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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Oh, and while we are at it, how about we amend the rules stating that coaches in the playoffs cant interview...or make no coaching hires made until after the superbowl.
  2. I think there are 2 aspects to this here. 1) TD does not want to hire the guy who will want total control over the team and essentially drive him out of town. 2) TD wants to be the guy who hires the next great rookie coach (ala marvin lewis). He feels his guys can come up and be great coaches and not have the demands that a bill parcells (for instance) would want. I dont think money alone is the problem, but I think TD wants a guy who he can call his own and not worry about his job. Unfortunatly for him, the coaches he hired might cost him his job in a completely different way.
  3. Yes, best and worst case Scenarios...however, what will happen is that he will show some progress and potential, we wont address the problem in the offseaon, and he will be horrible next season. always the optimist....
  4. Thanks guys. I made an offer for Harrison. Muhammad and Taylor for harrison. See where that goes. Thanks for your help. And no...i havent been starting barber....unfortunatly. i still cant believe im 0-4 with this team
  5. Well...my team that shocked the world when i posted my roster here after the draft is now 0-4. My Current RBs Green Henry Taylor Barber My Current TEs Boo Williams LJ Smith I was offered Taylor for Crumpler. Do I do it? I also have Vick/McNair and Roth as QB WRs: Stallworth, Roy Williams, Muhammad and Stokley I think Crumpler would be a good upgrade at TE, and I dont lose much (perhaps I even gain) if i start henry or barber instead of taylor....
  6. I do not get this argument AT ALL. 1) Losman wont even be healthy until November 1 at the earliest. If bledsoe is as bad as people think, we will be 0-7 at that point, 2-5 in a best case scenario, and playoffs are out of the question, so why the rush to get the rookie in? IF bledsoe turns it around, we could be looking at 3-4 or 4-3, at which point, bledsoe is playing fine and no need to bring in the rookie. Contined play by bledsoe would put playoffs in reach 2) Losman is EXTEMELY talented, but EXTREMELY raw. He needs more time on the practice field. He was never projected to see the field this year, or even next year, clearly he is not ready now. 3) He would have just gotten back from an injury. Nascar says cautions breed cautions, well in football injuries breed injuries. Let him take it easy the rest of the year, since under my scenario outlined in 1, we will either be in it or out of it when losman comes back. 4) Because he just got back from injury, he will have spent a total of a game and a half on the field, and just a fraction of that with the first team offense. The chemistry is not there yet.
  7. Well...modern day QBs... Chad Pennington under Testaverde McNair only started 2 games his rookie season, and 4 in his 2nd year Cullpepper sat his first year in the league Favre., though a 2nd round pick, sat out his rookie year ...And we all know bradys story. (though he wasnt a high draft pick) My gut feeling is that there are just as many QBs who start their rookie year and go on to greatness as they are that fail and leave the league after starting thier rookie years. The one thing that we HAVE to remember here, is that losman is a project. The sentiment on draft day was that he comes in here, and needs alot of work. He was projected to be our starter 2-3 years down the road. Now people want to bring him in after 6 weeks of his rookie season when he has been out with a broken leg since training camp. Unreal expectations folks.
  8. Adding to the dismay is the lack of a #1 pick...which with every loss looks higher and higher
  9. If we expect to trade WM at year end, he currently has no (or little) trade value. This is not good. And if we lose next week, we can pretty much write off playoffs (though todays loss goes a long way to further that) . We need to give him time if we are going to trade him. TH is looking pretty poor himself. Its not looking good for regaining that #1. Though TH to MIA for their #1 is looking pretty good right now
  10. I have a directv tivo reciever on one tv, but I want to use my old Tivo with my other TV. For some reason I cant figure out how to connect a standard tivo unit with a directv reciever. anyone know of a wiring map, or perhaps an easy way to do this?
  11. Uconn, I am sorry if you took offense to my comments. I did not claim you were making a joke about the war. I too am very passionate about this war. We trivialize so many things in our society and sometimes people fail to realize the seriousness of what is going on. I get annoyed when i hear someone mention in passing about another beheading. I get annoyed when people talk about the war as if its just a video game. It IS REAL LIFE, and that was the root of my comment. Some people view this as the ultimate reality television, and forget that with every soldier killed in war, an entire family is turned into turmoil. Again, not accusing you of anything. Since you have family participating in the war, you know full well the reality. I thank your brothers for their service, as they are much braver than I, and I pray then can come home soon and safely.
