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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. I really hate when I feel any kind of compassion for any boston sports player. But lately Damon, Ortiz and Arroyo as well as Bruschi have grown on me... Man i hate boston..
  2. Exactly...goes back to the states...works for me.
  3. As the orignial poster (and the only one who said publicity stunt), no. I dont think it was one...Its just ironic being rosenhous. If ANYONE would stage a publicity stunt such as this, it would be him. I cant believe that even someone as heartless as rosenhous would not save a boy drowning if given the chance.
  4. President Bush has chosen federal appeals court judge John C. Roberts Jr. as his nominee to the Supreme Court...
  5. The problem is (and the reason you got all these guys) is that you have no RBs worth anything. LT is awsome. No doubt. but Taylor is skeptical with injuries. Brown will be sharing time (at best) with Travis Henry. Droughns might be okay, but Suggs could take time away. While you were picking McNabb and Harrison, they were shoring up their running game with the Ahman Green, Tiki Barber, Kevin Jones, Rudi Johnson and Julius Jones. Thats usually the way to go. McNabb is good, but he isnt much better than Trent Green in the 4th or 5th round. Harrison can wait, take an andre Johnson or Javon walker later on. Whitten in the 4th round is a bit early. BUT...your team looks good. You just need to find one solid RB. See if Lebrandon Toefield is available. He is my sleeper this year.
  6. Hmm...how to get good press...save a 4 year old kid from downing....BRILLIANT! http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=2111853
  7. Well, I agree..it means alot more...If you win every game. both teams are 8-0, i will watch as well. But that rarely occurs. As soon as syracuse loses one game this year...I could care less. Season is over. As an alum on a non-football playing school, rivalries are lost on me. Michigan and Notre Dame means nothing more to me than Louisville vs. UCF. In fact, I am likely to watch the game that has the biggest implications on the post season. If both teams are out of the hunt, I dont care. I will go golfing or mow the grass instead of watching the game. On the NFL, I watch EVERY sunday because just about every game that includes an AFC team impacts the bills, and then there is that pesky NFC which is also entertaining. But im not going to watch the cardinals play the bengals if neither team is in the playoff chase. Same thing, except in the NFL only a few games are irrelevant, in college, especially late in the season, most are. If the bills are 3-5 I still watch knowing that if they get hot, and finish 11-5, 10-6, 9-7 or even 8-8 they have a chance to make the playoffs. Its that much better to me. Really all they need to do is somehow make winning a conference be more important. Win the SEC or Big East or whatever and get a real reward. Not this money to the school BS. Nobody outside of alumni cares(and even that is questionable).
  8. Or maybe its a yankee SP...Start one game, get hurt, go on DL...pass go and collect 10 million.
  9. I voted NFL. 2 problems with college. 1) Lose one game, and your season is pretty much over. You have no chance at a national championship unless you are VERY lucky. Which leasds to 2.. 2) Get a playoff system already. Give six auto bids. One each to the ACC, Big 10, Big East, Big 12, Pac10 and SEC. Let them decide how they want to give out their bid (regular season champion or conference playoff champ). Then give 2 at large bids based on polls. Then have a 8 team playoff system with the Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Fiesta Bowl and Orange Bowl alternating years hosting the championship game. I have found that unless you went to school at a big time football school, or lived close by one...you dont care...this is why. GET PLAYOFFS.
  10. Of course, this is assuming we can agree nascar is a sport...But I think we forgot about Peter McNeeley... 1 milion dollars for 89 seconds of "work". Or maybe it goes to tyson for the same fight...25 mil for 89 seconds of work...though he worked harder, I dont know that he worked 25 times harder.
  11. Plus the jax offer likely was contingent upon a contract extension...Ten is not.
  12. Thanks for changing the title...but I (and others im sure) have been waiting to watch the ESPN coverage and learn the winner that way. I have spent the better part of the last month trying not to learn who won, and now its ruined. Last year I learned because i picked up a stupid poker book in barnes and noble with raymers name on it. I hardly watched the coverage. It was still good but nowhere near as good knowing who was going to win.
  13. Please delete this thread or change the title..I am very upset i just learned the winner...Also nobody post here to drive it down the message board
  14. But But But...Karl Rove might have done something wrong...and thats all that matters.
  15. Oh...sign NC...Flutie Sucks...No, RJ Sucks....TD Sucks...Bledsoe Sucks...And McNally has man t!ts Did I cover everything?
  16. Cool! Actually, take it a step further...whatever i do with my right hand (left to right, draw a differne number...my foot moves...damn foot!)
  17. some are complaining about losman running this team, saying he is inexperienced and such. I think we can agree the rest of the team is pretty much in place to win now. All Selecting rodgers would have done is have a rookie starting in 06 instead of 05. I think its worth it to have losman here for a year and start a year then be going strong in 06 instead of a rookie just getting going.
  18. Hmm..Guess I should take "Ice, Vanilla" out of my phone directory then eh?
  19. I dont know where they get off saying bledsoe was a cap casualty...
  20. Yep. I am a news Junkie, CNN or Foxnews is on about 2-3 hours a day and I dont even know what channel MSNBC is on Directv...Cant tell you why...I have seen scarbourough...he isnt bad...they need to get someone from fox or cnn over there to draw some viewers
  21. As far as randomness of cards go...Many people use poker tracking software which allows them to analyze how they play. THis software will give you how many times you have been dealt each individual hand. The advent of this software allows the gamers to police the online gaming companies. Once you play thousands or millions of hands, it will become clear that these companies are not "stacking the deck" to increase their bottom line. As far as teaming up goes, I know pokerstars and other sites spend alot of time protecting against this. They look for patterns. If the same 2 people play at the same table often, they will monitor the table and make sure there is nothing suspicious going on. This is not easilly preventable, I agree, but this is their business. And the viability of their business relies upon a fair and even playing surface for all involved. They will do whatever they can to make it so.
  22. Excellent! Wonder if this would also be pending a contract extension signed by TH
  23. gotta do what ya gotta do I guess....seems unfortunate people cant get in contact with their familys, but I guess its better than having more casualties. Be careful with the word "casualties" however. It is my understanding that in london casualties is synonymous with our term "injuries" not necessarily deaths...just a bit of a caution.... Prayers go out to those of you in london. Unfortunatly until we defeat terrorism, this is what we are dealing with in the world these days. Those of us back in the states should be extra vigilant during our morning commute (its 0630 here) Keep us posted Nick...and stay safe.
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