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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Oh, and yeah, delay is no friend of mine either. But you can not compare delays father, a man in a coma, who needs artificial help to breathe, to terri. I am not a doctor, but you dont need to be one to realize there is a world of difference here. But regardless, delays position here is that you have to give the medical professionals a chance to accuratly form a diagnosis before you can kill someone. He had that chance with his father, unfortunatly terri is not getting that chance.
  2. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/23/...ain682674.shtml Catholics and protestants (who you are likely refering to as the "religious right") are AGAINST reinserting the tube. Explain that one... The problems here are 2 fold. 1) It is In-humane to starve someone to death. 2) There are serious questions regarding terris medical situation. And before you say she cant feel anything, explain to me why they have placed her on one of the strongest pain medications known to man, morphine? When you are unsure of something, you have to err on the side of caution. And in this case it means letting her live. Let this serve as a lesson to all. Make a living will.
  3. From Hawaii to Buffalo....hmm....
  4. I like this show alot...and but i have to laugh at some stuff because of how absurd (or wrong) it is. For instance...and i mentioned this earlier in this thread... A CRITICAL REACTOR IS A GOOD THING. The term "critical" means that the reactor is working properly. It is very difficult however to maintain a reactor exactly critical. Sometimes it subcritical and sometimes its supercritical. Usually a reactor fluctuates between subcritical and supercritical with critical being somewhere inbetween. Supercritical in and of itself bad either! Its very common. There is NO SUCH THING as a nuclear reactor override device. EVERY reactor will shut itself down well before somthing to the extent that occured on 24 happens. In the event the automatic protection functions fail to work, the operators can manually shut down the plant. There is no override device removing local control of the reactor. It would be beyond stupid to do so. All these anti-nuclear people out there dont even understand how a reactor works. And shows like this only expand the fears people have when they shouldnt have them in the first place.
  5. I still think either indy or Seattle will be looking for a RB...and cant get one in the draft. We'll see. Cleveland though...I think Suggs can be a good back, and I woudlnt do it if I was them. But they may. Worth a shot
  6. Ya know...I dont blame him one bit for the way he feels. You guys are jumping down his throat because he got run out of town here and is pissed. Travis is a VERY good back. He has his downfalls, but he is still a 1500 yard back capable of a pro-bowl. He is in the prime of his career fighting for the big paycheck, and he is stuck behind willis. If you cant see his side of this, your blue and red colored glasses must be a much stronger perscription than mine. HOWEVER, he is hurting himself (and the bills) by going to the media. Perhaps this is all a ploy to get his name in the news and get some attention when everyone is focused on Alexander and James. I too would like to see this resolved. And it will be. But we need to be patient and give it time. If after draft day travis is still on the roster, then we can start to get concerned. Until then....let TD do his job.
  7. Now that they have swapped picks with da raiders...look for them to bring in Edwards or Williams in the draft
  8. I think Chris Mohr and Steve Christie are looking for work too...
  9. Sounds good....except one thing...why are we looking for a blockign TE?
  10. Hmm... Losman > Alex Smith Losman > Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers or Alex Smith =#1 overall... Therefore Losman = #1 Overall If you think of it that way...perhaps it will make some of you TD Doubters go crazy.
  11. Shouldnt this be OT? Since the topic is obviously NOT football?
  12. ARGH....this means nothing when the coach does not have the confidence to put him out there to make a 40 yard kick... I dont care how perfect you are from 20 yards out, i want a kicker who can be counted on to make a 50 yarder once in a while
  13. for those who dont believe variety.com http://www.idolonfox.com/ Nikko is listed
  14. Yeah...Jake Delhomme really seems like the steroid type to me!
  15. Well...Nikko is back! http://www.variety.com/VR1117919351.html Vasquez bows out of 'Idol' An early frontrunner in this season's "American Idol" has ankled the competishcompetish just days after making it into show's final round of 12. Mario Vasquez, the Latino heartthrob who won fans with his smooth renditions of Stevie Wonder's "Do I Do" and the Bee Gees' "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart," "has withdrawn from the competition for personal reasons," Fox announced Sunday afternoon. A Fox spokesman refused further comment. With Vasquez out, producers decided to reinstate Nikko Smith, who was cut from the competition last week after failing to garner enough fan votes to make it into the top 12. Fox and the show's producers wasted no time erasing Vasquez from the show's Web site: By 1 p.m. PST Sunday, Smith had already replaced Vasquez. It's not the first time an "Idol" finalist has left the show, though Vasquez may be the first to leave of his own accord. Two years ago, Corey Clark made it to the show's top 10, but was asked to leave after allegations surfaced that he had assaulted his teen sister. And soul diva Frenchie Davis was booted from the top 32 after it was revealed she had appeared on a soft-core porn Web site.
  16. Amazing. Looking at that list...Since 1990... Only people I recognize of being good... WR Kevin Johnson WR Dennis Northcutt CB Anthony Henry RB Lee Suggs Thats about it. Granted I dont know alot about some OL...but 4 names of people who are decent in 15 years....OUCH
  17. Nascar: Dick Trickle Hockey: Miroslav Satan
  18. Your life, and where you are at today, is the sum of all the choices you have made along the way. I for one have no sympathy for someone who has no desire to help themselves. I only care when it begins to affect my pocket or my well being. But to illustrate a point...these people are EXACTLY the people who need social security. These same irresponsible people who spend there entire life working at a burger king (or less classy establishment) are the same people who chose (in many cases) to drop out of high school. These are the same people who hang out in bus stops drinking beer out of plastic bags. These people were not responsible enough to do something with their lives to better themselves. For the betterment of society they need to have a private social security account to help pay their way after they retire. If left to their own devices, this money would be gone. I agree you and I probably dont need social security. We can fend for ourselves. But how is the government supposed to decide who should and should not recieve social security? They cant. So we all do it. And with a privatized account, IT DOESNT MATTER!!! Because the money is yours. End of story.
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