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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. It would make the owner less likely to move the team knowing there is no organic support for a team in Toronto. Thats the angle I am going for there. I also left open the possibility of wearing a black jersey to show your lack of support for the NFL if the team leaves buffalo. Bottom line is that if you do not support the team in Buffalo, it will not stay in Buffalo. You cant "hit them in the wallet" without also directly impacting the viability for the team to remain here.
  2. Maybe those silly games in Buffalo will actually help us! It does prove that the market in Toronto is not well defined...even if the "home" team is only right across the border. Now imagine if those "home" fans are not pleased!
  3. How about this instead. You go to the games. You cheer like hell. You support this team 150%. But you also wear the jersey of the NFL team you would support if the Bills move to Toronto. If you would not watch/support the NFL anymore, wear a blank black jersey. Picture that. A sea of fans, only a few of which is wearing the Bills uniform, cheering like hell for the Bills. JBJ would have to have second thoughts about moving the team to Toronto, it still shows that Buffalo is a viable city, and it doesnt come off making us look like a-holes (as some of the OP's post would do). Thoughts?
  4. It has very little to do with Brady. I tell you what, I am drafting Fitz in the last round of my fantasy football draft this year, because O'Brien knows QBs. 1) When he was QB Coach at Duke, a guy by the name of Thaddeus Lewis put up monster numbers 2) When he was at Penn State, he turned Matt McGoin into a walk-on dud into an NFL starter in just one year. 3) Christian Hackenberg (admittedly a 5 star prospect), had a GREAT year as a freshman at Penn State, and is spoken of as a potential future #1 overall QB
  5. All i'll say is that Wawrow isnt just some fly by night regular poster. He is one of the few people who's opinion actually matters on here. Thanks John.
  6. I think fitzpatrick fits. He is a good guy, but never could peice it together here (or in TEN). Despite the poor play here in Buffalo, I will NEVER doubt bill o'briens QB development or QB scouting abilty. I guarentee you that whoever houston has under center will outplay whatever you think about them 10 times over. See: Matt McGloin. Walk-on at Penn State. Somehow became a starter under Paterno, even though he was TERRIBLE. He was the WORST QB I have ever seen (yes, even as a bills fan...). Then suddenly, one year under O'Brien, and he sets Big 10 records, and in just one year becomes an NFL starter. 3 years ago I would have told you his "peak" would have been a backup at the college level. O'Brien is to credit for that. Also Brady. Also the new QB at Penn State (Christian Hackenberg - Remember the name, he is a future 1st round pick). The guy can flat our coach a QB. No better fit for Fitz either.
  7. No thanks on Lewan. This guy is a disaster waiting to happen. Good player, but his "playing with a mean streak" goes too far for me. I see Incognito in him... I'd pass. If he falls to round 2-3 over this stuff, I'd take a shot...but not at #9. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/bigten/2013/12/25/michigan-wolverines-offensive-tackle-taylor-lewan-questioned-alleged-assault/4199589/
  8. Here is another name. Charlie Fisher. QB Coach for Penn State the last 2 years, got let go during the transition. He has worked with Jay Cutler, Tory Holt, and helped mold Matt McGloin from a walk-on to an NFL starter (albeit Bill O'Brien gets most of the credit, but I gotta think Fisher had something to do with it as well). Seems very well respected, but no specfic NFL experience.
  9. Makes sense. We always had awesome TE's while he was in Buffalo.
  10. Off topic a bit, but why should ANY university announce publicly ANY student who violates the law (or even worse, the student code)? Also off-topic, but I cant stand how Vickey Triponey is being painted as "The Woman who stood up to Paterno". Truth is, she was a power hungry, snake, who was terrible at her job (and this comment has NOTHING to do with Paterno or Football). She was fired for her power grabs, eliminating critical student organizations, and her sheer incompetence...oh, and her ability to tick off anyone who ever crossed her path. Here is her "timeline of terror" http://safeguardoldstate.org/the-vicky-triponey-timeline-of-terror/ Not saying Paterno was a saint, or that he didnt try to protect his players whenever he could, but anything Triponey says/does/did is suspect with me due to her known behaviors on non-football related issues.
  11. Ya know, its crazy...that "Penn State Way". The thought that somehow student athletes can get a good eductation, graduate, and be productive members of society...and while they are in school manage to participate in a highly successful and ethical football program that has NEVER had even a minor NCAA violation (yes, even today). Thats the "Penn State Way" that I subscribe to, regardless if it is Paterno, O'Brien, or whomever at the helm. If thats not the model the NCAA wants...then the NCAA isnt doing its job (which...I guess...sadly...is not really even debatable).
  12. Ironically, they basically had Obrien for free for 2 years. The names emerging are 1. James Framklin, Vandy 2. Greg Schiano 3. Mike Muncak 4. Al Golden, Miami Those seem to be the big 4....with some thought Greg Roman SF-OC might be considered, but he is Obrien 2.0 with nfl aspirations. Also Pat Fitzgerald at Northwestern has been considered. One thing I know, if this is anything like last time, we won't know squat until its announced. Nobody even knew Obrien was a candidate until it was announced he got the job. Me, I'm pulling for Franklin, Fitzgerald and Golden.
