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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. So because its "more classy" than giving the fans the finger, its okay? Give me a break. This kind of behavior has no place in the NFL, and I hope he gets fined ALOT. My opinion would not change if this was moulds or evans, though knowing them, they would do do these activities. This is insane, and he needs to be stoped NOW.
  2. I agree. Its nice to see former bills players who were respected here in buffalo do well. Players such as AW, and coaches such as Cottrell. Good to see them succeed.
  3. The problem with the argument is that JP WILL be our quarterback if not next year, the year after. The money we are paying him, he has to get his chance even if he is not (and wont be) ready. Is there ANY first round quarterback in the past 10 years who has not started at least one season? Since JP will be our quarterback, the only way another guy gets in there is if JP gets hurt. In the event he gets hurt, and we are in the midst of a playoff run, I would much rather have a Bledsoe or matthews type (established vet) coming off the bench instead of hoping an unestablished rookie will turn into the next Brady. I guess I wouldnt be opposed to a Bledsoe/Losman/Random Rookie lineup for next year, but unless random rookie shows signs of being a #2, we need to keep Bledsoe or some other established vet as a #2 incase JP goes down. I agree Bledsoe is done. But I also think that we have to assume he is our QB next season. This has been the plan for a while. JP was never supposed to start this season, and ever since the draft people have been saying he is a project who will take a few years to develop. If nothing else, this team proved it can win DISPITE drew bledsoe. That is a promising thing. With the young core of McGahee/Losman/Evans/Euhus this team has a strong future ahead of it. No need to rush losman IMO. Prediction: Drew will start in 2005-06
  4. Vick is a good play here. Also like Manning obviously, but AFC competition is tight. Cant go wrong with LT either. Sleeper: Westbrook
  5. Hmm... 0.67 vs. 0.699 Not a big difference, espectially since every number you quoted except the score is an estimate. I would hardly say this is difinitive proof we should have gone for it.
  6. We just resigned AS. to trade him now would kill our cap situation.
  7. Me too, but if he has to go, SU would make it much more palateable.
  8. So...are wyche and krumrie FA's??? One would think donahoe could answer this question...but evidently its against "club policy"
  9. So...someone who could only kick 20 yard field goals and the coach never uses him outside of 20 yards, manages to only miss one. By your definition, he would be the best kicker in the NFL.
  10. Baseball refused to deal with its problems when it had a chance. hockey is now dealing with its problems. The NFL is a wonderfully run league, and thus does not have these issues. Point is, Fair is working within the rules to put the best team you can on the field. The yankees are doing this (In their opinion...as are 30 other teams) And BTW, the yankees havent won in years. You build championships, you cant buy them. Until the yanks realize this and rebuild, this will be the yankees of the 1980s soon.
  11. I am pretty sure mularkey of all people is not overlooking the importance of a TE. Also, random thought....Who would have thought our slash turned out to be Peters?! Lol
  12. TD needs to sit travis down and have a talk. Explain to him that it is understood that Travis wants out, and the team would like very much to help him with that request. Also make it clear that his salary is very cheap, and if the bills cant get good value for him, they will keep him for next season, and the best thing travis can do to increase his trade value is to keep his trap shut. This will ensure that he gets moved to a place he feels more comfortable. The more travis comes out to the media, the more obvious it is that he will be gone. The more obvious it is that he is gone, the less bargaining power we have. ironically for travis, the less bargaining power we have equates to less of a chance he goes to another team.
  13. Probably the commishioner Paul Tagliabue (sp?) But i could be wrong
  14. Random prediction....I bet you see Dallas package both those 1st rounders to San Franciscio for the #1. SF says they dont want a QB, and Dallas obviously needs one... That is all...
  15. I dont watch the NBA much, but when did they go to this format, and how many teams now qualify for the playoffs?
  16. Eh, im okay with mcgee. I think he is coming on and needs to develop a bit. Should be okay long-term. Still need a corner though, insurance if clements leaves. Other needs (in no order) TE (Again....Mularkey was a TE and I think he wants a TE to be more involved with the game plan) K (Need I say why) LB (Depth) WR (Dont think Aiken and Reed are the answer, and Moulds is getting older) RB (If Henry is gone, Need someone else on the bench, because it looks like mcgahee will not be extremely durable) DT (Resign phat pat or we will need someone. What ever happened with Tim Anderson? Is this guy still on our team?) OL (Played better as the season went on, resign jennings) S (Milloy and Vincent are aging) Mostly cosmetic moves needed. I dont think we need to take many drastic steps here, but we NEED to find someone who can kick 28 yard field goals on a consistent basis. We also need to start worrying about aging players, and finding replacements for them. Also important, I hope Jerry Gray doesnt leave for a HC job. And we all have to endure another season of Tom Modrak interviewing with every available club for a GM spot (PLEASE dont be the dolphins...)
  17. It depends. If we are talking about winning the superbowl, I would rather be the bills. if we are talking about making the playoffs, you cant deny that the jets are in the best position.
  18. Where did you hear this (I have harrison and stokeley on my fantasy team!)
  19. The jets are in the PERFECT position. Win and they are in. Lose and a loss by either buffalo or denver and they are in. That said, they are playing horrible lately and I dont see them doing anything in the playoffs. Denver is also in a dream situation. They control their own destiny by themselves. Win and they are in. Again, they are not playing all that well either, and dont look to make a run in the playoffs. Buffalo is in a rough spot. They need to win and get some help to get in. Never an enviable situation since the jets are playing a team they can beat, and the colts are resting their starters for what seems like most of the game. But if they get into the playoffs, they are likely to be a force. I wouldnt trade my bills for anything...but if these 3 situations were interchangable, obviously the jets situation is most favorible, but I would rather be red hot going into the playoffs than limping in as the broncos and jets would be. If we go 10-6, and miss the playoffs...we set a PERFECT tone for next season.
  20. Okay, ESPN just answered my own question Jags need to win and have buffalo and denver lose RatBirds need to win and have buffalo, denver and Jax lose
  21. Just to enhance my football watching process today, is there a 4th team that could sneak in and grab that last WC spot if both buffalo and denver lose today? If buff and denver lose, they are both 9-7. The jets get in at 10-6 (or 11-5), but could baltimore or jacksonville at 9-7 sneak past both buffalo and denver with a win? Just wondering. Hopefully someone has looked at the tiebreakers
  22. I am most concerned with the big east losing its auto BCS bid.... Though in my ideal world, the BCS would not exist...
  23. Sorry...go to www.billsdaily.com its the only news story today
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