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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Hey now. The FBI Director at the time (Louis Freeh) said Jewell did it! You should always trust a man with such impeccable credentials!
  2. I don't know. I suspect that Bob Ryan is probably more likely...
  3. If truly the only purpose is to read...go for a kindle or a nook. But if you Might like to access the Internet or check email or anything other than reading, the iPad is the hands down winner. You can also get the kindle and nook apps for the iPad. Although, one warning, as awesome as ebooks are (btw ebooks auto corrected to Ebola! Ha!) you will likely miss the "feel" and "smell" of a real book.
  4. Nobody? We picked up an active head coach. A still need a DC and ST coach...
  5. Anyone else remember the espn talking heads mentioning Trent Edwards as MVP?
  6. I am an avid OOTP baseball player (love that game), and I have been looking for something similar for Football. Turns out there is really nothing close. Front Office Football is the best there is for Pro, and Bowl Bound College Glory (i think?) is decent for college...but I just recently (as in days ago) stubmled across Pigskin Empire online. Its free, which is great. It leaves some things to be desired, but the owner seems responsive to making changes. Basically there are 2 games in one (linked together). A pro league and a College league. I perfer the college route, but basically you run around the country recruitng and game-planning for your next game. There are 4 humans operating each team, developing strategy and what not. Players graduate and get entered into the Pro draft. Anyway, I signed up as the Univeristy of Miami OC. We still need a DC and a ST coach (and at some point...we will need a HC, but it wont let me sign up for that...not sure what is going on there...). So come and join me in Coral Gables (or pick your own team). It seems like a lot of fun... Did I mention it is free (note: there is some "additional credits" you can buy, but they are NOT required. If you use my link below, I will get some "additional credits", which will help us if you join me in Miami. Feel free to not use my referal link below if this bothers you). http://pigskinempire.com/signup.aspx?ref=22623
  7. We'll see. Quite frankly Paterno didn't leave a whole lot of talent on this team. In fact he should have retired 15 years ago. I do think obrien is the right guy. I really do. The fact that he has stayed out of this whole mess and had a top 10 recruiting class before the sanctions came down leads me to that conclusion. They outplayed virginia last weekend and deserved a win, but the kicker was awful. That's not obriens fault. They did play badly vs Ohio. But Ohio is a good team. I suspect they will go 11-0 this year (with a miserable schedule). They are this years Boise/TCU Mark it down. Lots of time left. I suspect they will beat navy, indiana, northwestern and a couple others. 5-6 is a success to me. I'm proud of these guys and what they are doing for the community and they could go 1-10 and I would still support them. Speaking of which. Since they expanded the stadium in 2001 they have never had less than 95000 fans at a game. That includes some pretty rough seasons between 2001 and 2004. The fans will show up. Even if only 80000 show up, its still enough to fill cowboys stadium and is more than michigan state, Arkansas, Missouri, and Virginia tech And yes. I'm taking about football. On a football board. Spare me.
  8. Get over yourself. What are you doing to be a part of the solution? You may see some transfers this year, but it will mostly be guys who are not playing and think they should be. In fact that's part of the problem right now. Obrien is playing true freshman over JRs and SRs because they will be around for 4 years. The players are still getting a world class education (for free!) and are playing in front of 100,000 fans every week on ESPN or ABC. Oh and they have the 2nd best TE recruit in the country and the 3rd ranked QB recruit in the country as VERY FIRM commitments for next year. So they ain't just going away.
  9. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, you have to love the kids on the team, Bill O'Brien, and the fan base for sticking by this team. You have to love that Penn State has routinely been among the leaders in athletes graduation percentages. These kids are something special, and I am glad to be a part of it. I spoke with one of the parents of a kid on the team the other day, and asked how he (the player) was doing. I wont name the player here, but it was clear he is hurting emotionally through all this. And its not because of the sanctions, or Joe Paterno's role in the scandal, its because of what Sue Paterno has had to go through. Think what you want about Joe Paterno, but Joe and Sue were like parents to these kids. Many are trying to show Sue Paterno the support she needs and deserves...and I think seeing what she is going through is taking a huge emotional toll on many members of the "Penn State family". Sue invested every bit of her entire life to make Penn State great and is watching it crumble down, and her now-deceased husband blamed (right or wrong). There is a very real human-emotional aspect to this that people often overlook. Despite what you may think Joe did...please keep SuePa in your prayers. Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good. This team, as the teams of the past did, understands that. We Are...
  10. Norwood should have made that kick. The Offense should have scored more points so it didnt come down to a kick. The Defense should have not allowed so many points so it didnt come down to a kick. /obvious.
  11. Got it. Thanks guys. First 2 episodes were great! I hear it only gets better! Can't wait.
  12. I just started watching breaking bad (the pilot and first episode). Should I continue to watch them straight through or can I start watching the live ones as well?
  13. Maybe its just me...but I would have rather have not traded with Dallas to Draft JP Losman in 2004...and instead grabbed Aaron Rodgers in 2005. Man...its always easy in hindsight to make these kinds of decisions, but how much different would the last 8 years have been if we just made that one small change.
  14. I teared up watching that. Not going to lie.
  15. I'd definitely give Rosslyn a look. Or the crystal city area. Alexandria is okay as we'll, but rather far to Chevy chase.
  16. In no particular order Friends Big Bang Theory Seinfeld Curb Your Enthusiasm Cosby Show Everybody Loves Raymond Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  17. Yikes. I wanted us to draft this guy. I hope he gets his act straight real soon or he will be the next Charles Rogers.
  18. Just keep Moorman and use our 3rd round pick next year for a Punter. Worked for Jacksonville.
  19. And somewhere Dick Jauron is walking slowly over to a ref to unemphatically drop a red flag at his foot.
  20. Its definitely a nice gesture, and I know alot of players do stuff like this, so this isnt a knock on Fred per-se, but I just hope he is being smart with his money. He just signed a 2 year 9M contract. I dont think he has made too much the last few years. This is probably his last contract, so he will likely need to make that money last for the rest of his life. It is CERTAINLY do-able, but you need to make sure you are not spending like a drunken sailor. If this is a one-time purchase for his mom and dad, great, but if you are not careful, you wind up on Dr. Phil crying about being broke. I hope Freddie is getting his advice from Troy Vincent not someone like Rosenhaus.
  21. Its tough because on one hand, we are a borderline playoff team, and need a few more peices. On the flip side, we have a young nucleus that needs a chance to grow. Sims-Walker, and others, would be an improvement THIS YEAR, but may stunt the growth of Graham, Jones, Easley, Nelson, Roosevelt, etc. The better solution IMO, is to stick with the guys we have. Let this year play out. Resign Wood-Levitre-Byrd and figure out if we really need another WR (or heaven forbid, a QB). Go into next offseason with maybe only a couple holes which we can address in FA and .... SUPER BOWL (okay..had to type it...this is the first time in about 12 years where i thought we might actually be going in the right direction)
  22. I hope it doesnt cause a QB controversy, but I like the signing. if Fitz goes down, I feel alot better with VY than with Thighpen.
  23. I think this year is still the Pats...but I think this is their last year. Jets have locked themselves in a corner with Sanchez/Tebow...and a team of guys (including the HC) who thinks the NFL is an individual game. Dolphins are done for a while unless I am more wrong than anything I have ever said. Tannehill is going to be a bust and will set them back 3-4 years. So its our turn to shine. Our problem will be IF Fitzpatrick isnt what we need him to be. We could potentially have all the pieces we need BUT a quarterback. That is a scary thought, but possible.
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