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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Yes, Indy plays denver week 17. And Miami is playing well tonight, and takes on baltimore week 17. Dont count us out yet!
  2. We lose to denver based on conference record. in order to have a meaningful tiebreaker we would both need to win out and beo 10-6. They would pick up 2 AFC wins and we pick up one. This leaves us 6-6 ( i think) and them 7-5
  3. WOO!!!!!!!!! At least nobody has to see andy reid in tights now!
  4. I voted for Bush. IMO he is wrong on many issues, but I agree with his stance on terrorism, taxes and social security. Because I found myself not agreeing with kerry on any issue, Bush got my vote. Now if we had a good moderate democrat in the mix, I certainally would have considered him. My political Hero is Zell Miller. I know he is a democrat by title only, but I would vote for him over any other political candidate on this planet. I also could have considered Lieberman. Henry Ford Jr is another guy I respect. Living in Virginia I could have even considered Gov. Mark Warner (dont go there those who hate him), and I am sure there are others I am leaving out. My point is, though I am a conservative republican, A good strong pro-america democratic nominee could win my vote. But the Al Gores, John Kerrys and Howard Deans of the world stand no chance with me. Here is to a McCain/JC Watts ticket in 2008.
  5. I wonder if the coaching staff has repeatedly told him that if he experiences any pain or discomfort he is to go down and be evaluated as to best protect his knee, and as such he tends to not bounce up as quickly as some of his collegues
  6. I wonder how bad the postons would be in FA. The way I see it, you make an offer. If its accepted, great. If not, no big loss. Its not like drafting a rookie where you HAVE to sign him
  7. I think Payton is THE BEST quarterback I have ever seen, including montana. The guy is simply amazing.
  8. "Here comes the Pain Train....WOO WOO"
  9. If we are winning, drew can stay here for 10 years. However it would be nice to have a quarterback who I felt could win us games. With drew, it seems like our defense, special teams and running game do all the scoring, and drew is just there to try not to screw things up. Recently he has done a good job of not screwing things up, but at the same time, not really helping us.
  10. Yes, they are currently 5-5, but in order for us to have a (meaningful) tiebreaker at 10-6, they would also need to win out, and in the process beat Tennessee and Indianapolis leaving them at 7-5 and us at 6-6 (beating pittsburgh.)
  11. I have posed the question to some people who know much more than I do regarding statistics...I will post the results as I get them....
  12. Yeah, i got sick of reading long drawn out playoff scenarios...I figured this was easier to understand
  13. And its sure alot better than I would have thought we had back in october...
  14. Its 1/8th. If you flip a coin 3 times, the likelyhood it will turn up heads (or tails) 3 times in a row is 1 in 8
  15. I think it goes to confrence winning percentage Denver 7-5 (beat Ten and Ind) Buffalo 6-6 (if beat pitt) Jacksonville 7-5 (If beat hou and oak) That officially iliminates buffalo and the 2 team tiebreakers are used to determine denver/jacksonville, but since buffalo is eliminated in this scenario....I dont care...
  16. Wow people relax....ANY GIVEN SUNDAY. The Jags are not that good. They CAN LOSE to either of those teams. They will be favorites, yes, but it is not a given! Calm down just a tad boys and girls.
  17. I too am more worried about Baltimore. Baltimore (i think) needs to lose 2 of their next 3 games, starting tonight vs. Indy. THey also play pit. They need to lose both of those because game #3 is vs. Miami.... Come on Indy (at least I kinda like indy, unlike green bay which i just spent 4 hours cheering for)
  18. So...voting ended with 1/5th of the season left to play....wonderful...
  19. Pit is not as good as their record indicates. Dont get me wrong, they are a very good club, but not 11-1 good. They have gotten pretty lucky recently, and big ben hasnt been anything special (though he looks good today). The game in buffalo should be interesting. I think we can pull it out. But by no means is it "not a challenge". Playing a team that is 14-1 (or at worst 11-4) is ALWAYS a challange.
  20. Great Idea! Perhaps we can petition the league to give us a win in that game (so both us and okland have a W). Or at least a tie. A tie right now would be so key in this playoff race. I take it!
  21. Agree...except for one thing...the playoffs for the bills started 11/21 vs. st louis. Any loss from then on out kicks us out of the playoffs.
  22. I dont know. Im struggling vick vs. roth. Plummer vs. KC is a good play though unless people really get under his skin with the finger thing. Vick has been downright miserable the last 2 weeks and cost me a game last week. I say Plummer. Any input on vick vs. roth?
  23. The NHL needs to fix this once and for all. If that means abolishing the NHL and starting a new league, so be it. Hockey needs to learn from the other sports. Here is what they need to do: 1) Establish both a minimum and a maximum salary cap. 2) Give Franchises breaks on the cap for resigning their own players to promote a long-term team identity and not just laundry. 3) Promote the college game as the road to professional Hockey. 4) Open up the ice by allowing the 2 line pass 5) Eliminate or restrict southern teams with little if any following until the market demands it (and I live in the south). 6) Pay all players in canadian money. 7) Hockey should not be played in June. Shorten the season and games will become more meaningful. Try a 60 game season for starters. 8) Drastically alter overtime so that every game will have a winner. My proposal: 1st a 5v5 5 min OT period followed by a 4x4 5 minute overtime period. If the game is still tied, do what college football does and give each team alternating 5x4 2 minute Power plays until the game is decided. That would be exciting. 9) Find that big time star and promote the hell out of him. Hockey has no gretsky or lemieux anymore (okay, so he still plays, its not the same). Ask the average Joe on the street who ITO, is the best player in hockey, and they are probably clueless. The NHL needs a face. This lockout is becoming that face.
  24. This musta been the play where the refs spotted the ball in the wrong direction...idiots...
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