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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. EOM=End of message.... i.e. You dont actually need to open this to read what i have to say because the title says everything... The more you know....... But I do like End of Mularkey
  2. Man, with all the new threads here lately, you must have dug about 5 pages deep to find that post!
  3. Im just saying let him MAKE UP the plays...let someone ELSE decide when to call them.
  4. and make him the special assistant to the offensive coordnator in charge of trick plays. Let him sit there and say "this would be a good time for a fake qb sneak, this would be a great time to line roscoe up at QB etc..." gotta give the guy credit for creativity...Let him make the cookies, but dont let him stick his hand in the cookie jar.
  5. Sadly Trump is probably the most qualified of the "celebrity governors"clan. Excluding possibly Reagan, but I wanst around when he was running to know what kind of credibility he actually had back then.
  6. How the HE!! does Clayton know how things are going in a meeting he is not in? (or even close to!)
  7. I think....the ticker on the right says "BILLS"....with PTI you never know, they might be talking about the outragous electric bill tony got, or Bill Parcels, or something non-buffalo related, but its worth a shot.. Oh, if you tivo'd it..watch when they are talking about carolina. There is a clip of carolina playing the bills...with travis henry and Larry Centers. How old is that!
  8. Yeah, thats like saying the guy who delivers my newspaper is good, lets elect him mayor.
  9. Cant say I am overly excited or overly upset about this...
  10. http://www.wgrz.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=34254
  11. http://www.samford.edu/ Birmingham alabama...
  12. Doh. Point was...TD was a genious now he is being fired. MM was a great coach building a dynasty after 9-7...now he is a goat. Bledsoe was a hero in 2003, best move ever, Bledsoe was a turd in 2004. We are lucky to keep Jerry Gray, any team would be fortunate to have him as head coach in 2004...in 2005 we Fire Jerry Gray he is worthless. Its amazing how fast people change aroudn here. My hypothetical question of Schobel getting 4 sacks thus making the signing wrong was just an extension of this theory...
  13. But will they still be wrong if he only racks up 4 sacks next year?
  14. It is a bit early to start predicting things. Phillip Rivers was a projected 3rd round pick a couple years ago and went top 5. Last year Antajjh Hawthorne was a projected first rounder, and if i recall correctly went in the 6th round. Barring something crazy, Bush and Leinert will be first rounders, but beyond that...lets at least wait till after the senior bowl.
  15. He probably should if Bush goes pro.
  16. Yeah, you are probably right...but a man can dream cant he?
  17. In case none of you have noticed... The JP Trade, as bad as the actual deal was, was a necessity at the time. We needed a young QB. Green bay was going to take JP a few picks later. We looked at the 2005 draft and saw nobody exciting (Smith and Rogers would be gone before we picked, and there was really nothing else exciting...) Turns out rogers fell ALOT in the next draft, but nobody could have seen that coming. We needed a QB and we got one. You cant fault TD for that. Honestly, my only gripe with TD is the way he has completly neglected the lines, and head coach selection. Alot of other things didnt go as planned (i.e. Bledsoe, etc.), but overall I am happy with the personnel on this team. JUST GET SOME BIG GUYS UP FRONT. Draft Priorities 1) OL 2) DL 3) DB
  18. Let the Mock Drafts Begin
  19. Hmm..didnt the cowboys have one of them a few years back? Seemed to work out for them... Maybe now if we can get Lee Evans to do some coke...
  20. Oh, and BTW, we would have had the 3rd overall pick if we lost to cincy!
  21. While still true, keep in mind that there is a rotation among teams with the same record. For example, there are Five 4-12 teams. Picking 3 through 7 each round, but, although tenessee picks third in the first round, Tenessee will not have the third pick in the 2nd round. I THINK tennessee will have the sixth pick in the 3rd round (our pick), but I am not positive on how that works. But there is a rotation.
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