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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Metro is feasible...provided you don't mind the mile or so walk. Morgan blvd is the closest station. Other than that...drive... But expect to pay 20 bucks or so for parking. Tickets are easy. About 10 bucks right now on stubhub. I went to the preseason game in DC a couple years ago and it was about half full.
  2. I can't wait until the asg MVP (or some other player critical to the win) goes traded to the other league and makes it to the World Series with his new team. That will be fun!
  3. Sadly, that is the actual fox sports headline, "Happy ending for Favre in sexting suit by massage therapists?" http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl
  4. I love it. "leaky defense". This defense was SUPPOSED to be best in the league last year. Obviously we were terrible, but if we get some swag back we should at least be halfway decent. Kyle Williams Marcel Darius Mario Williams Mark Anderson ...Need some SERIOUS LBs...Dansby and Alonso combined with Sheppard and Bradham should be...marginal. Gilmore McKelvin Byrd SS - ??? Its REALLY not that bad guys. Need to sign Dansby, Pick up a SS somewhere, and then get these guys to play close to their talent level.
  5. Strange Draft. I vote for Keenan Allen or....Ryan Nassib next. Not 2 positions we need, but Allen would be a great addition, and Nassib could push Manuel.
  6. New Video. http://sproutvideo.com/videos/a49bd8b01e1ee1c32c?type=hd Man, I love this kid's work ethic. Hope some team gives him a chance...
  7. Okay, so I am admittedly a Penn State homer here...but I wanted to throw this name out as a late round (5-7) selection. LB Micheal Mauti The guy is a high character guy, has 2-3 round potential, great on and off-field leader, and really the only knock on him (and admittedly it is a big knock) is his health. He has had several ACL injuries, including one last season. *If* he can stay healthy, I think he will outperform most of the LB in this class. You could get worse for a 5th or 6th round selection. Bleacher Report (who i cant link to apparently...) just named him as one of this years sleepers, and I agree. Thoughts? http://www.pennlive....er_michael.html
  8. Maybin really was never a good prospect. At best he was "raw with potential". He really needed at least one more year of college. Good kid put in a horrible situation way too early. We were also on our "character" kick back then. Probably the main reason for this pick...but it was a horrible pick then, as it is now.
  9. Um...Stevie is clearly a vocal leader. Hard to say beyond that.
  10. Okay Buddy....which one will be impressed by "Deers in your back yard"?
  11. Yeah. My first 2 thoughts were Lindell and Bryan Scott. After thinking about it, Kyle Williams did come to mind (i did the ole...who recently signed a contract extension route), but I thought he was behind Lindell and Scott.
  12. I think most logical people feel the same way. The risk is that we reach to draft someone at #8, who flops and we look back 4 years from now and go "well that was a waste...fire Marrone" I would be much happier sticking with Fitz this year. Let some other team reach for a QB. Use #8 on a good LB. Resign Byrd and Levitre. And plan on picking a QB next year. This just isnt the right year for it.
  13. I do. I disdain almost everything Microsoft stands for....but Bill Gates really wants to make a difference beyond Microsoft. He is one of the good guys despite his questionable business practices. If your not familiar, check out the bill and Melinda gates foundation
  14. For the record the report of bill O'Brien (penn states HC) getting a raise from a booster has turnd out to be false. Yet another false report by espn. Just like "chip Kelly to the browns". "Chip Kelley to the eagles" and about 1,000 other stories they have gotten wrong lately. As someone who loosely follows recruiting, and have followed this kid in particular, he has always been destined for Florida. He originally verbaled to Ohio state, then switched to noter dame because of some crazy sex offender on campus. But I think most people expected him to go to Florida from the start. I don't think the Brian Kelly interview had anything to do with it. I hate to generalize high school kids, but drama has followed this kid through every step of the recruiting process.
  15. Bubbling this back up since O'Brien talked yesterday. The media report that he got a $1.3M raise....False. The media report that he asked for a raise....False. The media report that he formally interviewed with teams...False (though he did reach our and contact them and had some preliminary discussions) The media report that the school lied to him about pending NCAA sanctions...False The media report that he was interviewing for leverage...False I am tired of listening to the media on ESPN. It is so bogus its funny. You listen to Russ Brandon at the Doug Marrone Press Conference and even Brandon said (paraphrasing) "there is so much wrong information out there its amazing" I dont know what to think anymore...I just ask everyone to withold judgment until facts are available in the future. Whether it is this Bill O'Brien Story, The Debt Ceiling, Healthcare laws, The Sandusky Scandal, or whatever it is... try your best to not let the media (and particularly E-SPiN) allow you to frame your opinions. I wish i could swear off E-SPiN all together. Damn them for having all the programing I want to watch!
  16. It's a joke...but kinda funny. Even as a bills fan: @InDaZone: **BREAKING** Leaked photo of Chip Kelly on his way to Buffalo! http://t.co/DUXqg216
  17. The last 24 hours have been emotional for me, as a penn stater. 24 hours ago I trusted O'Brien 100%. He came into a difficult situation, handled himself perfectly, embraced the success with honor mantra, recruited top notch high character kids ( see Adam Brenneman and Christian Hackensberg if you want to know who I am talking about here) and was everything I hoped the next penn state coach would be (although I was NOT in favor of his hire originally he won me over very quickly). The last 24 hours has left me (and probably others) feelin betrayed. I think coach O'Brien can win me back, and I am going to reserve much further comment on my feelings toward him until more of the story comes out and I hear from O'Brien himself. If there is one thig I learned over the past 18 months its that initial reports are often wrong, the media often doesn't know what the truth is, and the general public is horribly misinformed in facts (and this conclusion is only partly based on the Sanduaky scandal, but there are countless other examples too). Nobody from the obrien side has even confirmed an interview yet. Only that he "talked to teams". Symantics maybe, but it could also prive his intent to never leave in the first place. The rumors around PSU seem to indicate this wasn't necessarily a money grab. Rumor has it that some/Most of the salary increase may be going to his assistant coaches. O'Brien may have also played hard ball to get the AD to resign (well find out today if that is true, but it is a positive development if it is). The other factor here is that O'Brien has a 19M buyout in his contract. That significantly hampers his future mobility. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see that reduced if in fact he reworked his deal. And lastly, the team and recruits. O'Brien may not be here in 2014. But name me one big time college program who's head coach is guaranteed to be there in 2014? Saban? Les Miles? Chris Peterson? Chip Kelly? Brian Kelly? They are all mobile and can leave at the drop of a hat. I hoped O'Brien was different, and I hoped that penn state was different, but maybe they are not. I don't think this hurts with recruits. From what I have seen on twitter, O'Brien appears to have informed his staff and team to ignore the rumors. If in fact O'Brien said to them "I am going to be back next year, but I am going to interview with nfl teams to do X,Y, and Z". And that is exactly what happened....well there is all the trust you need. And in top of that, if you are a top recruit, with nfl aspirations, wouldn't you want to play college football for a coach the NFL IS drooling over?
  18. Chan is our best HC since wade Phillips. Sad but true. He should still be fired though.
  19. Ugh. No. Last year was the year for a QB. this years class is uninspiring.
  20. I just hope we don't waste his entire career like we did to lee Evans and Eric moulds.
  21. 14 rushes. 107 yards....that says it all. Should have been 25 + carries today. Ugh.
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