  12. Well, good thing someone took a war, where thousands of our loved ones are dying, and put it into a real-world scenario about tennis shoes. Thanks! now i get it....
  13. Not to mention that the new york subway never closed during the RNC convention...
  14. I hate shootouts to decide a game. How about alternating power plays. Similar to college football, where if you score, the other team has to score to force a 2nd OT.
  15. East W L New England 12 4 NY Jets 9-7 (Upgraded from 8-8. Pennington looks like the real deal and Martin isnt showing his age) Buffalo 8-8 (Downgraded from 9-7 Should still be decent, but 0-2 hurts their chances of making the playoffs) Miami 4-12 (Downgraded from 6-10. I knew they would be bad, just not this bad.) North W L Baltimore 10 6 Cincinnati 8 8 Pittsburgh 8-8 (upgraded from 5-11. Really showed me something beating Miami. Roth is the real deal.) Cleveland 5 11 South W L Indianapolis 11 5 Jacksonville 10 6 Tennessee 9 7 Houston 6 10 West W L Kansas City 8-8 (downgraded from 10-6 Should regain old form, but 0-3 start causes them to miss the playoffs) Denver 8-8 Oakland 7-9 (upgrade from 6-10 Collins is a top notch QB and should rejuvinate the offense) San Diego 3 13 East W L Philadelphia 11 5 Washington 8 8 Dallas 7 9 NY Giants 7-9 (upgraded from 6-10. This is a suprise team to me so far. Could make the playoffs if bulger keeps his job) North W L Minnesota 12 4 Green Bay 10 6 Detroit 9 7 Chicago 4 12 (downgraded from 6-10. Grossman out kills this team.) South W L Atlanta 10 6 (upgraded from 9-7. Not a shock they are doing well, but need to put more points on the board and get PP involved.) Carolina 9 7 New Orleans 9 7 Tampa Bay 4-12 (downgraded from 7-9 My suprise team. How bad can they be? Simms will start and the losses will continue) West W L Seattle 11 5 St. Louis 8 8 San Francisco 5 11 Arizona 4 12 Misc. Changes in Bold AFC Division Winners New England, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Denver* AFC Wildcard: Jacksonville, Tennessee** *Replaced Kansas City with Denver **Replaced Buffalo with Tennessee NFC Division Winners Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Minnesota NFC Wildcard: Green Bay, Carolina AFC Championship Game: New England* vs. Indianapolis NFC Championship Game: Minnesota vs. Philadelphia Super Bowl: Indianapolis Vs. Minnesota Winner: Minnesota *Replaced Kansas City with New England MVP: Dante Cullpepper Offensive ROY: Roy Williams Defensive ROY: Sean Taylor
  16. Yes, but who cares. The yankees and red sox still make alot of money, but cant spend it all on Free Agents. They can keep their Derek Jeters, Mariano Riveras, Jorge Posadas, Bernie Williams and um....cant think of anyone the redsox actually brought up...but they cant go out and buy talent (ala Giambi, Mussina Pedro, Ramirez, Schilling, etc.). Its a win-win world for all. (except for the players union, but screw em). It could actually result in higher salaries for the premium players because the yankees for instance, would get a break on the cap for keeping derek jeter. Thus they could offer him alot more money than other franchises. It would completely revamp the landscape.
  17. This is the solution too all of baseballs problems. A salary cap with this rule. i have been saying it for years. It would bring back dynasty players (i.e. players spending entire career on one team).
  18. McMicheal is a good enough TE to play in most leagues...dont forget about Plexico...but point made.
  19. There are some good ones in there too http://hogan.ohio.com/ohio/bok/album/show.php3?id=1651
  20. I am mildly adverse to a flat tax. At least a pure flat tax like we have been accustomed to hearing about. While I do feel taxes are extremely high in this country, I do also feel it is fair for people who earn more money pay a marginally higher income tax rate. (though not at the disparity we are currently seeing). I like the national sales tax approach. But again, it MUST be met with the elimination of at least the income tax, and preferably all taxes. One of the big benefits of this plan, is the increased revenue from currently untaxable sources. With a national sales tax, all revenue from drugs and gambing (two sources of income, which goes unreported). Drug dealers certainally wouldnt even think about putting their drug revenue on a 1040. But they will go out and buy that new mercades. And when they do, they will pay the national sales tax on it. This NST must be done carefully as to not disproportionatly affect the lower class. The rebate plan the Government has thought of, isnt a bad start, though I would also like to see all food purchases and clothing under $500 dollars be tax exempt at the federal level. Good discussion to be having in washington. Much better than who did what in the 1970s thats for sure.
