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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Does anyone else wonder where the Secretary of Energy is? How about the national security advisor? Seems odd that the DOD is heading this whole thing up. Good episode though.
  2. This is also how we aquired spikes. We made him an offer cincy did not want to match, and they got nothing.
  3. No, because with our luck, drew will take them to the superbowl...
  4. Still hoping for Mark Martin or Rusty....Come on guys! 1-2 finish
  5. I think with mason and other key players leaving, mcnair will hang it up. Why would he want to sit through a season, which at best would be 6-10
  6. Here's hoping Rusty or Mark Martin win. 2 Classy guys making their last daytona 500 start. My dream winner: Kyle Petty Realistic prediction: Micheal Waltrip. Mikey Likes it
  7. Wow! Lots of good names on that list. I'd consiter carter if Pat isnt signed Mason is the one on that list though that I would like to see here to replace reed. Rolle can walk...No use for him here.
  8. Also keep in mind that the league proposal was a 42.5 million dollar cap. So even if the owners got what they wanted, it still wouldnt be good for every team. TAKE THE 45 MIL AND BE DONE WITH IT.
  9. I agree with you, however by bringing dallas detroit and colorado back to the pack, the chances of buffalo and others excelling is greater. Their 30 million dollar salary will now buy better players, they will field a more competitive team, solidify their fan base, and increase revenues. They might still be losing money next year and the year after, but eventually they will be right up there with the rest of the league. Also, dont underestimate the value of inflation. Hopefully the cap stays at 45 mil for 10 years, and inflation can eat away at this problem as well.
  10. Another way a 45 mil salary cap will benefit teams like buffalo is as follows: 2003-2004 salaries Detroit Redwings 78mil New York Rangers 76 mil Dallas 69 mil Philly 63 mil Colorado 62 mil stlouis 62 mil Now, with the 45 mil cap, all of the above teams, and any other team above 45 mil (NJ and boston), cannot go out and spend money on big time free agents. They cannot afford to sign or trade for Jagr's and lindstroms of the world. They simply cannot continue to pay huge salaries to these players. So they have to make concessions. Either they sign a Jagr or they sign a bunch of guys at a lower pay rate. Either way, there will be better players available for other teams (the buffalos and pittsburgh) to get at a cheaper price. So your B range players will be available for buffalo to pick up cheaply. Buffalo fields a better team, at the expense of a detroit or new york, who can no longer fit them in under the cap. So the margin of play between the top payrolls and the bottom payrolls is decreased. All in all this is a decent proposal. One which will at least allow some teams to regain profitablility short term, and will allow virtually any team who can survive the next few years long-term profitability
  11. Listen, a cap is a cap. This 45mil threshold will not solve the entire problem today, but let inflation and the popularity of the sport increase, and every team will be at 45 mil in a few years. Give it some time. This is a good step in the right direction
  12. I agree JJ is not "worth" a franchise tag, however I feel at this point, the positives of tagging him outweight the negatives of letting him walk. Assuming this TH for shleton deal goes down, tagging JJ secures our OL. Where else do we need to spend money? Besides a possible TE, im not sure we do. I feel that the best team we can put on the field next year is one that overpays JJ and not one that pics up 2 marginal players. Also a tag gives us the chance to negotiatie long-term with JJ, and gives us the option of getting something in return should we choose to not go forward with him on our team. Do it TD.
  13. Soccer would be better if: 1) the "field" was smaller 2) the "goals" were smaller 3) the "ball" was smaller and shaped differently 3) every player had a stick 4) it was played on ice
  14. 1. Okay, I accept that, and did not know that they were out of LA.....however, assuming now that he could get to his mother in time (15 minutes i believe they said on the show), shouldnt CTU also be evaccuated or at least be going to minimal staffing, as they must also be nearby. 2. I still dont get this baruz/navi thing. He apparently was going to kill him, then didnt for some reason, then was going to again until he found out what was going on. Also, he has to know that his wife isnt going to ruin the day. Its baruz he has to worry about.
  15. Yeah, i know its entertainment, but this show bugged me last night. Besides the whole "Critical reactor" thing, how is it that edgars was close enough to go help his mother, who was near the meltdown on the west coast? (I presume Edgar was at CTU in DC). Why didnt Navi just shoot baruz when he shot his brother? Why was baruz yelling "we are terrorists" in the hospital and nobody did anything about it? It was loud and in public. One would think if I was in a hospital while a terrorist act was occurring and someone was crying saying "We did this", I might try to do something myself. Now, I love this show, but my reason for loving it is the same reason It annoys me. You have to think ALOT while watching this show. Every little detail is potentially very important and you need to peice things together. Since the show is under intense scruitiny, these little details bug the heck out of me because I otherwise wouldnt have noticed them. But back to the Critical Reactor for a moment...I guess my main problem with this is the lack of understanding the general public has about nuclear power. It is very safe, and very efficient. People fear things they do not understand, and nuclear power is one of the things most people do not understand. Shows such as this one (which IMO, could have created a realistic terrorism act against nuclear power plants), only further the public fear of something they should not be nearly as worried about.
  16. If they even say one more time that "we need to find the override before the rest of these reactors go critical" I dont know if i can watch this show anymore. This is over the top. Granted I work with this stuff, but every single reactor in this country that is producing power is currently "critical" This is a VERY good state, and the preferred state , for a reactor to be in. Its obvious they did absolutly no research on the topic of nuclear power before producing this show.
  17. I like your idea because its the defensive side of the ball that is broken and needs fixing.
  18. Forget bettis....ward woudl be awsome! (wouldnt mind bettis either)
  19. I swear i saw it say espnHD...but i have a 8 year old 27" sony...so it dont much matter to me
  20. I agree with you, which is why i said the best thing to do FINANCIALLY was to release him last year....
  21. Did he dance after he missed the tackle?
  22. If we do this, cutting drew and signing Johnson is a cap wash. Just keep drew as a backup already
  23. In hindsight the best thing to do (financially) would have been to cut drew last year and go with JP. But JP was hurt and then would have been rushed back, while Shane matthews was playing. We would have been nowhere near 9-7 last year, and would have just given up a top 10-15 pick (or higher) for Losman and everyone would be complaining about that. While the way TD handled drew was not the best as far as cap management goes, he absolutley needed to do what he did. I personally say keep him one more year as a backup and cut him next year. I dont see the cap savings by cutting him, when we would have to sign a backup to replace him.
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