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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. eh, i dont have a problem with him being the #3. We need a young guy to be the #3 guy, not shane matthews (though I am glad he is here too...).
  2. The real question that should be asked (if you can hold your breath and not critsize TD for a second) is why could seattle not get a 2nd for alexander? And why could Indianapolis not get a 2nd for James, yet we got a 3rd for Henry?
  3. I admit, I wanted him out of here. I thought he had the ability to be a good kicker, but needed a change of scenery to do so. I am very happy to see him being so sucessful. I still have little confidence in him...but if he keeps going at this rate, he will earn it.
  4. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-r...ov=ap&type=lgns Hurt Groin...Return Questionable
  5. Now that I think of it...they probably have scheduled only one 4PM game in HD every week...and since the Pats are playing...we lose.
  6. Well thats a bummer. I thought for sure this game would be in HD due to the NY media market.
  7. While I dont doubt that we might still have a chance at the playoffs, taking over 1st from new england seems like a very difficult uphill battle. I was suprised to see we were so close to NE in the poll. Course its just a poll, and an unscientific one at that...so it isnt worth anything, but I am suprised about 70 percent of the people didnt take NE.
  8. New England 38% Buffalo 35% Miami 16% NY Jets 11% Whaaaaaa?
  9. Dont see the game in HD listed on Directv. Does anyone know if it is?
  10. Hmm...it seems to me that that is EXACTLY what he did. I dont read anything into it, but it seemed to me thats what he did.
  11. So...what you are saying is that we should put him on special teams to replace campbell?
  12. This poll is horrible. It really needs to be a 1-10 rating scale. I dont think Mularkey is doing a good job, but he isnt doing a horrible one either. I give him a 3 or 4 on a 10 point scale...
  13. No, they get to "Advise and consent". And from what I understand, she comes highly reccomended. The consent phase will begin shortly.
  14. Show me where it is written that there ARE requirements to being a supreme court justice. THERE ARE NONE. You dont have to be a judge. You dont have to be a lawyer. You dont even have to be 20 years old or a US Citizen!. All you have to do is be able to convince people that you have the integrity, competence and the judicial temparment necessary for the job (and that isnt even techically a requirement either!) SHE IS QUALIFIED TO BE A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE.
  15. 1) Who the heck is Bob Gates? 2) What does the Constitution say about the qualifications of being a justice? 3) Abe Fortas??? I am not an expert on him by any means, but I do know he didnt resign becaues he was in over his head...he resigned due to ethical conduct. Conduct he eventualy went to prison for. Bottom line..learn what you are talking about before you speak (or type). EDIT: Okay, you meant BILL gates...but technically speaking, Bill Gates is no less qualified for the supreme court than John Robers, Sandra Day O'Connor or even you.
  16. And if he isnt married...what does he care!
  17. Rudy will never win the nomination. McCain might, rudy wont. A McCain / Rudy ticket doest do much IMO. McCain is a moderate. He would need to do one of 2 things to really help himself out. 1) Pick a strong conservative as a VP 2) Pick a democrat, any democrat will do. I think a McCain / George Allen ticket makes PERFECT sense. Only problem is that both are sitting senators from states with Democratic governors. So the senate gets thrown out of wack.
  18. I am sure you know that she is not qualified because you have investigated her background, know what she has done her whole life, know her political views and her views for the SCOTUS. I am sure you did all this research many days and weeks before today, as if you yourself were making the nomination. You might have even talked with her and found out her personal views and qualifications. Or maybe you didnt. Maybe you just listened to some nutcase on TV tell you about her and you ate it up, like a fat kid with a german chocolate cake. Do some research on her. Listen to what she has to say. The president obviously nominated her for a reason. Yes, I too have my doubts based on what i have heard...but I will reserve judgement until I have a better understanding of who she is. Let the contitutional process begin (again)
  19. Well, to be honest, the Fish have impressed me. I expected them to get 2 wins all season, and here they have beaten Carolina and Denver. Cant say I see them keeping that up, but thus far it has been impressive. Redskins...BLAH. Yes they are 3-0, but they cant score to save their lives. Colts obviously. Everyone knows the killer Offense they have, now put even an average defense aronud them...look out. Cincinnatti...look for the kids to have a GREAT season... Cleveland looks better than I thought they would. Not going to the playoffs (or anywhere close), but I thought they would be MUCH worse than they are. (Same goes for San Fran) And Green Bay suprises me. Not for how well they are doing, but for how awful they are doing. Same with Arizona. I really thought they would be good this year.
  20. JP has an arm, he can run, he doesnt appear to be missing his reads....he is just not accurate. Since this has never been a problem for him in the past, I am not so concerned. Its a tough call going from here. I dont think Holcomb can lead us to the playoffs, so we might as well let JP go this season, let him come back next season and see where he is. if after a few weeks of next season we are looking at the same QB, its time to make a change.
  21. Perhaps that the problem....JP just cant throw a catchable ball...to ANYONE! In all seriousness though, the guy will come around. Might take a year or two (As expected...), but he will come around
  22. She is crazy. But her son died to give her the right to be crazy. However, he did not die to give her the right to break laws. She has every right to be entitled to her opinion, no matter how crazy it is. End of story. This isnt news anymore. Sorry for your loss...time to move on.
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