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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. YAY!!! We're not as bad as Detroit!!! Oh what???...they made the playoffs last year? Now im depressed.
  2. Yep. We overpaid. Usually do for Free Agents. Thats why you have to develop through the draft and keep your own. But we have the money. I am glad we spent it. I overpaid for my house too, but I really like it, its a perfect fit for my family, and it has provided me tons of great memories. Oh well. I had to live somewhere, might as well be happy. Ditto for Mario. Hopefully he can help provide us many great memories too. Its not like we spent 100M on a non-impact player. We got one of the top (if not THE top) DE in football. When was the last time we could say that?
  3. Remember, these agents represent a bunch of players. My guess is this agent has other guys on the Bills as well. They have a good working relationship with the front office, thats their job. Talking to each other (agents-owner) is mutually beneficial. Hard to believe it doesnt occur ALL the time.
  4. Too long a thread...anyone have a link to the press conference? I'd like to watch it.
  5. Jeepers creepers....where did you get peepers?
  6. And who would hire him after this? If anything, The league should hire him and force hm to be the guy in charge of policing the policy.
  7. I dont know what to make of this. When this first came out, I thought New Orleans was going to get hit HARD. But now that this is not just New Orleans, but involves many teams...I dont think the NFL can do much. You just cant penalize Buffalo (not saying this because I am a Buffalo guy), because NOBODY is still around who knew anything about this. Also, have to keep in mind, while all this was going on (in Buffalo and before), the NFL and ESPN were glorifying these HUGE hits. JACKED-UP was on every episode of sportscenter. No wonder why players were hitting hard, and a "bounty" system existed. The NFL is partly to blame here, which makes it hard to dole out punishment. Lastly, its critical to understand if the "bounty" system was for hurting players, or if the "bounty" system was for sacks, tackles, fumble recoveries, etc. While neither may be more legal than the other, there is a critical difference. We'll see what comes out of this. I would be happy with Making Greggo an example with a lifetime ban, maybe even suspending Sean Peyton for a year, and making damn sure this behavior is not tolerated. But to punish organizations for past behavior which nobody left had anything to do with...I think i'd pass if I was the commish.
  8. So I'm sure this is in jest...but in case it's not....I submit Whitner and McCargo as evidence.
  9. Id need to look at that point chart, but it seems like alot for us to move down 7 spaces. I'd do it...but im not sure they would. I'd do it for a their 17 and a 2nd rounder (or a 1st next year)
  10. I am sure choice wont be back...that leaves us with only Johnnie White behind FJ and CJ. So I wouldnt mind a late round pick for depth here...but please...no RB in the first 3 rounds!
  11. ..I guess you don't understand how Comp picks work then eh? In the disillusion world of comp picks, # of players gained/lost determines IF a comp pick will be given. Value delta determines how HIGH a comp pick will be given. Thats simplified, but basically if we didnt sign Kirk, we probably would have gotten a 3rd or 4th rounder for Poz. Since we did...we likely get nothing. Gotta love comp picks. Of course, new CBA, so anything is possible. I dont think they changed the secret formula though.
  12. Doubtful we are going to get a comp pick for Poz. Signing Captain Kirk probably cost us a comp pick.
  13. My thoughts on the list (re-ordered to refelct likelihood). Although after going through this...im not sure there is a "good" spot for him. NY Jets* - Possible. Organization is a mess, but alot of it is Sanchez, it is in a big market, and near his brother. Seems the most likely destingation Washington Redskins** - Ugh. Not bad on paper, but this place eats quarterbacks and spits them out. Not sure this is the right spot for him. Kansas City Chiefs - Bad division, but team is not good either. Could make the playoffs with KC Seattle Seahawks - I dont see Peyton making the difference, but could be an option. St Louis Rams - Tough call. Fisher would be a good coach for him, but are they ready to give up on Bradford? Miami Dolphins** - Dont think they really have a chance to win with Peyton. Jacksonville Jaguars - Dont think they really have a chance to win with Peyton. Buffalo Bills - Dont think they are playoff Material with manning (wrote this from the outsiders perspective) Cleveland Browns** - Even Peyton coulndt take this team to the SB Tampa Bay Bucs - Alot of money to spend when you already have a good young QB on the roster Arizona Cardinals - Just unloaded a ton of money for a Kolb. Minnesota Vikings** - Cant see them giving up on Ponder yet. Denver Broncos* - How would the fans react to this one?! Cant see them going in any direction other than Tebow. Baltimore Ravens* - Just made the AFC Championship game with Flacco. NOt a chance San Francisco 49ers* - Alex Smith might be better than Peyton Manning at this point
  14. Another Bogus 1st round RB Selection McGahee when we have Henry Lynch when we have McGahee Spiller when we have Lynch All this...and our best RB during that time is Fred Jackson. STOP DRAFTING FIRST ROUND RBs.
