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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. That herm edwards already found a new home?
  2. Agree. MW was held in the same regard as Debrickshaw Furgeson is right now. Imagnine if we select ferguson and 4 years from now he is Mike Williams. Was it a mistake? Yes. Would Marv be responsible for this mistake? No, not really. Nobody would see it coming. Its a consensus pick. TD gets a pass on the MW pick.
  3. Yeah, he couldnt work with Donavan McNabb...no way he gets along with Losman.
  4. wow, are there any permutation of available coaches and available jobs thats NOT on that webpage?
  5. Well... Obviously yearly salary counts against that years cap. If a player signed a 10 year contract worth 60 million dollars (including a 10 mil bonus), assuming a linear salary distribution (unlikely) his cap would look like this: Year 1: 1mil bonus (10mil/10years) + 5 mil (salary) = 6 mil total cap hit. This continues on until the contrat terminates. Now if a player is cut after year 7, the bonus remaining is escalated. So the remaining 3 mil on his signing bonus is all due in the year he is cut. (there are ways to reduce this and spread it over 2 years, but you wanted the basics). Also, after Week 1, all salaries for the year are guarenteed. (unless you pull a TO...but I wont go there) Thats it in a nutshell. You now know more than 90% of football fans... But You can dig much deeper and learn about incentive pay. Essentially there is likely to be earned bonuses (such as McGahee starting 8 games) and Unlikely to be earned bonuses (Such as Losman throwing for 4000 yards). LTBE incentives count against the cap, unlikely to be earned bonuses dont initially. Also, the reason contract restructurings are typically bad for cap management is because it converts some current salary into a signing bonus, thus increasing the cap number in future years for short term gain. For instance, take player A, he has a 3 year deal worth 36 mil with a 6 mil signing bonus, and again a linear distribution of salary. Year 1 Cap Hit (2 mil bonus + 10 mil salary = 12 mil cap hit) Now after year 1, the team restructures his salary for cap relief in year 2. They do so by taking the 10 mil he is due in salary for year 2, and convert 8 mil of that into a bonus. Year 2 Cap Hit (2 mil bonus + 4 mil bonus (8 mil in new bonus/2 years left on the contract) + 2 mil salary (10 mil original salary-8 mil due to the restucturing). Total Cap hit, 8 mil, a savings of 4 million for the team. BUT...in year 3 watch what happens Year 3 Cap hit (2 mil bonus +4 mil bonus +10 mil salary) = 16 mil total cap hit and the reason Ty Law is no longer on the Patriots. Also note this was assuming a linear salary distribution, a typical NFL contract pays small salaries in year one (due to the large bonus recieved), and escalates as the years go by, thus causing the above affect to be even more pronounced. This is a simple scenario, obviously, the effect can be lessened by getting a player to take a pay cut or increase the length of the contract offer to spread out the new bonus over more years. That said, there are a ZILLION cap rules. There is a reason teams hire respected professionals to do nothing but deal with the cap. You cant expect to nail down excat numbers. Even Clumping Platelets usually cant get it within a couple percent, and he is by far the best I have seen at breaking down the cap numbers. There is also alot of information that we do not know that affects the cap. So I hope that was simple enough to understand. Good luck learning the cap..and when you do, come back and share!
  6. Working good now. musta been some problem here...
  7. Is anyone getting this game in HD? I live in the norfolk va area and cannot get the game in HD...I get a signal on my HD Fox channel, but no HD.
  8. Suprized blackmon got the boot. Also suprised all these defensive coaches are gone, but grey is here. Gotta be some truth to the whole "interview while still a DC" thing
  9. Well...he sure as he!! wasnt the professional dancer! He still does mayne event and golf i believe.
  10. Wow, that was um...interesting...and hillarious. Too bad it was horrible...at any rate, Vote for him to keep this show entertaining! 1-800-868-3403
  11. Mr T and Jesse Ventura. Man what a Photo that would make. Mularkey, Mr.T and the body. with teller from penn and teller as the Strenth and conditioning coach.
  12. Why is losman your wipping boy for this? IMO, losman is the one recent selection you CANT critisize. Rip on McGahee, Rip on Parrish, Rip on Kelsay or Tim Anderson...but i dont get being angry about losman. We needed a QB. Losman was the ONLY top rated QB we had a chance to get after Roth was gone. We could have waited another season, and guess what, there wasnt supposed to be a high rated qb there either (rogers fell ALOT). So without the losman pick, we would possibly have Aaron Rogers right now, or possibly be sitting with the #8 pick thinking about Jay Cutler out of Vandy. Oh and by the way paying drew MASSIVE cash. I dont fault the losman deal one bit.
  13. Donahoe is fired, Donahoe Resigns? Mularkey is up in the air, Mularkey is safe Ralph is president, Ralph is director of football operations Marv is GM, Marv is director of football operations, Ralph is not negotiating with marv Modrak is AGM, Modrak is director of football operations Clements is fired, No coaches have been fired Ralph takes 100cc of prozac, ralph takes 120 cc of prozac I dont know about you...but I cant figure out what IS going on... All I can decipher right now, all these press conferences, and this is all I can make out: Donahoe is gone. Everyone is reporting something different. Ralph contradicts himself 100 times during a press conference, then calls another one to "set the record straight". Its rather amusing to me. Does anyone else REALLY know what is going on?
  14. This is kinda interesting... http://www.jsonline.com/packer/news/jan06/382732.asp
  15. So much for "we'll have an anouncement about the head coach after we have a gm"
  16. This is confirmed on the bills site. If you click on the audio link for todays press conference, there is a "live at 5:15" link
  17. Hour has been up since Clayton reported we would know within the hour about 4 hours ago
  18. I have a quarter of your posts...hardly can be considered a newbie anymore
  19. Thats funny..I was thinking the same thing earlier. How long before Berman thinks of it?
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