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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Well, they arent George Bush, they were in vietnam....they like old people and the poor....and evidently they have a plan to help the economy, but wont tell us until they get elected..... Yeah, great platform guys...Brilliant... You dont win an election by not being someone. Ask Rick Lazio how that works. It might work for 40% of the population, but in order to get the other 11% you actually need to have something more than your questionable service in vietnam 40 years ago to back you up. For the first time in my life, im considering NOT voting republican. But I sure as stevstojan wont be voting for Mr. Kerry. I have had it up to my ears with the 2 party system in this country. Its not about whats best for america, its about winning. If you can take both sides of every issue and make 51% of the people happy with you...so be it. If you dont have the balls to do what needs to be done in Iraq, because you are worried about political fallout, so be it. Keep mismanaging the war and letting our boys die over there, yeah, thats a better strategy. Mr. Bush PLEASE dont be afraid to do what needs to be done. So instead of focusing on these important issues, we talk about whether John Kerry was in Cambodia during christmas of 1968, or whether George Bush's service was good enough to be considered noble and worthy of the presidency. Screw both parties. I will be voting for Ralph Nader. Not because I agree with him on any issue. (Because I dont think there is a single one). But because a vote for nadar is a vote against the establishment of 2 political parties. And honestly the way the parties are treating 3rd party candidates these days are ridiculous. Ballot access denied because the pages were in the wrong order...Give me a break.
  2. It seems to me this is a very odd cut, and there may be more than what meets the surface. Projected 3rd rounder, goes in the 7th...then gets cut during the first round of cuts. I wanted to take this guy as well. Perhaps give him a look, but its not looking promising for him right now.
  3. I heard a rumor they were trying to get McCardell
  4. If he is cut...he will be looking for a place where he might actually play. Unless another starting QB goes down somewhere else, buffalo is probably his best opportunity to start. Plus, he woudl probably be pretty cheap, since he has been cut twice in 4 months
  5. Unwarranted Speculation: Perhaps he has not regained his speed, so they are showcasing off what he can do, so they can maximize his trade value Flame away
  6. I posted this somewhere else, but I wouldnt be suprised to see Flutie or Brees come available. Seattle could cut dilfer or Huard Baltimore has a gaggle of QBs with Boller, Stewart and Wright I think NE has a bunch of QBs as well. There are some legit possibilities out there. Rich Gannon, Tim Couch keep coming up as big name guys, but thats BEGGING for a QB cont. Then as mentioned on this thread, Griese and RJ. But I think the last thing RJ wants to do is come back to buffalo. And good riddance
  7. What about bringing back that guy from albany, who tried out here a few weeks ago, and we told him we had no place for him, but we liked him. Looks like this might be his chance
  8. I wouldnt mind seeing him go 7/7...as long as we keep the rest of the team out of the end zone and we score more than 21 points.
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