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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. I highly doubt they will come out and say they did nothing wrong. They will likely say something to the effect of "we did a full investigation, and we cannot definitively determine whether the balls were altered" Its hard to prove a negative. Just like in court, not guilty does not equal innocent.
  2. I am all for bending the rules, but not breaking them. If there was no pressure requirement on the balls..then good on the patriots for finding a way to get an advantage. But since there is...IF they did something in violation of those rules, then they need to be punished.
  3. I saw it here... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/175494-marrone-interviewing-in-denver/page-10 "Marrone and Bill O'Brien are best friends. They were Best men in each others wedding (or at least in one of their weddings...i cant remember). It's not surprising that O'Brien would find a spot for Marrone somewhere in the Texans organization. Truthfully its probably Marrones best chance at saving face here. Go hang with his bud for a few years (or at least one year) until people forget about this whole debacle. Maybe he can even be houstons offensive coordinator (they dont have one...O'Brien calls all the plays). Its too perfect of a fit for it to not happen."
  4. Marrone and Bill O'Brien are best friends. They were Best men in each others wedding (or at least in one of their weddings...i cant remember). It's not surprising that O'Brien would find a spot for Marrone somewhere in the Texans organization. Truthfully its probably Marrones best chance at saving face here. Go hang with his bud for a few years (or at least one year) until people forget about this whole debacle. Maybe he can even be houstons offensive coordinator (they dont have one...O'Brien calls all the plays). Its too perfect of a fit for it to not happen.
  5. There is no winning these arguments. But in the sake of getting facts right... 1) Joe Paterno and the PSU board were always at odds. If this were a "normal" coaching relationship, he would have been fired many times. They couldn't fire him because the alumni and lifeblood of the school would have gone crazy. Joe Paterno was an icon, but he didnt have much power over the board...in fact, the board resented him...ALOT. 2) Of all the shower abuse victims, only one had any outside witness. On that particular count, Sandusky was acquitted of "involuntary deviate sexual intercourse" 3) Joe Paterno DID report it to the athletic director (Curley), Vice President Schultz (who oversaw the campus police department), who in turn told spanier (who himself was a victim of child abuse) and countless others. What kind of a coverup plan involves telling everyone what is going on? 4) it bears repeating again...after 1993 Sandusky DID NOT work for Paterno, and I don't believe I have ever read an account of him and paterno being on speaking terms after that point. I truly and honestly believe that Mcquerey came to paterno with what he saw. paterno did know what to do, and punted it to his bosses to deal with. There was an internal investigation, and because of Jerry positive reputation, long history with childrens charities, a failed state ivestigation for a similar offense a few years prior, and the minimal evidence presented from mcqueary, PSU leadership decided to tell him not to use the campus facilities for his charitable efforts. I honestly believe they missed the smoking gun...all of them...including paterno.. But I refuse to buy the story that this was all to protect the football program, and making it all about the football program hides the fact that child abuse awareness is a significant issue in this country.
  6. Paterno and Sandusky weren't exactly close for the last 10 years of his life. In fact, according to poznanski's biography "http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/08/joe_paterno_biography_describe.html. An excerpt: "In 1993, Paterno wrote what the family would sometimes call the "Why I Hate Jerry Sandusky Memo." In it Paterno complained that Sandusky had stopped recruiting, seemed constantly distracted, had lost his energy for coaching, and was more interested in his charity, The Second Mile." And "[Paterno] told Sandusky he would not be the next head coach at Penn State. Sandusky mentioned the early retirement package, and Paterno suggested it might be a good time for him to take it. Both men later said that the 1998 incident was never discussed." I think it's closer to the truth to assume that paterno resented Sandusky, wanted him gone, and was miffed that the board allowed him to be on campus. What I think killed paterno is the fact that all this was going on under his nose, and that he had a chance to do something about it, but he didnt see the warning signs or realize how big of an issue this was. He built something special at penn state, and it all crumbled because he failed to recognize the magnitude of the situation. I still don't buy the coverup story. The Freeh report was a joke. The NCAA never had jurisdiction over this issue. The penn state board was a joke. There are still court cases pending. The whole thing was a complete debacle. Thank god Sandusky didnt get off on a technicality. The true unfortunate thing is that there STILL has not been a investigation as to why a child charity run by Sandusky, which employed psychologists to look out for these thing has never been investigated. And ther has never been an investigation as to why Sandusky was allowed to adopt SIX children....but instead the whole discussion became about penn state football, amd not focused on some of the real issues related to child abuse.