  21. Correct me if im wrong, but Yucca mountain is in nevada is it not? If your argument held any water, Yucca Mountain would be in NY or California. So what you are saying is, that only the votes of 537 people in florida mattered in 2000? How wrong you are. If 100 people vote for something, and 90 vote against it, the outcome of the vote isnt decided by the 10 people who swung the election, but by the 91 people who voted in the affermative giving the plurality of the votes to their cause. To say republicans in NY have no vote is wrong. 2,403,374 people in NY voted for bush. Every one of those votes counted. 4,107,697 people voted for gore. If you are looking for votes that dont count, its the extra 1.7 million people who voted for Gore that had their votes not count. Mathmatically possible, yes. However, Relative to the election being close and the candidates with the most popular votes losing the electoral college, this situation is much less likely. Oh, and BTW, this reform garbage that states like Colorado is trying to push through (and Maine and one other state I believe) is a joke. They are trying to make their electoral votes selected as a percentage of the popular vote in the state. You get 50% of the pop vote, you get 50% of the electoral votes. Sounds fair right? Wrong. Why would ANY candidate spend time in your state? Talk about your needs? The way our country is devided at MOST he could expect to win one electoral vote. You essentially take your state out of political play. Its a bonehead move to do if you are in a state legislative position.
  22. I take the opposite opinion here. I think the electoral college is a good and necessary part of our electoral process. What does need to be changed, is to eliminate the human portion of the electoral college, and require by law that all electors vote for the candidate chosen by the electorate. The first thing you have to remember about the electoral college, it is highly unlikely that a person will win the popular vote, but lose the electoral college UNLESS the election is very close (as it was in 2000). What the electoral college offers is a clear and decicive way to pick a winner of the election, should the race become extremely tight. People point to the mess in florida in 2000 as a reason to eliminate the electoral college. In fact the exact opposite is true. Without the electoral college process, there would have been recounts not only in Florida, but in every state and county in the union. It would have been complete chaos. Moreso, there have been 53 elections since George Washington was elected. Only 3 times has there been a discrepancy between the electoral college and the popular vote. The electoral college provided a clear winner. On at least 12 other occasions, the popular vote was close enough to have the election contested, and a nationwide recound, such as we saw in florida, would persue. If gore won Tennesee, he would be president, If he won Missouri he would have been president. Same with Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, washington and many other states. Its not ONE STATE that won this election for bush, but rather 50 states.
  23. Well, since we are comparing academic credentials, I have an BS in Chemical Engineering with a Master of Business Administration and am currently working as a Nuclear Engineer. I am a member of Tau Beta Pi (an engineering honor society). I dont know why this matters...but since you brought it up... The point im trying to make here, isnt that the media shouldnt be allowed to do what it does, nor is it that we need a new "reformed media" if you will. Instead I just wish that the majority of people would view particularly television media for what it is. Entertainment with a news backdrop. Its reality tv programming. We might as well as viewers, vote off the story we dont like every week so we dont have to hear it again. I agree with you on print media. It is much better. Radio is also reasonable, but you have to weigh through the partisan twist everything on radio is exposed to. Though usually you know the twist the host is trying to place on a particular story. The problem is, people like dan rather who are partisans, and who are actively campaing and raising money for the democratic party, then come on and do the nightly news and try to be fair. Its not just dan rather either. Tom brokaw was even on some peoples list to be Kerrys VP choice! But I digress... I understand editorial decisions are made. They have to be. Editorial decisions are based first on what people want to hear. Then on what people need to or should hear. For every story about Lacy Peterson or Kobe Bryant, there is a story about something more important and meaningful to our everyday life. Something more worthy of making the editorial cut, but it wont because people want to know whats going on in those stories. People mistake these stories for news. It should be on E! or Entertainment Tonight. Unfortunatly people who want the real news will not find it on CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, or dare I say, Fox News. This leads to an uninformed electorate, who is tasked with making some very very tough decisions here in the next couple months. People like you and me, who take the time to become informed on a plethora of key issues, can formulate an educated opinion on tax reform, Iraq, social security, health care, etc. But people who rely on the alphabet channels do not have access to the kinds of information they need to make these vitals choices. I just wish they would realize they are being fed a bunch of garbage, and go out looking for their own answers to issues instead of relying on Dan Rather to tell them what to think. I hope this scandal will go a long way to helping this cause.
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