  13. His current players were told similar things....then apparently Obrien stopped returning their calls, and allegedly never gave a courtesy call/text saying he was gone. Handled poorly IMO. However, tweets from current players are positive. Fans....not so much. Psu is in a better place than it was 2 Years ago thanks to obrien...but its teetering again pending a new hc and keeping this Top 15-20 recruiting class together....AGAIN. It's crazy that JR/SR will have played under 4 head coaches in their college career.
  14. Not terribly surprised, but his credibility is gone IMO. He told recruits as soon as yesterday to ignore the noise, I'll be at penn state next year. He preached "you are nothng if you dont keep your word"....Well...I thought he was different...guess not. I'm still not sure he is ready for the nfl...I'd rather see him have a couple more years of HC experience (his game day decisions and clock management were atrocious at times). Overall he is a good coach, and I wish him the best...but he isn't exact leaving psu in the dignified manner I would have expected from a man with such (alleged) high integrity. Unfortunately the university is probably largely to blame for this as well. They don't want to continue investing in the football program due to the whole "incident". Next man up.
  15. They reduced it in June. Hs original contract got automatically extended when sanctions were announced, and as a result he buyout got out of control. It was somewhere in the 12m range, which was too onerous. I'm not sure psu wants to renegotiate his contract every year like this...which could also be one reason psu would reuse to give into his demands.
  16. We'll see ... Dialogue is starting to change. CBS has reported Obrien took psu's offer to Houston and Houston balked at it. I can't imagine psu outbidding the nfl, so this may be a case of the deal falling apart and both sides are trying to save face. Doubt anything happens tomorrow, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear of more Houston interviews soon. Bruce Feldman (@BFeldmanCBS) 12/31/13, 6:32 PM Am told Bill O'Brien went back to #PennState & then circled back to the #Texans in negotiations but Houston brass didn't budge.
  17. Its a good story...too bad its not true. His contract states "Coach shall be deemed to earn a pro-rata amount of the annual payment on a weekly basis...and coach shall be entitled to any amount earned, but unpaid, upon termination of his employment for any reason" So he isnt giving up anything (except maybe a week earned..) by waiting.
  18. Bogus. Regardless if they can even compete from a medical perspective, changing doctors & treatment centers is a HUGE deal for this kind of thing. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/12/26/obrien-may-not-be-a-sure-thing-to-jump-to-nfl/ "O’Brien wouldn’t be the first (or the last) football coach to say one thing and done another, and it would be hard to fault him for making a money grab at the next level. But family considerations also come into play, given that O’Brien’s 11-year-old son, Jack, has a medical condition that prevents him from walking or talking and results in near-daily seizures. The O’Briens reportedly have a high degree of comfort with the local medical care Jack is receiving and the elementary school Jack is attending; uprooting him from that while at the same time finding an acceptable replacement in a new city will present a considerable challenge."
  19. He made $3.2M in 2013. but it looks like it is giong down in 2014...I would expect a new contract if he stays at PSU in the 3-4M/year range. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/9407519/bill-obrien-penn-state-nittany-lions-gets-pay-raise 4M/year for 20 years (if he wants to stay that long) = $80M 7M/year for 5 years + $2M for 15 years =$65M Its a tough decision any way you slice it.
  20. His sons medical care is also a HUGE factor. But I think Houston is one of the places that can compete with Penn State on that front.
  21. I dont know how you begin to make that decision. He has (likely) a job for life at PSU if he wants it...or potentially only 2-3 years in Houston, then toiling around as an OC or lesser college HC if it doesnt work out. Short term money may not beat long term money at PSU. But i guess you have to believe you will be successful wherever you go, or you wuoldnt be a college/nfl head coach.
  22. Sounds like he tried to pressure penn state into some things without any intent on leaving, but is now sitting on a VERY good offer, and is conflicted...get your popcorn ready.
  23. Good question...and i cant really intellegently debate this...but from what i gather, the recruiting budget, # of recruiting staff members, and some facilities are not up to par with top football schools. There has also been a reluctance from the administration to do anything positive for the football program for 2 years due to the scandal.
  24. Dont want to turn this into mcgloin vs manual...but... EJ: 180/306 58.8% MM: 118/211 55.9% EJ: 11TDs in 10 Games MM: 8 TDs in 7 Games EJ: 1,979 yards, 6.44 avg MM: 1,547 yards, 7.33 avg EJ: 77.7 rtg; 42.3 QBR MM: 76.1 rtg; 49.5 QBR Honestly, 2013 as a guide...the two were pretty damn similar in stats. On O'Brien...the PSU channels are extremely quiet. Recruits who previously said "obrien told me today he was staying, ignore the noise" are now backing away, and all of them are using the same terminology "i have spoke to obrien and i am comfortable with the situation". almost appears as if it is talking points, and someone told them to back off on their rheteric. Other reports indicate obrien is negotiating with PSU *AND* houston, and that his demands of PSU are minor. The biggest sticking point appears to not be money, but additional football resources, which the university is afraid of providing in fear of stoking the "football culture" issue. This sounds like a big bold power play by obrien against the PSU administration (which does not have alumni support i might add). I am about 60% sure he stays at PSU. Today should be interesting.
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