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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. If I was a team (dallas) who wanted drew, I would offer up a 5th or 6th round pick for him. Here is why: By trading for him, he comes free and clear of any bonuses. Lets face it, drew is not the quarterback he once was, and he is questionable to ever regain that form. With no bonus, his new team can cut him at any time and it will have ZERO cap ramifications. If he signs as a FA after being cut by the bills, there will inevitably be a signing bonus, and a large cap hit if he is released before the end of his contract. So bottom line, the draft pick given up in a trade for drew would be an insurance policy against drew sucking it up and having to be cut. a 6th round pick is a small price to pay for several million in potential dead cap space. It should be noted that it makes no difference on the bills cap whether he is traded or released.
  2. Hmm...a 5'2" 120lb DB nicknamed "Sumo"... Hope the pats sign her! Damn this team is scary
  3. Umm...Carolina, Calgary, Tampa Bay, Anaheim. That list includes 4 of the 6 stanly cup finals teams in the last 3 years (Detroit and New Jersey being the other 2).
  4. EASILLY Chris Watson. Honorable Mention: Eddie Robinson Rob Johnson Erik Flowers Charlie Rogers Rian Lindell Jason Gildon (yes it was only a week, but it was a pretty intense week of hate)
  5. Prolly shoulda went elsewhere. I wouldnt even have stopped. Where off granby was it? (im heading down to granby tonight)
  6. actually, its probably better for a team to trade for him. They get him free of any bonuses (like we did when we got him), and can cut him at any time and recieve ZERO cap hit.
  7. Frogs cant feel heat. ever see a frog jump into a fire? http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?BoiledFrogs Sorry...couldnt resist... I get your point.
  8. Actually, I dont know that the Bus would be a bad pickup, provided that he understands he is the backup/3rd down back, which i feel is probably what he wants anyway. He is a good character guy, and I wouldnt mind one bit having one guy who we KNOW can get us 1 yard every time on third or fourth and one.
  9. dumb, yes...Dumbest quote...no. I believe that belongs to spreewell talking about not being able to feed his family.
  10. I just dont see drew getting cut. Cutting him saves 2 mil on the cap. It will cost us 2 mil for an adequate backup. I would rather have drew than charlie batch or almost anyone who has been tossed around these boards, and no im not a drew supporter. I think, if handled well by the coaching staff, we have a good situation at QB going into next year. JP can start and drew can come in when he gets in trouble. Tag-team it for a year and then move on with drew. BTW, does anyone know what drews numbers look like for 06? We should use this cap space to lock up nate and/or mcgee. Say what you want to about keeping lindell because of the cap, but with a competent kicker we would have been in the playoffs. Its worth the 600k in dead cap space IMO. I see no way prileau is back. Let JJ walk, resign Pat and make a move for (and sign) a big time OT and a Kicker. Draft a RB LB OL and S for depth. BTW, what happened to tim anderson?
  11. He Lives in VERMONT! You have to smoke up immediatly after you cross the border. its a law. And as far as mismanaging funds, he could put every tax dollar paid in vermont last year into his own pocket and still couldnt afford a new suit.
  12. Individually, the pats are dominated by about 10-15 other teams in the league. But that doesnt matter. Its not a slap at the patriots either. They have heart, dedication, willpower, coaching and play as a team. Every other team in the league is trying to find ways to manipulate the cap. The patriots have done it with coaching and building a coheisive team that performs spectacularly. Who knows how much crenell and weis leaving will affect this team. I suspect more than we will ever know. It might very well be that the pats have a nucleus of players in NE who will carry the torch for the new coaches, but I wouldnt be suprised either way. BB is running the show, and I for one will never again second guess one of his decisions. and for the record...the patriots can kiss my a$$
  13. Bruschi AND Sam Adams...any free agents have the initials PBR?
  14. Agreed...and why dont they ever take Jack out? Hmm... And this plot is really getting to me. You cant tell me they cant shut down every single one of those reactors locally.
  15. I agree with you in principle. However, you and I might be smart enough to put away 6% of our salaries away for retirement, but joe and suzie down the street are not. Ordinarily I would say, screw em, they could have done the same, but then it all boils down to the plethora of other social programs our taxes go to to bail them out. Privitization is kinda the middle road, where you are forced to invest in your retirement so that others dont have to bail you out (as often...)
  16. I'll bet he did.... Was Piazza around at the time?
  17. Lets look at this a bit differently then. Suppose everyone decided to invest 1% of their salary in an s&p 500 index fund completely out of a privatized SS account. Would this be a bad thing?
  18. Oh, i didnt forget that KRC... The whole thing is pretty sad really...
  19. Then march your butt down to the city mission (or the charity of your choice) and cut them a check for however much your raise was. It is easy to put your wallet where your mouth is. Secondly, yes the republicans have control, and yes they are ultimatly responsible. It does help to realize you cant do much of anything in congress without 60 votes, but your point is valid, and is my main critique of this administration. 911 cost alot of money. It is understandable to increase the budget in areas relating to homeland security. But this non-stop spending on social programs is getting ridiculous. I am pleased to see a budget proposal that appears to finally do what it is supposed to do, cut spending.
  20. Yeah. HoDe is not the voice of reason the democrats need right now. But given how the republican and democratic chairmen tend to be a bunch of blowhards who do a disservice to their party, I guess he fits right in.
  21. I wouldnt be against quincy. But I think the backup job should be drews if he wants it
  22. The government is not going to let you invest your money in any way you see fit. You will not be able to buy individual companies stock (like enron or worldcom or even GE or Citigroup). The allowed places you can put your money will be some of the safest places you can invest. Lower risk generally means lower rewards, but it is acceptable here because even the lower rewards of a government bond fund are far superior to the negative rate you currently make on your social security money. About the riskiest allowed investment I expect to see in a privitazation plan would be the wilshire 5000, which would be akin to the top 5000 companies in the us. Enron was a part of wilshire, but when it crashed, it hardly made a dent because it was just 1/5000th of the fund. The concern here should not be what happens if it goes to zero, because it wont. And suppose it does, it doesnt mean a whole lot because america will not be america anymore. If the wilshire 5000 goes to zero, that means that no companies in america are making money, and everyone is unemployed and america will fall apart, and social security will go with it. The way i see it, as long as you can get a zero rate of return on your social security investment, your ahead of what is going on today.
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