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Posts posted by JimBob2232

  1. HUH? The only good bad they have seen all year was Rudi Johnson and he had 120 yards.


    Oh, my mistake....


    Come on man...

    Clinton Portis...17 yards

    Jamal Lewis.....62 yards

    Rudi Johnson..yes 123 the first time, 62 the 2nd time


    I dont know about you, but those are some pretty good backs held to pretty bad numbers. Other RBs this year:


    Lee Suggs...30 and 38 yards, respectively

    Westbrook...17 yards

    Eddie George...28 yards

    L. Henry....41 yards

    Wheatley...24 yards


    Bottom line. They are allowing ONLY 75 YARDS PER GAME on the ground. To put that in perspective, we all know how good buffalos run defense is and they are allowing 97 yards per game!


    I am not saying willis will not put up good numbers against their D. BUT....their run defense is second to none. Combine that with the bad weather that is expected in january, and its a RUNNING game. It will come down to how well duece/bettis match up against our D, versus WM going against Pitt's D. Matchups are never that simple, but you cant just dismiss that amazing work pittsburghs defense has done against the run this season.

  2. If only Reese put his hand up and defleted that pass vs. jax. If only the travis TD was reviewed in week 2. If only we didnt allow the big play and lose to a last minute field goal against the jets.


    If...And...But....I know we play the games for a reason, but realistically, we could easilly be 8-3 right now had 3 plays in our season gone the other way, and all 3 of those plays we had the power to stop.

  3. No team but the PATs have rushed at all against the Bills and neither will the Steelers. So the game for the first time will be riding completely on big BEN. My call is he wont know what hit him. He will be overwelmed. I can't wait. Bring on their starters!


    Problem with this logic....


    No team has been able to rush against the steelers either. So the game will be riding completely on DREW. And I am sure drew will know what hit him because it happens often.


    Though I have to give him props today.

  4. While I would be okay firing Pasq. today IS NOT THE DAY, and this runmor posted that IS NOT TRUE.


    Syracuse is tied for the big east lead. IF pit loses to south florida (unlikely, but aways possible), syracuse most likely goes to a BCS BOWL!!!!


    A BCS Bowl. Yes you are reading that right. A flaw in the system allowing the big east to maintain an auto bid might allow syracuse at 6-5 to make a BCS Bowl.


    Certainally Syracuse will not fire Pasq before the team plays in their bigest bowl game in years (if not ever). Expect this announcement, should it ever come, after syracuse plays in its bowl game this season, and certainally not before Pittsburgh takes on South Florida.

  5. your stoopid if you dont know what photoshop is




    These are not photoshopped....


    I took the first 2 from yahoo news articles and saved them on my hard drive. I could no longer find them on yahoo, but i found them on these other links.


    The third one, i think i also got from yahoo news, but I cannot say for certain.


    These are NOT photoshopped, but real pictures.


    Regardless, even if they were photoshopped, they woudl still be funny.

  6. Okay...lets say you have 2 colors, lets say black and white. Now add a little white to the black and it still looks pretty black. Add a little black to the white and your white just got pretty gray.


    Point is, (and I could be wrong), that one blue vote will color a county more purple than one red vote will.


    I think a government funded story is in order.

  7. Okay...I'll humor you.


    In the states Bush won... with few exceptions he did not win by a landslide. Example, he won Ohio by 2%.


    The 11 states of the old confederacy

    Georgia Bush +17

    South Carolina Bush +17

    North Carolina Bush +12

    Florida Bush +5

    Virginia Bush +9

    Texas Bush +23

    Louisiana Bush +5

    Tennessee Bush +14

    Alabama Bush +26

    Arkansas Bush +9

    Mississippi Bush +20


    In the states Kerry won... with few exceptions he did not win by a landslide. Example he won PA by only 2%.


    Now the northeastern states:

    Maine Kerry +8

    New Hampshire Kerry +1

    Massachusetts Kerry +25

    Connecticut Kerry +10

    Rhode Island Kerry +21

    New Jersey, Kerry +7

    Delaware Kerry +7

    Maryland Kerry +13

    D.C. Kerry +81!

    New York Kerry +18

    Pennsylvania Kerry +2


    So clearly looking over those numbers there is a north/south devide. The same would be true if looking at the mountain states vs. the left coast. the only true battleground states are midwestern states.


    This divide has gotten STRONGER over the last 4 years. Read zell millers book "a national party no more" and i think you will begin to understand why. The south used to be STRONGLY democratic, but slowly has turned more and more repubican.


    Another quick comment about this divide thing. Both political parties need to pit us against each other in order to have political success. Its sick, but its what they need to survive. We as people need to step up and tell them we are sick of it.

  8. Dont know how expensive it is, but I went to a wedding recently at Malozzis in schenectady (might be rotterdam). At any rate, they did a very nice job. Might want to check it out if you havent already.


    Sorry, that was me.

  9. You guys are somethign else. EM is getting FED UP. As are we all. I am glad that he is standing up and making this known. Its painful for me to watch these games, and im not out there every sunday running routes and getting beat up only to see Drew get sacked 5 times and throw 3 picks.


    He sees his friend TO in philly doing what he is doing, and has to feel he should be doing the same...AND HE SHOULD BE.


    I dont fault EM one iota on this one folks. He is understandably frustrated.

  10. I'm with a Fortune 125 company & the limits they set are by %, not by $... no mention of $ limits at all.


    After working the math, I'm contributing more than $13K.

    How can this be? (Don't tell the IRS w00t.gif )


    The company will often limit the percentage. But the IRS limits the maximum dollar amount. Once you hit the 14k (or whatever it is this year), your contrubutions will stop, as will your employers. This could cost you alot of money in matching contributions you will not get.


    Remember the limit is on how much YOU put in. Do not include the amount your employer pays in this calculation.

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