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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Ya gotta Like it. I dont like your QBs. Vick is always a hassle for me, and Pennington is always a crapshoot. But the rest of your team is very solid, and should make up for your QB situation (which isnt bad on paper, I just dont like it). I think I would have seen a Palmer or Plummer instead...but you will be fine. I cant believe you got Deuce and Portis. Nice! My how Portis has fallen. Fred Taylor could be a steal, as could C. Taylor. Nice Backups. Shaud...I think you're stretching it here...but im not going to ridicule you for your 5th back. Especially when you came away with Deuce and Portis! You have a great combo of WRs, and Edwards as the sleeper. I dont like him this year, but I have to admit he could be a sleeper, and certainally worth a roster slot. Heap and Johnson. Probably got good value here. Heap should rebound and Johnson is as underrated as anyone in the game. K, Def...who cares...but you got decent ones. Do yourself a favor though, drop lindell and pick up someone who could be a sleeper at another postion. Grab a QB. Losman, Orton, Alex Smith, etc. Deal with the bye when it comes up.
  2. I still have a hard time believing you didnt have a WR or TE or QB that was better than Brooks, but I'll take your word for it. If you look down that list of protected players...which one doesnt belong? Brooks. That screams trouble for you. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I think you did okay with RuJo at #3. That is solid. I dont have a problem with that. I also dont have a problem with some of your obvious late round picks (2nd K, D, Curtis, etc.). The F for Kicker has little to do with the fact you waited until late to get one. In fact, that is pretty sound strategy. I just dont like Carney and Hanson and felt that there HAD to be someone better to draft when you drafted them. They arent even in the top half of the NFL IMO, and you only have a 10 team league. Really, I think you got screwed by the keeper league. Having to keep a guy like Brooks while everyone else is protecting top-20 talent makes things tough. I barely even have him in the top 100 players this year. To avoid this problem next year, perhaps you should drop some of your later picks (2nd K and D) and pick up some guys with large upside (i.e. Losman, Orton, Alex Smith, Troy Williamson, Heath Miller, Eli Manning, etc.). Might not do much this year, but maybe you could come up with someone to protect next year, because honestly...burelson might be the only non-RB that I can see the potential to be a top 20 player next season. Maybe Harrington...but I am about done with him.
  3. When you charge 45 dollars for an oil change...and the price of oil goes up a dollar...you just eat the increase. Its amazing people still go there to get their 45 dollar oil changes.
  4. Not a fan. In a 10 team league you should be much stronger than this. Why did you keep Brooks? I am inclined to believe you could have used your 2nd keeper on someone better. Your QB situation is dire. Brooks is average. Vick is problematic, and Harrington is...well...who knows what harrington is. I hate having vick on my team because one week he will get 40 points and you will be in heaven. The next week he gets -10 and you are screwed. I purposely dont draft him because i always play him hoping he gets 40 points and wind up getting screwed. Double points for QB Run Yards helps. Grade : 'C' RB - I like McGahee and R. Johnson. Solid Starters. Bennett / Duckett and Green are either backups now, or could very possibly lose their job during the season. Not bad for backups, but not great either. Grade : 'B' WR - Ouch again. 10 team league and you dont have one of the top 10 recievers! Burleson should be fine. Muhammad scares me. Wont be nearly as good as he was last year unless a) Orton Starts and b) Orton plays well. Both of which are way up in the air. Moulds also has a problem at the QB Position. Stallworth has been a bust year after year. Curtis and Curry are 3rd string guys...and curry is coming off a torn achilles. Grade : D TE - Clark is decent. He is the last of my "tier 2" tight ends, but still pretty good. Troupe is probably not going to help. Grade : C PK - Eh...who cares. A kicker is a kicker. That said...Carney and Hanson? What happened to Longwell, Graham, Stover or Jano? Carney and Hanson are both in the bottom half of kickers in this league. Grade : F DEF - Again, who really cares unless you have Balt...but chicago shold be pretty good, and the colts are a suitable backup. Grade B I just dont understand your team. It is a 10 team league. You have one top 10 QB (Vick) and 2 Top 10 RBs, a top 10 TE and nobody else who is in the top 10 of thier position! You cant expect to win this league with this team. Overall Grade D
  5. Wow. I'll take off the rose colored glasses if you take off your blinders. First off, we did very little (if any) game planning. I dont know what the teams objective was last night. The defense was VERY good (albeit against the bears..but still). Willis had 21 carries for 60 some yards with a very poor performance by the OL, and against one of the better D's in the league. Thats pretty darn good to me! The sheer amount of carries indicates to me, the team wanted to work on the running game last night. The O-Line got beat up last night. No doubt about it. But they played well in the first 2 games, so I give them a slight break against a D the calibur of Chicagos. I hope what I saw of shelton yesterday is NOT what I see all year. That guy could not pick up a blitz or make a block to save his life yesterday. Throw in the unnecessary roughing call and it was a tough day for him. I'm still not singing losman praises yet...but you have to be excited about him not throwing picks, making good decisions (with a few exceptions) , avoiding sacks and running a simple offense (which is what we are running now). It is probably a good call for Mularkey & Co. to try to settle him down some, run a basic offense then step it up. We dont need him to carry this team this year. We need him to be an average QB this year. And that is exactly where he is RIGHT NOW...come December he may be (should be) much better. I think things are coming together nicely. The O-Line is a concern, but lets not let one poor performance over 3 games make us give up on the season! Oh, and dont forget...as poorly as we played...we were still winning when the starters came out. That says alot about this team. I think we will have many games this season similar to this one. Offense struggles...Defense is awsome...we win 14-6. Once JP gets into a rythem...we should be good to go.
