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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. http://www.tennessean.com/sports/titans/ar...ent_ID=68079023 This could dramatically help TH's trade value on draft day. Maybe TD is waiting to see what happens.
  2. GW will get another chance at being a head coach. If he learns his lesson and finds someone capable of running an offense, he may succeed. I give him a 50/50 shot next time.
  3. I believe that Bobby April took some slack a while back for using terms such as "Rangers" and "Artillerymen" when describing his special teams. Some people (here and elsewhere) were trying to make something out of it. When asked about it today, he first said he does this to honor the troops and that he knows nothing they do on the field in any way compares to what the military does for our country...then went into his spiel about using such terms. I just thought it was interesting. He didnt appear to expect the question and knew that he had to be careful answering it.
  4. Well that was kinda interesting. Bobby April was asked about his use of military terms, and he was VERY CAREFUL what he said. Interesting to watch him tiptoe around the issue.
  5. Yeah...okay. Point made. However, realistically this is a rebuilding year for us. We cannot realistically expect JP to come in here and take this team to the superbowl. It would be nice, and I would love it, but i dont think that is a reasonable expectation for him this year. And I dont know how much a hit our defense takes with Antrell Roll, Pacman Jones or Ty Law at CB instead of NC
  6. The problem with this logic is that it is beneficial to aquire shelton via trade vice free agency. You trade for him, you get him free and clear from any future cap hits. We can release him at ANY point, and have zero dead cap space. Sign him through FA after he is cut, and you wind up having to keep him if he doesnt pan out, plus you potenially enter a bidding war for his services. I think TD wants shelton. We'll see though. Either shelton or a 2nd rounder would be fine with me.
  7. Ugh...you people are missing the point here. NC WILL NOT BE A BILL NEXT SEASON...TD WILL NOT PAY HIM. Once you understand this, we can begin to assess exactly what is best for our club, now and for the future. You have to listen to any offers at this point.
  8. Well....no. Probably not. Circumstances will dictate that, but we likely wont be able to resign willis, lee and JP if we give an 8 year 50 million dollar contract to NC (which isnt unreasonable at all)...Well it is...but thats about what the market will dictate. I would HATE to get rid of NC, but IMO he is not a top 5 corner, and is arguably top 10. And is NOT worth 50 mil over 8 years. Whether or not you WANT him back next year is irrelavant. He wont be back. TD will not pay that kind of cash. You need to come to terms with that. So the question is now, what do you do. Option A) Keep him for 05, franchise him and try to play the trade game. or. Option B) Trade him now, select a PacMan Jones, Antrolle Rolle, or Mike Williams/Braylon Edwards and move on. I think TD is wise to open the phone lines to offers on this one. This trade should not be done until draft day and we know who/what is on the board, unless we are prepared to move down from the #9. That could be a really good move actually. Trade the #9, for a mid-late first and a 2nd. Pick up a Travis Johnson/Kalif Barnes/Heath Miller and an additional 2nd. Man this woudl really turn the draft upside down. At least it will make it more fun to watch as a bills fan on draft day! You would be wrong NOT to listen to offers.
  9. This guy was supposed to be the best qb in this class preseason. Kinda like losman. Wouldnt suprise me to see him crawl back into the first.
  10. Hmm...I seem to recall him leading them to the superbowl...
  11. Well, that works. I generally lose interest after then anyway
  12. Are they running a free promotion right now? I have not purchased Extra Innings, but I am getting the yankees vs. sox game on channel 734. Anyone else getting it?
  13. Let me start by saying I side on the "right to life" side of things. I do feel abortion is wrong, and is murder. I feel that our laws should reflect as such. However, this is a very politically devisive issue. I am not sure this country is ready to adopt this point of view. I find it appauling that my tax dollars go to fund abortion. This needs to stop. The "choice" made should be well before pregnancy. Use of Birth Control, Abstinence, or other methods can be used. THIS is the choice we need to focus on. And by all means...eliminate federal government funding for abortion. One of the biggest political flaws in america is the lack of seperation of powers. What happened to the term "states rights"? It was all the rave 10-15 years ago. We are now the United State of America and no longer the United StateS of America. One letter, but worlds of difference. The majority of states lean strongly one way or the other.Lets turn this issue over to the states. Let each state allow or deny abortion as it sees fit for its state. It would appease the majority of people in almost every state.
