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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=knig...night&type=lgns Legislative inaction could soon set Chiefs and Royals free By HOWARD RICHMAN, The Kansas City Star In case you missed it, the Chiefs and Royals got one step closer Friday to becoming free agents. Missouri lawmakers in Jefferson City gave a thumbs-down to a plan for utilizing additional tax revenues to maintain Arrowhead and Kauffman stadiums. The legislation called for taking revenue from the state's current tax on athletes and entertainers and using it to add as much as $10 million per year into needs for the two stadiums that each are more than 30 years old. The bottom line now: If Jackson County cannot sufficiently fund the required repairs to maintain state-of-the-art stadiums — as stipulated by the leases — the leases for the Chiefs and Royals would be voided, and both franchises would be free to move. How soon? It is feared the county could fall short of being able to maintain the stadiums within two years. Chiefs owner Lamar Hunt issued a statement to voice his disappointment with Friday's outcome. "The taxing of professional athletes who use the stadiums now exists in the state of Missouri, and we felt it was a reasonable source of funding for the maintenance and repairs of the stadium," Hunt said. "With these funds now unavailable to the Sports Complex, it raises the possibility of default on the part of Jackson County." Jackson County Sports Authority chairman Michael Smith said his organization will work with county executive Katheryn Shields and the county Legislature in the coming weeks in an attempt to identify options available to meet the repair and maintenance requirements at the Sports Complex. "Ultimately, the beneficiary of these efforts is metropolitan Kansas City and the economic impact attributable to having the Chiefs and Royals in this region. That seems to have been overlooked in all of this," Smith said.
  2. How will closing New London affect comanies such as electric boat? Also suprised about Oceana... Instead we have thousands of people COMING to hamton roads. So much for traffic...
  3. Looks like a good deal to me. If I was a GM this is about how I would structure it. You front load the contract, eating most of the cap hit early on. 2006 will hurt them, but ty law will be off the books, and if they can get through 06 without restructuring it, they have a good deal with their QB until 2010.
  4. Well...is the 25M bonus included in the 60M figure? I hope not. I would love to see the pats in cap hell someday. Unfortunatly, this seems like a reasonable deal. I would like to see more specifics.
  5. Hmm...it doesnt ask you the time you are born, but gives you (to the second) how long you have been born. WEAK!
  6. Im sure mike ditka would have given up a 2nd for him. If only he was still coaching...Travis is at least as good as Whicky Williams. who he gave up his whole draft board for..
  7. I signed up for it to get the draft info. It is free for 30 days or so...I am not overly impressed, but its okay. Basically you buy the magazine and get the insider free...I will probably cancel it though.
  8. I dont know about us getting the "last laugh", but I do think TD feels that the bills are better served by having TH as a backup than having a 4th round pick. At the same time, it appears the bills are putting their foot down and not caving to these players. This is warning to all those who may hold out in the future. Philly is taking a similar approach with TO. Good for them.
  9. http://football.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsi...negotiation.htm Here is the direct link. ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL "...we're out of here...right after I get a happy ending"
  10. Anyone have that video of him and the postons negotiating his salary? That was hillarious
  11. W Sep 11 Houston W Sep 18 @Tampa Bay L Sep 25 Atlanta L Oct 2 @New Orleans W Oct 9 Miami L Oct 16 N.Y. Jets W Oct 23 @Oakland L Oct 30 @New England Week 9 BYE W Nov 13 Kansas City W Nov 20 @San Diego L Nov 27 Carolina W Dec 4 @Miami W Dec 11 New England L Dec 17 Denver L Dec 24 @Cincinnati W Jan 1 @N.Y. Jets 9-7
  12. I think your missing my point I am all for smaller, less intrusive government. As Reagan said, Government is not the solution, government is the problem. I believe he is correct. Privatization of social security reduces government control over your life and money, while at the same time requiring every person to save for their retirement. Its a balancing act. No government is bad. Too much government is bad. Somewhere in the middle is the right amount of government. Privatazation of social secuirty is the right way to go. Let me keep my own money.
  13. I agree with you in principle. However, in reality, people who do not look out for themselves wind up living on the street asking me for change. They wind up on welfare and food stamps. They wind up causing problems with crime. All of these things cost ME money. As long as my money stays mine, I am happy.
  14. Yeah, no kidding...the beauty of the privitizaton of social security is that it FORCES you to invest in YOUR future. The current plan forces you to invest in SOMEONE ELSES future. If we could guarentee everyone would do the right thing and have 401ks, IRAs and investments we could do away with SS altogether, but unfortunatly people arent that responsible.
  15. So what you are saying is, 13,500 per year multiplied by YOUR social security contribution(7.5%) is about 80 dollars a month in social security taxes. So..$100 a month invested at 8% from 18 to 65 is $567,000.00 (as noted below). Therefore $80 a month invested at 8% from 18 to 65 is approx $400,000.00 If you take that retirement and put it in a savings account earning 3% and never touch the principle, you will recieve a check for $1,000 per month. Last I checked 1,000 is more than 815. AND you get to keep the 400k in the bank! You will get even more if you annuitize the 400k! This is a no-brainer. We need privatized accounts.
  16. I wonder if someone smarter than me can run these numbers. Suppose you earned a salary where you pay exactly $100 per month into the social security system. Given the same time frame (from 18 to 65 years old), how much money per month will you get out of the social secuirty program? I suspect is is SIGNIFIGANTLY less...and thus makes a strong argument for privitazation
  17. Obviously he is not "so good". I dont think anyone is claiming that he is. He does however have a TON of potential. Miami doesnt want potential, Syracuse doesnt want potential, they want guys who can step in and compete. Maybe it boils down to money. Perhaps he got a scholarship at SunyAlbany and nowhere else because he is too raw.
  18. They have a right to Regulate baseball, with the anti-trust exemtption and all...but the NFL and NBA? Its going overboard. The NBA as we know it would not exist if they were actually testing and punishing for drug use. Now THAT would be interesting...
  19. And for someone making 5M per year...(guess)
  20. At some point, the salary cap will not be able to be met by all teams. The beauty of it now, is that every single team can afford to pay 80 mil or whatever in salary. If you raise it to 110 or higher that might not be the case.
  21. Thats why mcnally was hired Also, shula and Johnson wasnt a bad duo either Oh, and what man ISNT a boob man?
  22. This is part of the reason miami is so dominate. The guys that make it in the NFL keep coming back and working out with the current students. When you are a recruit that has to look great.
  23. While I agree with you, I submit that kickers are fragile. When their mind starts going, they cant do anything. They need to be confident. New surroundings often do wonders for kickers. I'm not saying Brien is the wonder-kid we are all looking for, but what I am saying, is that he needs a fresh start somewhere. Same with Lindell. Lindell needs to move on, and I think Brien is at least capable of picking up where Lindell left off and perhaps give us a slight upgrade. I am open to just about ANY established kicker at this point though...Brien or not.
  24. Are we trading travis for philadelphias first rounder? I kid, I kid...
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