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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Yeah...i dont get it. For all the money you are paying in SS Taxes today, you will get ZERO back when you retire (if you are younger). Now if you put that money in a private account, in an ABSOLUTE WORST CASE scenario, you get 0. Of course, if you get zero it will be because america as we know it no longer exists. The real annual rate of return on your social security taxes is NEGATIVE. So even if you put your money in a money market account getting you 1% annual, you make more money than you are now. There is NO downside here, other than the cost to implement, which is not an excuse.
  2. This is not the way the cap works. It is NEVER better for the team to cut a player and resign him cheaper. In effect he now counts twice on the cap. If they want to keep him, they can work out some kind of pay cut, but he will not be released and resigned.
  3. I cant understand why people are against the privitazation of social security. (Notice i did not say bush's plan...but the concept of privitazation itself). It HAS to be that bush is bad and therefore his plan is bad, becaues the options are 1) Continue the current system and let social security kill itself off 2) Privitize social security and guarentee everyone they will be cared for in old age. 3) Get rid of social security alltogether. Option 2 is THE ONLY ONE that makes sense. The problem is 2 fold however. First, the democrats cant have a solution to this problem because it is THEIR issue, so they will fight it so they can use it as a campaign platform. Though this will be harder to do now that they are on record saying bush is LYING about the problem. Secondly, it will cost ALOT of money to implement and will take a long period of time to properly phase in. Its not a quick fix, and it will cost money, but the long term ramifications of not privatizing social security FAR outweigh the risk of doing nothing.
  4. If they move to LA, they will likely change names as well. no longer the bills. Hatred will set in. Look at what happened to the ravens when they left cleveland
  5. I would no longer be a fan of the bills. Unless they moved where I am...then I suppose it would be okay
  6. Well, its a great thing for them to do...but yeah...seriously, why do the browns have tickets?
  7. You can still find affordable housing in the hampton roads area. It is probably the best place in virginia to live (other than nova, but it is $$$$). Virginia beach is expensive, but you can find some really affordable housing in portsmouth suffolk and even norfolk and chesapeake. People knock portsmouth for being the ghetto and suffolk for being in the boonies, but neither is really true anymore. A really nice house will still cost you 200-250, but you can find something more than adequate for 150-200. Just dont get tricked into this arm thing...sounds great now, but many people wont be able to afford it in a few years.
  8. Amazing post. McNair is contemplating RETIREMENT. JP is a ROOKIE. No GM in this league would make this deal. This is INSANITY. Drew for McNair...perhaps. But i dont see why tennessee would do it, other than to have someone around for a few extra years...
  9. Jano was a HUGE shock going in the first. That was very unconventional. I wouldnt be too suprised to see it happen again, but usually there are some really good skill players left towards the end of the first that wouldnt warrant a kicker. But who knows. I can almost see NE taking him and letting Vinitieri go...
  10. Mike Williams or Braylon Edwards easily. EM would ahve one year left as a bill. Losman, McGahee, Williams, Evans...WOW! Course Detroit is saying Harrington, Kevin Jones, Rogers, Williams....and look where that is getting them Edited because I listed the wrong worthless hokie RB....
  11. I have been chastized for saying this before, but I'll say it again. I do not think evans can be a sucessfull #1, at least not without a good #2. Here is my reasoning. There are VERY few (if any) #1 recievers less than 6'0". Without the presence of moulds, LEE could be double teamed and essentially rendered useless as he would not have the physical capabilities to battle other teams best corners. Lee is a VERY good reciever, but I feel that in order for him to have the success we want ,we need the big physical reciever oposite him to draw the attention of the #1 Corner and avoid being doubled. Keep EM, but resturcture his deal.
  12. Uh...not funny at all??? I seriously dont get this. who has time to make up something so dumb. (coming from someone with a napolean dynamite avatar...)
  13. The commander was relieved of duty. He was not initially because as was mentioned here, this was an uncharted underwater mountain. He has been transfered to another duty station. The reactor is fine. Wouldnt worry about that. Most likely scenario is that this ship gets scrapped. Its not a new ship anymore, and its probably not cost effective to repair it. Kudos to the crew for taking the necessary actions they are trained to take in times like this. Its one thing to drill these scenarios 100 times, but its another to perform under the heat of the moment.
  14. Okay, my bad...sorry. Still though....amazing. Sorry for my ignorance! I am an engineer, you woudl think I would have gotten the .08 percent thing does not equal 8 percent. DOH
  15. I dont believe this. Something is wrong. That means that his blood was 91% alcohol. I cant believe this is possible to achieve, let alone survive from.
  16. This whole nuclear override switch is bogus. There is no way a switch such as this exists in real life, and even if there were, someone would notice it was missing by now. Only real problem i have thus far
  17. How cool would that be?! Sit home all year and get a phone call a week before the superbowl that they want you to play!
  18. I think he is going to make the minimum wherever he goes, and we HAVE to bring in another back from somewhere who will be making at least the minimum. I said third down back because willis is not really the hard hitting up the middle smashmouth back you want on 3rd and short. Shaud definatly isnt, and our fullback takes very few carries. I think eddie fills this role nicely.
  19. I think this would be a great move. He clearly wont be back with dallas next year. I would like to see him here in buffalo as a third down back. He is a character guy who would add a solid veteran presence to the team. He would be very cheap. Nothing not to like about this unless you are a big shaud supporter. I like shaud, but I am unsure he has what it takes if willis goes down.
  20. Guess Drew cant take a pay cut...he is already drinking PBR
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