId=148900
  19. Add 500. If CBS is chanel 7, HD is 507. If CBS is channel 56, HD is 556
  20. Don't worry. Im sure Marv will wake them up.
  21. And wood probably would have made the list if he didnt get hurt. 3 of the top 4 picks making an all rookie team is a pretty good deal! Do that for a few consecutive years and we will be onto somethign
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