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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. The ONLY saving grace to this is that a player can tell the agent exactly what to do. If a player wants to stay, it doesnt matter what the agent does, he is staying. I think that WM has a loyalty to the bills for drafting him and handling him appropriatly. This plays in our favor. However, he also probably has a loyalto to rosensnot for getting him drafted... All in all, if willis wants to stay...he will stay. Not to mention, look at the RB out there now. Most are pretty young, and almost every team has a RB capable of 1000yds+. How much demand will there be for a willis in what 3-4 years? Who knows.
  2. Miami traded their #2 for...GASP...AJ Feeley
  3. This is what happens when you give someone 15 minutes and 8 dollars at the salvation army. Someone tell this chick that she is not wearing a skirt, but rather a very large chefs hat.
  4. Its all comparative in this league. If he is the best CB on the market he will get paid regardless of how good he is (see Jennings). If the market is strong and there are alot of good CBs out there, his contract will suffer because of it.
  5. Not looking good for henry.... http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=2008841 "Basically, they said that with the stadium, their salary cap situation, they could not make us a proposal beyond the qualifying offer," Rosenhaus said. "And Bill made it pretty clear he would entertain trade offers and, in fact, said he would consider trading 'Edge' for less than a first-round draft choice... Polian told ESPN.com that he made the comments to Rosenhaus based on the agent's assessment that there is a depressed market in the NFL for running backs and that he was finding it difficult to locate potential trade partners. Ugh..not looking good here folks
  6. What other CBs will be FAs next offseason?
  7. Pennington is a pretty good QB...he just cant stay healthy. They need a solid backup behind him.
  8. Dont be suprised to see indy move James...freeing up alot of cap space...
  9. 10.8 mil signing bonus? Is this a signing bonus, or true to minnesota form, is this a first year roster bonus?
  10. I dont know who said anything about putting these funds into the stock market, but just to humor you.... Currently 15 percent of your money goes into the social secuity fund. If you make 50k a year, that is $7,500 PER YEAR that is contributed to the fund because you work. If you work at the same salary for 30 years, that is $225,000 in your private account when you retire assuming ZERO real rate of return. Assuming that that 225k gets put into a money market account, and you never touch the principle, and can get a modest 5% interest rate on some sort of safe investment (CD, Ginnie Mae, Federal Notes, etc), that is more than 11K per year. Note that this is ABOVE AND BEYOND any 401K, IRA or other retirement plans you may have. This is also assuming that for 30 years you did not make a penny on your investment. Another way to look at this is the same way you look at matching funds from your employer. Lets say you have a 401K and contribute 5% of your salary into it. Lets also assume your employer matches the 5%. (This is the same as social security where you put in 7.5% and so does your employer). Even if the vehicle you chose to invest in goes down by 50%, you break even. It is also important to note that any approved government investment vehicle will be one with very low risk. About the riskiest investment allowed will be a full market index fund, such as the one currently used by federal employees enrolled in a thrift savings plan. You will also be allowed to invest in even safer funds such as money market funds and CDs. You WILL NOT be able to put all your money in Enron or WorldCom or even General Electric or Exxon. If these funds are good enough for every senator to be investing their pension in, it should be good enough for us. The positives outweigh the negatives. At least this way you know exactly how much money you have and can budget accordingly.
  11. Unfortunatly we have a problem with SS right now...this problem can be fixed in one of 3 ways (or a combination) 1) Decrease Benefits 2) Increase Taxes 3) Privatize If we do this right, everyone will suffer a little, but the problem will be fixed. Do it wrong, nobody suffers today, but we prolong the agony making it worse on our kids. If the only choices are to raise the 90k cap or cut benefits, raising the cap makes more sense. But that is not fair either., and only propetuates the class warfare we have seen for years in washington. PRIVATIZE SOCIAL SECURITY. I want my money to be mine. Its the ONLY fair system.
  12. This is a fairly easy problem to fix...if anyone wants to do it right. Here is my plan Note: (Numbers given are for example only, someone with a better understanding of the finances involved would need to come up with the appropriate numbers): 1) Completely phase in FULL social security privitization. Right now 15% of your salary goes into the social security fund. Start immediatly diverting 5% of that into a private account for workers still working. 5% of your money will go into a private account regardless of how much money you make each year (i.e. no 90k cap). This money is yours. 2) The remaining 10% not going into private accounts is put aside to pay the benefits of workers currently recieving social security, and those who will be partially phased out due to the new private accounts once they retire. 3) To cover the shortfall in the social secuirty system due to money being diverted into private accounts, the current 90k cap will be increased to 150k. 4) Once people matriculate out of the social security system, the % going to privitazation rises upward from 5% until it is fully phased in at 15%, and all workers are fully vested in their own privatized social security account. Once all workers are fully privatized (will take many years...), the 15% rate can be dropped, to 13%. Participants would be able to draw from their privatized social security account at a younger age (say 55). The average lifespan would be determined. If men are expected to live until age 75, he has 20 years to pull all of that money out of his account. This is your retirement money, you can bank on it, because you will know exactly how much you will have every year for the rest of your life. What if you live longer than 75? Well, remember lowering that 15% to 13%? Simply divert that 2% back to those who have lived longer than their expected lifespan. It is an insurance policy on living a long life. Its pretty simple really. Like I said, I dont have all the answers, but I do think i have a better plan than whatever the republocrats and democans are coming up with in washington. GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK
  13. Lions will be a force to be dealt with soon, as long as they stay healthy....
  14. Oh, thats another dandy! I think you mean this one http://www.konformist.com/images/2002/Trophy.jpg
  15. You would be a fool to NOT be interested in burress...I would like to win the lottery too, but some things are just not feasible.
  16. Wow, thought for sure he was going to the skins
  17. Yahoo has a history of putting these pictures in articles..I think they are hillarious. I actually collect them. The only problem is that once I pull them out, people insist they are photoshopped. My all-time favotite (had to search for it since i dont have a place to post it) http://www.weirdpicturearchive.com/pics/di...ardtshadow.html
  18. My guess is that Law is asking for a 1-2 year contract to prove he is healthy again and then cash in.... If that is the case, this whole trading NC will backfire and we will have no secondary next year.
  19. Likely a new contract for TH will involve a low 2005 cap hit. Thats usually they way they work these things. Removing shelton from the books should be enough to cover the cap hit TH's signing bonus would cover. That said TH is really in a tough position. He has to know that playing 1 year somewhere, ANYWHERE (besides here), would boost his paycheck next offseason. BUT no team wants to give up anything for him unless he signs a contract extension. Quite the connundrum.
  20. In a related topic...JeremyWhite figures out the lyrics to seals kiss from a rose....developing....
  21. Williams, Clements and Wire are all on their rookie contracts. Not much you can do about that. Tastes like chicken. Moulds...you can blame on donahoe if you like, but he is one heck of a reciever, and when TD came here back in 2001 getting EM an extension was one of the first things he did. He recently extended EM as well, which will spread his cap hit out some.
  22. My bad. I thought it was winfield that we traded down to get and used our 2nd on henry. I dont think the vikes overpaid for winfield. I thought so last year at this time, but seeing him play for the vikes this year, i think they got a good deal. He definatly stepped up his play some last season over what we saw in buffalo. And spoon was a 4th round pick...so i wouldnt say he was really a washout. 4th round is pretty risky....but man I dont know why he never panned out. He was pretty good for us back in 01. (65 tackles 2 int)
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