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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Not sure why they dont think Goings is the answer...but whatever...the more teams looking for a RB tomorrow, the better
  2. HELLO?!! They are trying to steal #9 and #25 from washington!!!!!!!!!! Washington wants Edwards...Miami wants washingtons picks... Miami is trying to force this trade.
  3. OBVIOUS TRADE ALERT, Though still speculation Washington will trade their #9 and #25 to move up to #2 and select Braylon Edwards. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2005Apr19.html One NFL source who has spoken to officials from many clubs said he expected the Redskins to trade the first-round picks for a better selection that would allow them to draft Michigan wide receiver Braylon Edwards, considered by many to be the best player available in the draft. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylc=X3oD...ov=ap&type=lgns ``We have quite a few needs,'' (Saban) said. ``To have the second pick in the draft and then not a pick until the third round doesn't give us the opportunity that I would like to have to solve several problems in the draft.'' You heard it here first.
  4. Uhh...they just signed lamont jordan to BIG money. Dont think they will trade for travis
  5. This makes NO sense....why would washington want to give up a whole lot to get the 25th pick when they have NO IDEA who is giong to be available there. why not wait until draft day? Odd...Good move by denver however
  6. Agreed. I wouldnt mind addressing WR in the 2nd round (if we get another 2nd from somewhere). Id love to pick up Roscoe Parish or Jerome Mathis.
  7. Guys a headcase. Where did he play football in 2004? Oh right...he didnt. Got into a brawl, charged with assault. Nebraska suspended him. Then he goes to the combine and gets hurt. Give me a break. This guy needs to stay as far away from the bills as possible. BTW, A week before the NFL draft last year, i was saying how cocky and arogant JP was and how much I hated him...And that I hope the bills stay as far away from him as possible....now im singing a slighty differnet tune
  8. I think we should try for a 3nd rounder next year instad this year. Next years draft should be deeper. Ruben woudl be nice to have back... (yes...i realize this is a joke)
  9. Yeah...because THAT is what made this trade seem not plausible.
  10. And here I thought you were going to say "I know he is back in town because KFC ran out of spicy chicken"
  11. I also know a Dick Farmes....or as we call him "peni$ plantations"
  12. Yeah..no kiddin'. Many good things have happened that I never would have expected. Keep up the good work Tom
  13. Yep. Nobody saw it...except the internet.
  14. This is awsome! Funny thing is that even if this guy loses his job, he can go on every talk show and make alot more money than he can doing his job now. Beside the remark, he did the right thing. The remark was uneccessary, but not completely uncalled for. This lady had no business calling 911 for that. Amazing we have people like this in our society.
  15. Im not saying its not nice. Its okay. But its nowhere near what I would expect. For 1.3 mil, there are MANY MANY houses I would rather have (33 acres aside). Granted, in WNY, this might not be possible. 300k was kinda an abstract number, but remember the real estate market is differnet in various parts of the country. Evidently land is cheap in WNY. I am in VA, and that same chunk of 33 acres here would cost you darn near the 1.3 mil alone. I was not trying to ridicule drew. I am one who felt drew gave us his all while he was here, but it was time to let him go. I was just seriously suprised how unimpressed I was with the house. It looks like every other house, except bigger. And wood walls, which I personally find to be pretty ugly. The kitchen and bath are very boring. Perhaps the pictures just dont do it justice. Just my observation.
  16. Ugly or not the points go on the board (lets keep it that way willis!) BTW, that is the luckiest strike I have EVER seen (needs to go to the TKO school of dance however!)
  17. Sadly Joe Burns would draw as much audience as this elena beard chick. Who is she again?
  18. Hardly....This reminds me of watching celebrity poker. They are playing the game, but hardly doing it well! This would be much more interesting if they got bigger name athletes. Willis...okay..but the other3..come on.
  19. Seriously...is there nothing better that espn could be showing? I believe it is the first week of the baseball season...how about that. And before you say "you're watching it", I am ONLY watching it because willis is on..somehow i dont think people are watching for Paul Mara, Ephraim Salaam or whoever the heck this elena beard chick is...
  20. Seriously?! If I had 1.3 mil to spend on a house, I dont think this would be it. It really does nothing for me. I have seen 300k houses I like better. It is big and has a very large lot...but thats it. The interior is VERY boring. And whats up with that kitchen and the tennessee checkerboard wall? That kitchen needs a serious upgrade.
  21. Im still mesmorized by that shot. It was awsome. And the drama of it sitting there and then falling just makes it even better.
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