  14. How can people say this rivalry is no longer there? I am a huge yankee fan, and I want to see the redsox implode now more than ever.
  15. The political ramblings will start once they try to select a new pope. Should be interesting. I'm not catholic, but the politics of selecting a new pope intrigues me.
  16. NHL All-Star Game Final Scores 2000 9-4 2001 14-12 2002 8-5 2003 6-5 2004 6-4 These games feature the best defensemen, best offenses and best goalies in the world. This proves, without a doubt that when the talent is even on all sides of the game (offense, defense and goaltending), offense prevails. Since NHL games rarely end up with 8-5 scores, one can conclude that the talent on all sides of the game is not even. The defenses and/or goaltending are better than the offenses. If they werent, NHL scores would more closely represent those of the all star game. Thus one can logically conclude that there is a greater quality supply of defensemen and/or goalies than there are forwards and centers. So, while expansion does dilute all positions, it does so unevenly. There are simply too many teams in the NHL today. The NHL needs to contract teams for a number of reasons (dilution being just one).
  17. This doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out. In 1980 there were 21 teams, made up of the best 400 players in the world. These teams scored approximatly 300 goals per team. Today there are 30 teams made up of the best 600 players in the world. Scoring averages 200 goals per team. Bottom line is that there are now 200 players (or 1/3 of the league), who would not have been good enough to step foot on the ice if the league was still at 21 teams. It is not a coincidence that scoring has also declined (also by 1/3!!). Dilution is the reason. Lets get rid of some of these teams and watch scoring pick right back up.
  18. Drudge reported it first? Hmm...Must be false.... Oh wait...its not??? Hmmm........ All you drudge haters take note. He has sources everywehere
  19. Agenda? What agenda does Jessie Jackson have? What agenda do Terris parents have? What agenda do I have? You dont BELIEVE she wanted to live like this...do you KNOW this as fact? So...I'm fat. Therefore I dont care about my personal appearance and in the same situation would want to be on life support. Is that what you're saying? This makes no sense to me. Are you a medical doctor who is qualified to make these kinds of determinations? The bottom line here is that THERE IS SIGNIFIGANT DOUBT here. And where there is doubt we should take the time to go through a complete review of the facts, and she should live while doing so. But HOWEVER it turns out, starving her to death is in-humane. Especially once they admitted to giving her morphine for pain.
  20. A Couple bio courses does not make you a medical doctor. And even if you are, I am positive you have not medically examined her. Here is a signed affidavit from someone who has. http://www.nationalreview.com/pdf/Affidavit.pdf As long as there is doubt, she should live. I have no problem with removing a respirator, or other means of quick death from someone who is in a persistive vegitiative state. But someone who may not be in that state needs to have full protection under the law. Read that affidavit. Dont discard it. Because if you choose to ignore his opinion, any doctors opinion can be thrown out, and thus your point is also invalid. I work in the nuclear power industry. We have a saying that goes something like this "when in doubt, take the most conservative action". This should apply not only in nuclear power, but also in matters of life or death.
  21. It is quite different. In once case the individual is (presumably) medically dead. In the other (TS), there is some doubt as to her conciousness. There is some doubt as to whether she can feel sensations such as hunger and pain. There is some doubt as to the cause of her condition. And yes, even some doubt as to whether she can recover. This is an in-humane way to kill a human being. This is not your typical coma. This is not your typical person on a ventilator or dyalisis machine. This is a person who very well may be concious. At least thats what some doctors are saying. I am not a medical professional, and I suspect neither are you. When there is doubt we should err on the conservative side. This is an outrage this can happen in our country.
  22. Do some real research....this is pure insanity. Title of article " Hypocrisy is Tom DeLay's Middle Name, Along with Exterminator and Satan's Main Man" Yeah...okay...and I am supposed to believe what follows? Give me a break
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