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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Yep...and until we do something to become non-reliant on the middle east for oil...this is the way it will be. We have 2 options...1) Start using our resources to develop new forms of energy and process some of our natural resources in the meantime or 2) Work hard for a US-Friendly middle east. We are taking half a$$ed approaches to both. That wont cut it. For the record, #1 far outweights #2
  2. I am planning on taking a trip to buffalo at some point this season to catch a game (probably the 2nd half of the season). I have been to a few road games, but never a game in Buffalo. Where is the best place to sit? Most of the seats I see on ebay and on here are in the end zone or in the 300 sections. Are these seats decent, or should i wait to see if I can get something better? Thanks.
  3. Yes..I did...in fact in the thread right below this one
  4. It will be interesting to see who got the better of the QBs. I have to think it will be losman...but really...nobody will know for 3-5 years...
  5. The problem with your premise is that people are saying gas prices are going up due to the lack of oil refineries. They are not sayign crude oil is going up due to lack of oil refineries. There is a difference. Crude oil is going up for other reasons. 1) Lack of stability in the middle east 2) Death of the king of Saudi Arabia 3) Increased consumption in the US and around the world 4) Lack of supply due to OPEC restrictions, etc, etc... With more refineries, the price of crude would still be the same as it is...but the price of gasoline would come down some due to increased supply. Hope this helps.
  6. The point here, is that they are not doing the consumer a service. Any fee that ticketmaster charges shoudl be to the venue/host of the event. For example, the bills have a football game. They want to sell tickets. They choose not to do it themselves for whatever reason. They employ the services of an outside contractor (ticketmaster) to handle the sale of the tickets. The contractor then goes to the end user and says "we need to charge you for this convenience". Its ridiculous. The bills should be paying ticketmaster not the end user. Now, i realize any fees the bills pay would be be reflected in higher ticket prices (and thus the same net outlay to the consumer), so the point might be moot, but it feels like you are being ripped off. The convienience is NOT to the consumer, but rather the venue hosting the event. The whole thing is ridiculous. By the way though, i worked for ticketmaster for a short period of time. Be nice to those operators on the phone...they get paid next to nothing (and know next to nothing). They have a very thankless job. Don't buy the magazine subsriptions they peddle (unless of course you want them), but do allow them to transfer you to the operator to get a free whatever it is they are giving away free. It is a gimic, but the operator gets a "bonus" for every person they refer. So do them a favor, and screw ticketmaster out some cash at the same time. You wont have to buy (or even do) anything after you get transfered. Just wait until someone picks up the transferred call...and hang up. Job done.
  7. There are many reasons IMO for the high oil prices (especially the last few days) Recently the king of saudi arabia died. Uncertainty in one of the largest sources of us oil now has a questionable future. Yes, it IS bush's fault (I am a very strong conservative), BUT...it is also clintons fault, bush 1's fault, and every president over the last 30-40 years. For the love, BUILD SOME OTHER SOURCES OF ENERGY. Build more nuclear power plants...build more oil refineries, start using some of our own oil reserves, and promote research and development of alternative energies. We dont, because none of the above named investments pay off immediatly. They will all take 10 or more years before they even make a dent. In the meantime, the president is out of office and it does him no political good. We need someone to take the bull by the horns and TACKLE THIS PROBLEM. Bush is off to a decent start with ANWAR and increasing nuclear technology...but its a far cry from what is needed. Do it before its too late.
  8. I got nothing else...see the front page. Also...old news...but Smith is likely out for the season as well
  9. I wouldnt pick up garcia. At least not yet. If I were you, I would be taking a gamble with some other QBs. Grab a losman, or a boller, or even Rex Grossman or Alex Smith. Take a gamble. It might pay off, it might not, but at least you tried. If the guy you choose to gamble on doesnt pan out, then take a look at Garcia if Harrington struggles weeks 1 and 2. Might as well maximize your upside. As far as the rest of your team goes...NICE. I am used to rating 12 team leagues, so that gives me a little bit of a problem grading your team, but any time you can get 3 big time backs plus Chad Johnson, Andre Johnson and Antonio Gates, you should be set. Hasslebeck is okay. He should be decent. You do need the 2nd QB though. No fun if hasselbeck goes down and you have to pick up jeff george to get a starter. Take a shot on losman, boller, grosman, smith or eli manning.
