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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. And then...in true Buffalo fashion, we lose to Denver and Green Bay...We lay an egg in Oakland...and then all we need to do is beat the Patriots 3rd string...and we finish 9-7. The script is written...
  2. Because the division tiebreaker is first. Baltimore wins over Pittsburgh. We win over Baltimore. Need to go 10-6 to get in, IMO.
  3. Hackenberg is probably on everyone's list of QBs. The kid has #1 overall talent, and looks the part too. If he can learn to eliminate some of his decision making mistakes...I think he is a sure-fire first rounder. I wouldnt say he suffers from a lack of weapons. That WR corp is pretty good. Young (bunch of true Freshman and a Sophomre), but they are good. Good TE's too (James especially - guy will be in the NFL, probably a late round pick though). RB is a weak spot, but that is mostly due (again) to the line. Lynch and Belton were good last year, but are getting tore up behind that abysmal line. If MIles Diffenbach comes back (SR Guard who has been injured all year, but may play tonight), that should help a TON. The left side of the line should be "average" at that point.
  4. I guess this is our first chance to find out how cheap Pegula is...
  5. I never supported Trump, except as maybe as a better option over JBJ, or anyone with overt designs to taking the team to LA, Toronto, or elsewhere. But the guy is a blow-hard. The one thing I'll say about him is that he wants to "win" at whatever he does...so he would have given it a good shot, and spent the money so he doesnt look like a failure...but then again, he has a long list of "failures" on his resume these days. But I agree...can this guy just go away?
  6. Maybe...but I think they will take either Harbaugh...and only one may be available after the season.
  7. Next Michigan head coach. Almost 100% guarantee it. Its too perfect of a fit not to work out.
  8. The receivers aren't the problem. They probably have 2-4 NFL players at WR/TE (who are mostly all FR/SO too). The problem is the OL, the lack of a running game, and (quite honestly), a scheme that doesnt fit Hack very well. Bill O'Brien ran a much better pro offense. James Franklin wants to run the wildcat and line hack up as a WR for 5-6 plays in a row. Highlights from his true freshman year:
  9. Hack broke every Penn State QB record about 2 games into his Sophomore year. I watch him every week, and he screams NFL QB. He looks the part, and 95% of the time, he performs. Admittedly he has been pretty inaccurate the last 2 games (although that is relatively new for him). Also, you think Buffalo's offensive line is bad? Penn State is starting 2 Freshman, a Sophmore, and 2 Juniors (total of 4 new starters this year), and is STRUGGLING. They cant run the ball worth a lick either, so they have to rely on Hack's arm, and he is starting to force it. I wouldnt judge him based on the last 2 games. He is still only a Sophomore...but if he isnt a top 10 pick, i'll be stunned.
  10. Oh, I dont know. Colin Kapernick, Russell Wilson, Andy Dalton and Geno Smith?
  11. Stick with Orton for another year....them Christian Hackenberg
  12. Tough call. I'd like to know if Maronne has a tattoo of his wife in a #3 Bills jersey first...
  13. The sale will go through. I worry more about the potential loss ( or neutering) of a pro-buffalo commish.
  14. This is getting out of control. The NFL needs to set a policy and stick with it. Either A) You let them play until the court/legal system is done before suspending a player or B) You suspend them with pay once an indictment comes down, and re-address a suspension after the court/legal system is done. The NFL is trying to be the judge and jury AS SOON as evidence comes out because the public pressure is too great. This invariably leads to huge errors. They need to figure out a way to let the legal system proceed with the process, and then react to the outcome.
  15. You gotta keep the Wilson name on it.... you can have a sponsor and do both (for example, Wilson Field at Paychex stadium, etc.).
  16. For those of you interested (and dont already know this), Pegula is an alum of Penn State University, and made a LARGE donation to build a hockey arena there. It opened last year, and is one of the best collegiate hockey arenas in the country (and by some accounts, the facilities are as good or better than some pro teams). I just put this out there, because I assume a new stadium is in our future. If this is at all representative of what he will do for HIS team (vice a donation to his alma mater), we are in for a GREAT time over the next several decades. Thanks Terry!!!
  17. Don't sleep on this kid. Watch this and tell me you dont want this kid to be a part of your team: I am a PSU fan...but this isnt said with Blue and White colored glasses...this kid has the perverbial "it". It all clicked his senior year at Penn State, and with Coach O'Brien, and he will outwork ANYONE. Its infetious, and he will not be denied. How many kids without a single Division 1 scholarship offer are playing QB in the NFL right now? It cant be many. I'd be VERY happy if he would up in Buffalo, and I am SURE Pegula would take a strong look at him if he ever has the change.
  18. If you watch the video, with audio, there is no doubt Stewart stepped on the accellerator. Why he did will be the subject of much debate, but it is 100% clear to me that he did hit the accelerator.
  19. I cant believe this hasnt been posted here yet, but it appears Golisano is going to make a big. http://buffalo.twcnews.com/content/news/757849/tom-golisano-reportedly-to-make-buffalo-bills-bid/ I still prefer Pegula, but this is a good plan B (Mod's, I appologize if this is already posted somewhere...I didnt see it)
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