  6. In an 8 team league, he COULD last till the 3rd or 4th...but NOT the 7th.
  7. Yes, i think its reasonable...with a couple exceptions...But I dont think its optimal by any means. 1 (6) Willis McGahee(RB) - Fine. Might be better available, but McGahee is okay with this pick. 2 (11) Marvin Harrison (WR) -Too Early. Take another RB. 3 (22) Ahman Green (RB) - Probably about 5 picks too late. 4 (27) Antonio Gates (TE) - Probably reasonable. MIGHT be able to wait until #32. 4 (32) Mike Vick (QB) - About 3 rounds too early. 5 (33) Nate Burelson (WR) - Probably about right...maybe a tad early. Reasonable. 5 (38) Kerry Collins (QB) - Might still be early, even here. 7 (54) Baltimore(Def)(If Balts. not avaliable, I'll take Curtis Martin) - No way. Mark my words...NO WAY Martin is here. I hate taking D early...but if you want to, Balt is an okay pick here...might want to wait a selection or 2 though. 9 (70) (If Baltimore was already selected at 54) Buffalo (Def) -Balt is the only D worth taking before round 12. 10 (75)Larry Fitzgerald (Plaxico Burress if Fitz is NOT avaliable) - Probably too late for fitz, slightly early for Burress...But he will be okay. 11 (86) Best Kicker left on the board, I'm guessing Akers - Picked a kicker 3 rounds too early. 12 (91) Cincy (Def) - 3 Defenses? Never. One D is all you need. Wait until the bye then deal with it. 13 (102) LJ Smith (TE) - Eh...If he is there good pick. 14 (112) Rian Lindell (K) - NEVER draft 2 kickers. Its a waste. Deal with it when the time comes...and Lindell? Come on! Need to separate home team excitement from reality of fantasy football. (did i just say reality of fantasy football???) I think if you played it like this, you would lose Ahman Green and Curtis Martin. Possibly LJ Smith and Fitzgerald. Other than that, you should be able to assemble this team. But there is NO REASON to have 3 Defenses and 2 kickers. That is just insane. Oh, and 2 bandwagons you need to jump off of. 1) Micheal Vicks' and 2) The Buffalo Bills' (at least when it comes to fantasy sports).
  8. Hmm...that guy who took over for Moss in Min!
  9. Well, if you are keeping mcgahee (and you should be)... Curtis Martin and Deshaun Foster cannot be kept. That leaves Owens Moulds Shockey Brooks I think we would agree if you had to choose between Moulds and Owens, Owens would be a no-brainer. So really its between Shockey, Owens and Brooks for the 2nd spot. A couple questions 1) How many teams are in the league 2) What position are you drafting in? I have shockey as the 4th best TE this year. (Behind Gonzo, Gates and Whitten). I assume Gates and Gonzo will be kept...So Shockey is probably the 2nd best TE left in the draft. Brooks on the other hand, I have 13th on my board, but there are alot of quarterbacks around the same level once you get by the top 3 (Mcnabb, Payton and C-Pepp). Brooks, brady, plummer, hasselbeck, dellomme, brees...eh who cares. TO is a top WR. There are alot of good WRs out there. I say dont keep brooks due to the relitive strength of the position. Shockey or TO. I think you have to keep TO since he is a stud WR, and accept the risk that he might do somethign stupid and get kicked off the team or suspended. I could make a good argumet for Shockey as well, as he is likely the best or 2nd best TE who will be left. Shockey, Crump Heap and Clark are all pretty similar in my mind though, so the dropoff wont be that much if you have to take one of the other guys. It would also help us out if you could provide what players you anticipate the other teams keeping.
  10. This has NEVER been his problem . In fact, I would go so far as to say that the only thing drew does better then patting the ball and taking sacks, is finding the reciever who is covered and throwing him the ball.
  11. Wow...you are in a VERY tough position, especially if you take manning. You have the #5 and #24 and #32... If you go manning at #5...chances are just about every worthwhile RB will be gone when it bounces back to you. You might be able to get a JJ Arrington or Tatum Bell...but thats about it. By the time #32 comes around, there will be very few (if any) starters left, and you might be stuck taking your chances on a Fred Taylor or Ronnie Brown. Point is, Manning that early really really handcuffs you, ESPECIALLY in a 14 team league. Realize that in a 14 team league, every team starts 2 RBs...that means 28 RBs need to be taken to be starters. There are only 32 teams in the NFL. Teams like Denver, Tennessee, Cleveland have no set starter at this point, and many others have huge questionmarks in their starters. IMO you NEED to go RB/RB with the #5 pick. Would you rather have E.James / JJ Arrington / McNabb or Manning / Arrington / Tatum Bell? But to answer your original question...YES, it is too early for Collins. Wait on your QB. If you arent going to take my advice and go RB/RB...take a top WR. Many should be sitting there with your 2nd pick, because RBs will be flying off the board. You can get a good QB late in the draft. Manning and Cullpepper are the only 2 worth reaching for...I would maybe take collins if he was still on the board when your 5th round pick came by. BUT...if you go Manning / Chad Johnson....kiss your chances goodbye unless you get REALLY lucky and pick up some guy who just happens to be at the right place at the right time when a starting RB goes down for injuries.
