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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Well, considering that democrats vote against ABSOLUTLY everything the president does these days, and the republicans only hold a 1 seat majority in the judiciary committee, if he votes with the democrats, the nomination does not even get to the floor. Of course there would be a HUGE public outcry about this, so its very unlikely, but that is the concern.
  2. Well the 30M is in the past now...what if he decides to hold out now and try to get even more money? He wont, because he is a better person than that. Look at the guys who are Holding out. They are egotistical maniacs. Owens, Alexander, et al. When the Bledsoes, Mannings, Favres and McNabbs of the world start holding out....then I will start to be concerned with the league structure. Until then...let these fools hold out. They are hurting themselves, and the game...
  3. Doubtful...since hyphens are not allowed...
  4. TAKEO is available in NY as well... LINDELL1 LABILLS DTH2BRDY (Death to Brady) TRADE 20 R MEXICO
  5. Thats probably why they showed TH in the promo as well. interesting. wonder if things are heating up.
  6. Just saw this on a sportscenter comercial for their 11:00 show. They said "what the bills can do for byron leftwich". Anyone know what this means? (I know he is not being traded here so dont even say it....just wondering what the story might be...)
  7. What would you people think if Payton Manning decided to hold out? He exceeded all expectations this year.
  8. I wonder where TO is going in present day drafts...
  9. I surely hope you are joking and that they were not doing fundraising instead...unless they are attending a funeral or tending to an important international crisis, they should make their opinion known and vote, especially on something as important as an attorney general confirmation.
  10. Followup on my last post....the 4 senators who did not vote: Republican Conrad Burns of Montana and Democrats Max Baucus of Montana, Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii. This is absurd. DO YOUR JOB. If I was in any of these states I would be furious they missed this vote. For the record Inouye is also a member of the "Gang of 14", leaving Senator Byrd the only member of the Gang to vote Against a Gonzalez nomination for AG. Hardly sounds like they can come up with the "extreme circumstance" they need to block his nomination. Point is, a Gonzalez nomination would (and could) be pushed though very fast. Personally I wish bush would nominate someone "in the mold of thomas or scalia" as he promised in his campaign. But I think we are all making a mistake right now. Lets let the president make his selection, as he has a right to do, and then critique it. But remember, whoever it is, is the choice of the rightfully elected president, and the way our system works is that there is a vote in the senate to confirm or deny that nominee.
  11. I have posted this many times on this board. However, like others have said, they cant do this with the gonzalez nomination. First of all, they have to realize gonzalez is about the best they can get out of this president. To reject him, they are assured of getting an even more right wing nominee to follow him. Secondly, Gonzalez won his AG confirmation vote 60-36 (Not sure which 4 senators did not vote). Among the democrats voting for him were Lieberman (CT), Landrieu (LA), Pryor (AR), Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), and Salazar (CO). All but Nelson (FL) are part of the so called "Gang of 14" who signed the no filibuster agreement unless under extreme circumstances. They are going to have a hard time explaining why they agreed to confirm him for AG, but not its an extreme circumstance and vote to filibuster and hold him up from a supreme court spot. On a side note, how can you be a United States Senator and NOT vote on the attorney general of the United States? What could be more important?
  12. Wait until soros buys the team....that will be the end of this debate...
  13. The decloration of Independance...that gives us the right to bear arms right?
  14. Well...thats the way the NFL (and life) works. Guess what...If I dont show up to work tomorrow, I get fired. I dont have a choice, I have to go. My employer can fire me at any time. Thats the way life is. These guys actually have the luxury of negotiating with the employer of THEIR choice to an agreeable amount of money, and all they have to do is keep up their end of the bargain and the money is theirs. If you dont like what they are offering...GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
  15. I think they should not get paid when they hold out, and if they miss opening day, they should not be allowed to play for the remainder of the season and their contract should automatically renew for 1 year (at the teams discression). If you dont like the terms of the contract...DONT SIGN IT. Novel concept I know.
  16. Do they make 50k a year? Cuz thats about all it would take for me to do that for a living (assuming i was good enough to make ANY cut)
  17. NO WHAMMY NO WHAMMY...Then Rudy cant run against hillary in 06 (or 08)... and she becomes president....WHAMMY.
  18. Seriously? I usually tip a buck and the change...Maybe 2 and change on occasion. Usually I just order one pizza and maybe a coke. It never seemed to me like I was undertipping...am I?
  19. Ya gotta beat the system. If she swings sideways...ball is on the right....if its up and down...go to the left cup. Never the middle cup.
  20. Yep. Tonight is the last night i can care about these guys...Watching the draft to me is kind of like a funeral. Its so sad they will go to the NBA and I wont care and will never watch them again.
  21. NO. this is not a good idea. we need him to buy the bills when ralph passes on. He cant have a job like gov of ny. He wont be able to handle both.
  22. We are there as long as Iraq wants us there. As soon as Iraqs government tells us to leave we should leave. Until that point, I support us being there.
  23. Did I say Brown was injury prone?
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