  10. Ugh. If you read my post you would have seen that I said if the ONLY thing i was basing the starter on was that scrimage it would be woodbury. Now obviously there are other things besides a scrimmage to pick a starting QB, but if I just got back from a 10 year tour of africa and saw that scrimmage (and only that scrimmage), and I had to pick a starting QB, it would be woodbury. That said, JP obviously has the talent and performed well, and will (and should be) given every opportunity to lead this team.
  11. He looked very good in the scrimmage. In fact, I will go so far as to say that if looking ONLY at the scrimmage, and I had to choose a starting QB, it would be woodbury. Obviously he wont start (nor should he), but he was our best QB on the field on saturday. We need to keep this guy. If we can get him on the PS, im all for it, or if need be get rid of matthews or place him as a 5th WR or something...but we need to keep him around. He looked like he can be something special someday.
  12. And woodbury ran one in for a TD as well..so it is clearly not against the scrimmage rules
  13. PFT is the enquirer of the NFL. Sometimes they get a story dead on and before everyone else, but more often than not, it is not accurate. Reed and a third for simon however does sound like a deal both sides might accept. I could handle that trade. I wish we could see edwards and anderson progress, but you cant pass up a guy like simon. Look at it this way. If a month ago someone said trade travis for corey simon...everyone would be on board. In all likelyhood Reed will be cut anyway, and we got a third for travis. So in essesnce we trade travis for corey simon. Not a bad deal at all. DO IT TD!
  14. Its on the NFL network (ch 212 on directv). Also on select cable networks. I am not sure what to expect...should be interesting anyway.
  15. Thanks for giving away the ending....geesh...
  16. Well, I had vick on my team last year. It was painful. One week the guy puts up 40 points, the following week he gets -4. He was VERY inconsistent. It was hard not to start him though (i think leftwich was my backup...not sure). Losman could be similar.
  17. I think Losman would be a good last round fantasy QB. The guy can scramble, the guy can get yards ala micheal vick, and he has weapons downfield. I seriously think he will be a top 10 fantasy QB. HOWEVER....I will be scared to death watching him play, because like Micheal Vick...someday he will be clobbered. Oh, and I do...I just dont want to see him get hurt doing it!
  18. As far as pure stupidity goes, has to be one of Dan Quayles quotes. Its hard to decide which one is best "If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure." "We're going to have the best educated American people in the world." "I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix. " "Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts. " "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it. " "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur. " "For NASA, space is still a high priority. " "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made. " ""It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."" "We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward." And from the quayles 1989 christmas card "May our nation continue to be the beakon of hope to the world." Man that was some great times... As far as killing any future political aspirations, the dean scream was a killer, though im sure there are others which rival it.
  19. Recess appointments happen ALL THE TIME. This isnt anything new. This is actually the 106th time this administration has made a recess appointment.
  20. Hmm...good plan. When you suck, go to a place where your suckiness wont be noticed. He might be team MVP. Its not like anyone is going to notice if Trent Dilfer gets sacked 100 times, or if their leading rusher only rushes for 400 yards.
  21. As with any other player who is released, I am sure our guys are looking at him and thinking about it. I question the timing. It seems strange to cut him right at the start of camp. Why not a) way earlier if they new they wanted to get rid of him or b) at the end of camp when they realize he wont help them. I am not against bringing him in here, but I think the guys we have are going to get the job done.
  22. Not good. He is not worth that kind of cash. Even worse, is that this sets the standard (if it wasnt already set) for what kind of deal mcgahee will want...
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