  12. Reed did drop that TD Pass...but it was NOT an easy catch. Cut the guy some slack (on that play at least). He looked good to me last night.
  13. Yes, we need to close our borders. While we are at it, do something to stop cubans from coming here illegally as well. I am all for immigration. But it needs to be done legally. Illegal immigration is hurting our culture and our economy, and it needs to be stopped.
  14. No, I disagree. I agree with the republican philosophy (or at least their campaign philosophy). Smaller Government, Lower Taxes, strong defense, less government involvement in our daily lives, etc. etc. However, they get in office and its more of the same old crap. Its troublesome. A 3rd party candidate (who stood for my values) would get my vote, if for no other reason but to send a message. Its not that I have no political backbone, far from it....its just that neither side of the isle is doing what I want them to be doing as my elected representatives.
  15. I agree with above. However, if you told me you took portis in round 1 and cullpepper in round 2, nobody would be saying anything. So the fact you took him in round 1 and portis in round 2...i guess it really doesnt matter. Does your league only start 1 RB? If so, you did okay....Portis is a good RB, but I would want someone other than Bennet, Goings and Perry backing him up. In fact, Keep bennett, but get rid of goings and perry. Bennett may start, but the others are backups at best. Goings is the 4th RB in Carolina this year (Behind Foster, Shelton and Davis). Pick up some guys with a real chance of playing. (i.e. Jacobs from NYG, Toefield JAX, Anyone from Denver, heck even joe burns is a better play than Goings at the moment.) WR is solid, especially since ward is now in camp. I like crumpler alot this year. Vinny and the Bills are also solid. I think your starting team is good enough to compete with the top of your league...however any injuries and I think you are hurting pretty badly. Oh, and are TDs worth 6 points for a QB? I would really need to see a scoring breakdown...
  16. You would need a crazy left win democrat (Hillary) vs. a Crazy right wing republican (Newt). Then a third party has a chance. The biggest problem is the perception they have no chance. I voted for bush in 04, not because i liked him, but because virginia was close and I didnt want to throw my vote away because kerry scared the hell out of me. The Nader Syndrome (or Perot Syndrome) is the problem. If people voted for who they actually wanted, yes a 3rd party has a chance. The key is convincing the electorate that there is actually a viable chance of the 3rd party winning.
  17. As long as Don Cherry goes to OLN...life will be GREAT
  18. I also hate steven a smith. However, some of the promo commercials looked pretty good. (and by good, i mean the guest list). It seemed (per the commercials) he was asking some tough questions and probably had some decent interviews...but even that is not enough to make me watch that show.
  19. Antwain Winfield did a pretty darn good job in minny last year...
  20. Some of the best things TD does are the things he doesnt do...this gets overloooked way too often.
  21. Upon further review...go to http://datelinehollywood.com/ and see the headlines JACKSON AGREES WITH JURORS WHO REGRET ACQUITTAL “No doubt in my mind whatsoever, that boy was molested,” writes Jackson ------------------------- STUDY: HOLLYWOOD NEEDS FEWER ORIGINAL IDEAS ------------------------- IRONIC MEDIA MARKET NOW BIGGEST SEGMENT OF BUSINESS ’Care Bears’ t-shirts, ‘Showgirls’ DVDs become top selling products Its satire...still funny though.
  22. Gotta be satire. No real journalist would put a screen name in an article..
  23. (Sirens) The analogy police are here to take away your analogy licence... Oil (specifically gasoline) is a very inelastic demand. This means that the price of the good (oil) does not impact demand. Ice cream is very elastic. I go to the store and see that it is $5 for a half gallon, i leave the store without it. Have a buy 1 get one free sale...i take some home. Oil demand has skyrocketed due to a number of things (increased energy consumption, SUVs, global warming (so the left tells us), etc..). While demand is going through the roof, the supply of oil remains constant. It doesnt take an economics major to see that high demand and low supply causes high prices. Again the ice cream analogy is flawed. Supply is drastically reduced, thus driving up the price, leading to lower demand. Two different worlds. There are 2 ways to solve this oil problem. 1) More Supply 2) Lower Demand Period. We have little control over the supply. But even if we did, we do not have enough refineries to process enough oil to meet our increased demand. Therefore, we do need to build more refineries..but it needs to be coupled with a real and sustained effort to lower our demand. Hopefully this is occuring.
  24. The only one who can hit -6 is elkington...I say -3 or -4 wins it...though a playoff at -2 wouldnt suprise me one bit today...
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