  15. If thats the case, then the NFL should just ban Tony Romo from the league right now. Not a chance he is going to a game without a slur being made.
  16. Tells me that sometimes you gotta stick with a guy you believe in. You cant be changing QBs every 2 years. People forget, but Drew Brees was AWFUL too. Until San Diego drafted Phillip Rivers to replace him. Some players just "get it" a bit later than others. Unfortunately, in Buffalo, we run these guys out of town too early. IMO should have given JP and Trent more time...but more importantly, COMMITTED to them for a few years rather than constantly trying to run them out of town.
  17. I am a big fan of the "draft a QB in round 6/7 every year" mentality. You dont expect those guys to make it anyway, and you always need a young QB. So I wouldnt have a problem taking Keenum, but my opinion is that he wont make it in the NFL. JUST DO NOT TAKE A RB IN ROUND 1.
  18. If they even take another RB...I want to say "i'm done"...but i know thats not realistic. I dont care if Walter Payton is sitting there when we pick...DONT TAKE ANOTHER @#$%^ RUNNING BACK. Okay...deep breath...
  19. Seriously...is there a website anywhere that lists all the bills heartbreaking losses over the last 10 years? It would be horrible to read, but I gotta think we have WAY MORE than our fair share.
  20. Really? You're a bills fan right? How many times have you had 58 minutes of excitement followed by 2 minutes (or 2 seconds) of disappointment? Wide Right Home Run Throw-Back The Dallas Monday Night Debacle Jacksonville Last-Second Catch The New England Opener Last Year And thats just off the top of my head...I'll take 58 minutes of bordom and 2 minutes of excitement as long as it comes away with a W. (By the way, NOT a Tebow advocate at all...)
  21. Yep. Thanks. Thats clearly what I meant. So you mean to tell me that if we improve to .500 next year and are finally on the up-take that you would fire Gailey and try again? I think not. 6-10 gets him fired. So does 7-9. 8-8 or better next year is an improvement and worth keeping him around for another season.
  22. Here's my problem. YOU DONT DRAFT A RUNNING BACK IN THE FIRST ROUND! (And if you do, you damn well better hit a home run). Look through the league. Any number of teams have good RBs who they have picked up later in the draft. A quick sampling: Fred Jackson - undrafted Turner - 5th Round Murray - 3rd ROund Gore - 3rd Round Foster - Undrafted Greene - 3rd Round Hillis - 7th Round Bradshaw - 7th Round ...I am sure there are others (and I'll spare you the Terrell Davis's) Point is, RB is THE ONE POSITION where you can almost literally plug someone in and have them be successful. Maybe CJ isnt the guy, but guarentee you plug CJ in, White, and a couple other guy and eventually you will find you next Fred Jackson or Arian Foster. And it DIDNT cost you much money or any draft picks.` Because of that, it was asinine to draft Willis McGahee when you had Travis Henry. But it was no more ridiculous than drafting Marshawn Lynch when you had Willis McGahee. Nor was it any more insane when they drafted Spiller when Lynch was on the roster. Those are 3 wasted picks to me (and they were at the time as well). Lets stop this. We can never draft another RB in the first round for as long as I am alive and I will be happy. We waste enough first rounders when we actually pick a position that is difficult to fill. STOP WITH THE RBs.
  23. In my opinion, he is on the hot seat next season. Gotta get to .500 next season or he is gone.
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