  7. He was my 2nd choice. I wanted Darrell Bevell, but I'll live with Rex. Hopefully he takes us where we want to be. Thats really the only criteria.
  8. Greg Roman has been under consideration for a Head Coaching job for a long time (in both the NFL and college). Even though he has never gotten the opportunity, he has been a strong candidate for many jobs, so I have to think that he comes with a good pedigree. Things went south in San Fran this year, but I dont think you can blame that all on Roman. I for one will give him a long leash before calling for his head
  9. Kid shoulda went to North Carolina. http://deadspin.com/5949274/ohio-states-third-string-quarterback-aint-come-to-play-school
  10. Strange that a list of 15+ Interviews/interview requests does not include a single college coach....
  11. Seriously...Is there anyone we ARENT considerimg?
  12. I think the Fans should take out a full page ad in the Buffalo News and thank him for changing the culture of the Bills. If well-done, it can be a classy goodbye from the fans that reeks of "you should be thanking US and saying goodbye to US" and also reads as a big "F-You" to Marrone. Someone more creative than I could do it justice... "Thank you Doug Marrone for changing the culture of the Buffalo Bills leading our beloved team to a 15-17 record over the past 2 years. The Fans of the Buffalo greatly appreciate your unwavering dedication to the Buffalo Bills and the Buffalo Community. We look forward to welcoming you back to Orchard Park in 2015!"
  13. More likely than Mort getting played is that Mort is helping Polian out knowing that Polian needs people to think he is staying at ESPN.
  14. The interesting thing is that HOF voting is 31 January. Polian CANT take a job before then or he is ineligible. I wonder if this report is just out there just so that it doesnt impact the HOF vote in 4 weeks....then Polian joins the Bills. Just a random thought...
  15. This is very similar to the way Bill O'Brien left Penn State. Many said the same things "new players wont find him credible, etc.". Players are (rightfully) miffed, but at the end of the day its business, and people will move on. I think its crappy that both O'Brien and Marrone left without even telling their current players that they were leaving, but I guess that is what you should expect since they are both best of friends, and decendents from the Belichick tree.
  16. The other thing with Schwartz is that you keep the Defensive coaches (who are under contract). That would prevent Marrone from taking them all to the Jets. Thats a big slap in the face to Marrone (although this is not a REASON to hire Schwartz...but it is a benefit).
  17. At least It's obvious that playing him doesn't give us the best chance to win anymore!
  18. No. Pit would need to beat CIN to knock CIN out. We get in basically one of 2 ways (All starts with Bills winning out) 1) Pit wins out or, 2) Baltimore loses out. Its pretty close to that simple.
  19. Guys...as long as we dont overlook Oakland, there is a chance we can be playing New England for a playoff spot. 10-6 doesnt guarentee us a playoff slot, but I was fooling around with ESPN's Playoff Machine. If everyone who is higher in the power rankings wins out...and we go 10-6, we miss the playoffs. But to show you how close it is, if only ONE game changes (SF beats San Diego, or Houston beats Baltimore, or Cleveland beats Baltimore, or Kansas City beats San Diego) we are IN. Gotta be happy we are in this position! 10-6 gets in almost evey other year.
  20. Time of Posession: Buffalo: 13:59 Denver: 5:20 Keep that up!!!
  21. I do like Peyton and Eli. I think they are good ambasadors for the game...but I hope Peyton gets pounded into the pavement today. Seriously, I dont care how much you hate them...the truth is that without them, Tom Brady would likely have 3 more super bowl rings (XLI, XLII and XLVI). For that reason alone you gotta love 'em! But not today.!!!
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